This is a modern-English version of A collection of Latin maxims & rules, in law and equity : selected from the most eminent authors, on the civil, canon, feudal, English and Scots law, with an English translation, and an appendix of reference to the authorities from which the maxims are selected, originally written by Halkerston, Peter.
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In law and equity,
Fortescue b. 8.
Fortescue b. 8.
Wm. Bayne, Printer,
James’s Court, Edinburgh.
Wm. Bayne, Printer,
James’s Court, Edinburgh.
Maxims are general principles. General principles afford the most beneficial subjects of reflection: hence it is obvious, that the memory cannot be too well stored with Maxims. With regard to Law, Maxims are the pillars upon which the system is erected. When the memory is stored with them, the Lawyer can have no difficulty in his practice, to fill up the outline.
Maxims are basic principles. Basic principles provide the best topics for reflection, so it's clear that one’s memory should be well-stocked with Maxims. In terms of Law, Maxims are the foundations on which the system stands. When a lawyer has these stored in their memory, they won’t struggle to complete the details in their practice.
The collection of Maxims here presented to the Public, is, I believe, as extensive as any that has hitherto been published. I have omitted none that I could discover to be of any utility. With regard to the translation, it does not become me to say much. It has cost me some labour, and I trust will be found to be useful. That it is in every respect perfect, it would be wrong in me to suppose. I trust, however, that on the whole it will be found pretty correct.
The collection of Maxims presented here to the public is, I believe, as comprehensive as any that has been published so far. I have included everything I could find that might be useful. As for the translation, I won’t say much. It took me some effort, and I hope it will be helpful. It would be incorrect for me to assume that it is perfect in every way. However, I hope that overall, it will be considered fairly accurate.
St. James’s Square, 18th December, 1822.
St. James’s Square, December 18, 1822.
Regula est quæ rem quæ est breviter enarrat, non ut ex regula jus sumatur, sed ex jure, quod est, regula fiat. Per regulam igitur brevis rerum narratio est, quæ, simul cum in aliquo vitiata est, perdit officium suum.—L. 1. ff. de Regulis Juris Antiqui.
Regulation is what briefly explains a matter, not to derive law from a rule but to establish a rule based on what the law is. Thus, a rule is a brief account of things, which, if it becomes flawed in any way, loses its function.—L. 1. ff. de Regulis Juris Antiqui.
A rule of law is a maxim inferred from several cases depending on the same ground of law. The rule is formed from the law that governs these cases, and not the law from the rule. And the rule must be applied duly to the proper cases; for otherwise it loses its force, and is of no significancy.
A guideline of law is a principle derived from multiple cases based on the same legal grounds. The rule is established from the law that applies to these cases, not the other way around. Additionally, the rule must be appropriately applied to the relevant cases; otherwise, it loses its impact and becomes meaningless.
Law and Fairness.
A communi observantia non est recedendum; et minime mutandæ sunt quæ certam interpretationem habent.
A community observance should not be disregarded; and those that have a clear interpretation must not be changed.
We must not depart rashly from common observance; and those points are by no means to be changed, which admit of a clear interpretation.
We shouldn't quickly abandon common practices; and those points that can be clearly understood should definitely not be changed.
A digniori fieri debet denominatio et resolutio.
A title and resolution should be derived from a person of high status.
Title and acquittal ought to proceed from the more worthy person.
Title and acquittal should come from the more deserving person.
A facto ad jus non datur consequentia.
A fact does not automatically lead to a legal consequence.
A fact does not necessarily constitute a right.
A fact doesn't automatically mean there's a right.
A non posse ad non esse sequitur argumentum necessarie negativè, licet non affirmativè.
A non posse ad non esse leads to a necessarily negative argument, although not an affirmative one.
From the impossibility of a thing to its nonentity, the argument or proof follows of necessity, negatively, though not affirmatively.
From the impossibility of something to its non-existence, the argument or proof necessarily follows, negatively, though not positively.
A principalioribus seu dignioribus est inchoandum.
A principal or dignified person should start.
We must begin with the more noble, or more important matters; or in other words, we must attend to things of the greatest consequence.
We should start with the more important issues; in other words, we need to focus on the things that matter most.
A rescriptis valet argumentum.
A rescript is valid evidence.
An argument or proof is valid, from a rescript or letter of a prince or emperor, making answers to petitions, or other applications; or more laconically, the king’s answer, wherein he signifies his pleasure, amounts to a law, and is not to be disputed.
An argument or proof is valid when it comes from a response or letter from a prince or emperor addressing petitions or other requests; or more simply, the king’s response, which indicates his will, is considered law and cannot be challenged.
A verbis legis non est recedendum.
A verbis legis non est recedendum.
We must not depart from the letter of the law.
We must not stray from the letter of the law.
Ab assuetis non fit injuria.
No harm is done from custom.
From customary treatment no injury happens; or habit is not an injury.
From normal treatment, no harm occurs; or habit is not harm.
Absoluta sententia expositore non indiget.
A definitive statement needs no explanation.
An absolute or perfect opinion or sentence, needs no expounder, exposition, or explanation.
A perfect opinion or statement doesn’t need anyone to interpret, explain, or clarify it.
Absurdum est, affirmare, re credendum esse non judici.
Absurd to say that faith should not be judged.
It is absurd to affirm, that we must not give credit to a judge.
It’s ridiculous to say that we shouldn’t trust a judge.
Abundans cautela non nocet.
Better safe than sorry.
An excess of cautionary does no harm.
Too much caution does no harm.
Accessorium non ducit sed sequitur suum principale.
Accessorium does not lead but follows its principal.
An accessary does not lead, but follows his principal.
An accessory doesn't lead; it follows its principal.
Accessorium sequitur naturam rei cui accidit.
Accessorium follows the nature of the thing to which it is attached.
An accessary follows the nature of the thing to which it relates.
An accessory complements the nature of the thing it relates to.
Accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis.
The accessory follows the nature of its principal.
An accessary follows the nature of his principal.
An accessory follows the nature of its principal.
Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere.
Accusing someone of wrongdoing isn't as much about accepting what justice demands as it is about forcing them into it.
To receive any thing, that you may do justice, is not so much to receive, as to extort.
To receive anything, just so you can do justice, isn’t really about receiving; it’s more like taking by force.
Accusare nemo se debet, nisi coram Deo.
Accusare nemo se debet, nisi coram Deo.
Nobody ought to accuse himself unless before God.
Nobody should blame themselves unless it's in front of God.
Accusator post rationabile tempus non est audiendus, nisi se bene de omissione excusaverit.
Accusators shouldn't be heard after a reasonable amount of time unless they provide a good excuse for the delay.
An accuser after a reasonable time ought not to be heard, unless he excuse himself well, concerning his neglect or omission.
An accuser shouldn't be heard after a reasonable amount of time unless they can adequately explain their neglect or omission.
Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta.
Outer actions indicate inner secrets.
External actions point out secret intentions within.
External actions reveal hidden intentions inside.
Actio casus apud nostrates ea est, qua ut inter bonos bene agere oporteat et sine fraudatione.
Actio casus among us is where it is necessary for good people to act well and without wrongdoing.
The pleading of a cause among our countrymen, implies an obligation to act fairly, like good men, and without an intention to defraud any one.
The act of arguing a case among our fellow citizens requires a duty to behave honestly, like decent people, and without any intention to deceive anyone.
Actio contra defunctum cœpta, continuitur in hæredes.
Acting against a deceased person continues against their heirs.
An action begun against a person who dies, may be transferred against his heirs.
If an action is started against a person who dies, it can be transferred to their heirs.
Actio datur si quis arma, in aliquo loco posita, delevit seu abrasit.
Actio is granted if someone has destroyed or burned weapons placed in a certain location.
An action is competent against any one, who hath destroyed, impaired, or carried away arms, which have been deposited in any place.
An action can be taken against anyone who has destroyed, damaged, or removed weapons that have been stored in any location.
Actio non datur non damnificato.
Action is not allowed without harm.
An action is not allowed to one who has sustained no loss.
An action isn't permitted for someone who hasn't suffered any loss.
Actio non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.
Act doesn’t make a person guilty unless there is a guilty mind.
An action does not constitute a man guilty unless he has a bad intention.
An action doesn't make a person guilty unless they have bad intentions.
Actio personalis moritur cum persona.
Personal actions die with the person.
A personal action dies with the person.
A personal action ends when the person does.
Actio pœnalis in hæredem non datur, nisi forte ex damno locupletior hæres factus sit.
Actio pœnalis against an heir is not allowed, unless the heir has become wealthier due to the damages.
A penal action is not sustained against an heir, unless by chance the heir hath become richer by the loss of the party.
A legal action isn't brought against an heir unless, by chance, the heir has benefited from the loss of the deceased party.
Actionum genera maxime sunt servanda.
Action genres should be prioritized.
The nature of actions is strictly to be observed.
The nature of actions should be carefully observed.
Actus incœptus cujus perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium revocari potest; si autem pendet ex voluntate tertiæ personæ vel ex contingenti, revocari non potest.
Actus incœptus, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, can be revoked; however, if it depends on the will of a third party or a contingency, it cannot be revoked.
An act, or deed begun, the completion of which depends upon the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depends upon the will of a third person, or upon a contingent circumstance, it cannot be recalled.
An act or deed that has started but is not finished until the parties agree can be canceled; however, if it relies on the decision of someone else or a specific condition, it cannot be undone.
Actus legitimi non recipiunt modum.
Legal acts do not have a form.
Legitimate acts or deeds, do not admit of being modified, bounded, or stinted.
Legitimate acts or deeds cannot be changed, limited, or restricted.
Actor sequitur forum rei.
Actor follows the matter.
The agent attends the court where the business is carried on.
The agent goes to the court where the business is conducted.
Actore non probante absolvitur reus.
The accused is acquitted if the actor does not prove.
When the accuser cannot prove his charge, the accused is acquitted.
When the accuser can't prove their claim, the accused is cleared.
Actori incumbit onus probandi.
The burden of proof lies with the plaintiff.
The burden of proving lies upon the prosecutor.
The responsibility to prove lies with the prosecutor.
Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam.
God's actions cause no harm.
The act or visitation of God does injury to nobody.
The act or visitation of God hurts no one.
Actus judicarius coram non judice irritus habetur; de ministeriali autem a quocunque provenit, ratum esto.
Actus judicarius coram non judice irritus habetur; de ministeriali autem a quocunque provenit, ratum esto.
A judicial act, not in the presence of a judge, is considered void; but acts proceeding from persons in a judicial capacity ought to be ratified.
A judicial act that isn't conducted in front of a judge is deemed invalid; however, actions taken by individuals in a judicial role should be approved.
Actus legis nemini facit injuriam.
The law does no one harm.
An act or deed of law does harm to nobody.
An act or legal action doesn’t hurt anyone.
Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus.
Act done against my will is not my act.
An act done involuntarily on my part, is not my act.
An action done involuntarily by me is not my action.
Actus servi in iis quibus opera ejus communiter adhibita est, actus domini habetur.
Act of a servant in matters where their work is usually applied is considered an act of the master.
An act of a servant in those things in which he is commonly employed with others, is considered the act of his master.
An action taken by a servant in areas where they typically work with others is regarded as the action of their employer.
Ad ea quæ frequentius accidunt jura adaptantur.
Ad ea quae frequentius accidunt jura adaptantur.
The laws are adapted to those things which most frequently happen.
The laws are tailored to the things that happen most often.
Ad electionem non cogitur qui statim mortuo testatore eligere non potuit.
Ad electionem non cogitur qui statim mortuo testatore eligere non potuit.
He is not compelled to make an election, who is not in a capacity to do it, immediately on the death of the testator.
He isn't required to make a choice if he's not in a position to do so right after the death of the person who made the will.
Ad questionem legis non respondent juratores sed judices.
Ad questionem legis non respondent juratores sed judices.
The judges, and not the jurors, determine the question of law.
The judges, not the jurors, decide on legal matters.
Ad questionem facti non respondent judices sed juratores.
Ad questionem facti non respondent judices sed juratores.
The jury, and not the judges, determine the question of fact.
The jury, not the judges, decides the question of fact.
Adhuc sub judice lis est.
The case is still pending.
The matter is as yet undetermined.
The issue is still open.
Admiralitas jurisdictionem non habet super iis quæ communi lege dirimuntur.
Admiralty doesn't have jurisdiction over matters resolved by common law.
The Admirality Court has no jurisdiction over those matters which are determined by common law.
The Admiralty Court doesn't have authority over matters that are handled by common law.
Adversus periculum naturalis ratio permittit se defendere.
Adversus periculum naturalis ratio permittit se defendere.
Natural reason allows one to defend himself against danger.
Natural reason enables a person to protect themselves from danger.
Aer, lux, aqua profluens, feræ, nulli propria, omnibus communia.
Aer, light, flowing water, wild animals, none are exclusive, all are shared.
Air, light, the running water, and wild beasts, are the property of none, but common to all.
Air, light, running water, and wild animals belong to no one but are shared by everyone.
Ædificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat.
You can't build on your own land if it harms someone else.
To build on ones own property is not allowed, when it may be hurtful to another.
Building on your own property isn't allowed if it could harm someone else.
Æquitas casibus medetur.
Justice heals cases.
Equity remedies chances or misfortunes.
Equity remedies opportunities or setbacks.
Æquitas curiæ cancellariæ quasi filia conscientiæ obtemperat secundum regulas curiæ.
Æquitas of the court of Chancery, like the child of conscience, obeys the rules of the court.
The equity of the Court of Chancery, as if it were the daughter of conscience, is subject to the rules of Court.
The equity of the Court of Chancery, like the daughter of conscience, is bound by the rules of the Court.
Æquitas defectus supplet.
Justice compensates for flaws.
Equity supplies defects.
Equity provides defects.
Æquitas erroribus medetur.
Justice heals wrongs.
Equity rectifies mistakes.
Equity corrects mistakes.
Æquitas est convenientia rerum quæ cuncta eo æquiparat, et quæ, in paribus rationibus, paria jura et judicia desiderat.
Æquity is the alignment of things that equalizes everything and seeks equal rights and judgments in similar situations.
Equity is the suitableness of circumstances, which equalizes all things, and which in similar matters, requires similar laws and judgments.
Equity is the appropriateness of circumstances that levels the playing field and ensures that similar situations are treated with similar laws and decisions.
Æquitas est correctio legis generaliter latæ, qua parte deficit.
Æquitas is the correction of the law in general, where it falls short.
Equity is the correction of the law generally enacted in the part where it is deficient.
Equity is the adjustment of the law that's usually established in the areas where it falls short.
Æquitas est quasi æqualitas.
Equity is like equality.
Equity is as it were, an equality.
Equity is basically equality.
Æquum et bonum est lex legum.
Æquum et bonum est lex legum.
That which is just and good is the law of laws.
What is fair and good is the ultimate law.
Æquitas ex lege generaliter lata aliquid excipit.
Æquitas from the law generally includes something.
Equity admits some exception of something from the law generally enacted.
Equity allows for some exceptions to the laws that are generally put in place.
Æquitas ignorantiæ opitulatur oscitantiæ non item.
Æquitas helps the ignorant, but not the lazy.
Equity assists ignorance, but not in like manner carelessness.
Equity helps ignorance, but not in the same way it helps carelessness.
Æquitas in eum qui vult summo jure agere, summum jus intendit.
Æquitas for someone who wants to act with the highest right aims for the highest justice.
Equity stretches the utmost point of law towards him who wishes to act according to the rigour of the law.
Equity extends the limits of the law to those who want to act strictly within its boundaries.
Æquitas in paribus causis paria jura desiderat.
Equality in similar cases demands equal rights.
Equity in like causes requires like laws.
Equity in similar situations requires similar laws.
Æquitas jurisdictiones non confundit.
Equity does not confuse jurisdictions.
Equity does not confound jurisdiction.
Equity doesn't confuse jurisdiction.
Æquitas liberationi et seizinæ favet.
Equity favors freedom and ownership.
Equity favours, or gives countenance to deliverance and seizen.
Equity supports or allows for release and possession.
Æquitas naturam rei non mutat.
Equity does not change the nature of things.
Equity does not change the nature of a thing.
Equity doesn’t change what something is.
Æquitas neminem juvat cum injuria alterius.
Æquity doesn't benefit anyone when it harms another.
Equity assists nobody to the injury of another.
Equity doesn't help one person at the expense of another.
Æquitas nil statuit nisi in partes.
Æquitas doesn't establish anything unless it's divided into parts.
Equity determines nothing unless towards the parties.
Equity doesn't decide anything unless it's regarding the parties involved.
Æquitas nomine pœnæ constitutis remedium ex æquo et bono præstat.
Æquitas, by the name of penalty, provides a remedy that is just and fair.
Equity furnishes a remedy to matters which have been appointed under the name of a punishment, agreeable to what is just and good.
Equity provides a solution for issues that have been labeled as punishment, in line with what is fair and right.
Æquitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatur.
Æquity does not create law but supports the law.
Equity does not constitute law, but assists law.
Equity isn't law, but it supports the law.
Æquitas non medetur defectu eorum quæ jure positivo requisita sunt.
Æquity does not remedy the shortcomings of what is required by positive law.
Equity does not supply the deficiency of those things which are required by positive law.
Equity doesn’t fill the gaps of what is needed by statutory law.
Æquitas non sinit eum qui jus verum tenuit extremum jus persequi.
Æquitas doesn’t allow anyone who has held true rights to pursue ultimate justice.
Equity does not allow him who hath obtained a true right, to prosecute it to the utmost extremity.
Equity doesn't permit someone who has a legitimate right to pursue it to its fullest extent.
Æquitas non sinit ut eandem rem duplici via simul quis persequatur.
Equity does not allow someone to pursue the same matter in two different ways at the same time.
Equity does not permit any one at the same time to follow out, or prosecute the same thing in a twofold way.
Equity doesn't allow anyone to pursue the same issue in two different ways at the same time.
Æquitas non supplet ea quæ in manu orantis esse possunt.
Æquity does not make up for what can be in the hands of the one who is praying.
Equity does not supply those things which may be in the hand or grasp of an applicant.
Equity doesn’t provide things that an applicant may already have or hold.
Æquitas non tenetur adjuvare ubi non est nodus dignus vindice.
Æquitas doesn't have to help where there is no deserving party to defend.
Equity is not bound to assist unless when the occasion renders it necessary.
Equity isn't required to help unless the situation calls for it.
Æquitas non vaga atque incerta est, sed terminos habet atque limites præfinitas.
Æquity is not vague and uncertain; it has clear boundaries and defined limits.
Equity is not vague and uncertain, but has determinate or prescribed boundaries and limits.
Equity isn't vague or uncertain; it has clear and defined boundaries and limits.
Æquitas non vult res novas atque inusitatas inducere.
Æquitas doesn’t want to introduce new and unusual things.
Equity does not incline to introduce new and unusual things.
Equity doesn't tend to bring in new and unusual things.
Æquitas nunquam contravenit legi.
Equity never contradicts the law.
Equity never contravenes the law.
Equity never violates the law.
Æquitas nunquam liti ancillatur ubi remedium potest dare.
Æquity is never a servant to litigation where there is a remedy available.
Equity is never the handmaid to strife, where she can give a remedy.
Equity is never a supporter of conflict when she has the power to provide a solution.
Æquitas opitulatur ubi pensationi damni locus est.
Æquitas helps where there is a need to compensate for loss.
Equity assists where there is room for the compensation of a loss.
Equity helps when there's an opportunity to make up for a loss.
Æquitas pars legis Angliæ.
Equity is part of English law.
Equity (is) part of the English law.
Equity is part of English law.
Æquitas rei oppignoratæ redemptionibus favet.
Equity supports the redemption of pledged property.
Equity is favourable for the redemption of a thing given in pawn.
Equity is favorable for redeeming something that has been pawned.
Æquitas rem ipsam intuetur de forma et circumstantiis minus anxia.
Æquitas looks at the matter itself with less concern for form and circumstances.
Equity considers the matter itself, less anxious about the form and circumstances.
Equity focuses on the issue at hand, paying less attention to the format and details.
Æquitas sequitur legem.
Justice follows the law.
Equity follows or attends the law.
Equity follows or aligns with the law.
Æquitas supervacua odit.
Equality hates unnecessary things.
Equity hates superfluous matters.
Equity dislikes unnecessary issues.
Æquitas uxoribus, liberis, creditoribus maxime favet.
Æquitas is especially favorable to wives, children, and creditors.
Equity is favourable to wives, children, and chiefly to creditors.
Equity is beneficial for wives, children, and especially for creditors.
Æquitas veritatis filia, bonitatis et justitiæ soror.
Æquitas, daughter of truth, sister of goodness and justice.
Equity is the daughter of truth, and the sister of goodness and justice.
Equity is the child of truth and the sibling of goodness and justice.
Æquitas vult domum quod alteri obsit ex causa æque favorabili esse ac id quod aufert.
Æquitas wants a situation where one person's gain doesn't harm another's, and it should be as favorable as what is taken away.
Equity wishes that the house which may be injurious to another should be in the predicament, equally favourable to that other, as that which it takes from him.
Equity wants that the house which might harm someone else should be in a situation just as favorable to that person as the one it takes away from them.
Æquitas vult omnibus modis ad veritatem pervenire.
Æquitas wants to reach the truth in every way possible.
Equity wishes by all means to arrive at truth.
Equity aims to reach the truth by all means necessary.
Æquitas vult spoliatos, vel deceptos, vel lapsos ante omnia restituti.
Æquitas wants those who have been stripped, deceived, or fallen to be restored above all else.
Equity wishes the spoiled, the deceived, and the ruined, above all things to have restitution.
Equity wants the spoiled, the deceived, and the ruined to have compensation above all else.
Æstimatio præteriti delicto ex postremo facto nunquam crescit.
Æstimatio præteriti delicto ex postremo facto nunquam crescit.
An estimation of the past never increases from the fault last committed.
An assessment of the past never improves based on the mistake that was made before.
Affectio tua nomen imponit operi tuo.
Affectio tua nomen imponit operi tuo.
Your affection fixes a character upon your service.
Your love defines your character in your service.
Affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus.
Affectus is punished even if the effect does not follow.
The inclination is punished although the effect may not follow.
The intention is punished even if the outcome doesn't occur.
Affirmanti, non neganti, incubit probatio.
The burden of proof is on the affirming party.
The burden of proving rests upon the person affirming, not upon him denying.
The responsibility of proving lies with the person making the claim, not with the one denying it.
Affirmativum, negativum implicat.
Affirmative implies negative.
The affirmative implies the existence of the negative.
The positive suggests the existence of the negative.
Agentes et consentientes pari pœna plectentur.
Agencies and consenting parties will face the same punishment.
The principals and accessories should suffer the same punishment.
The main offenders and accomplices should face the same consequences.
Alea et ganea res turpissimæ.
Gambling and cheating are disgusting.
The dice and the brothel are infamous things.
The dice and the brothel are well-known for their bad reputation.
Aliud est possidere, aliud esse in possessione.
Aliud is to possess, aliud is to be in possession.
It is one thing to possess, and another thing to be in possession.
It’s one thing to own something, and another to have it in your hands.
Aliud est vendere, aliud vendenti consentire.
Aliud is selling, aliud is agreeing to sell.
It is one thing to sell, and another thing to agree to the persons selling.
It’s one thing to sell, and another thing to agree with the people selling.
Aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa; quia non potest esse judex et pars.
Aliquis shouldn't be a judge in their own case; because they can't be both a judge and a party.
One ought not to be judge in his own cause, because he cannot be a judge and a party.
One shouldn't be a judge in their own case because you can't be both a judge and a party involved.
Allegans contraria non est audiendus.
Allegans contraria non est audiendus.
A person alleging contradictory things ought not to be heard.
A person claiming contradictory things should not be taken seriously.
Allegans suam turpitudinem non est audiendus.
Alleging your own shame should not be listened to.
A person alleging his own disgrace is not to be heard.
A person claiming their own shame should not be taken seriously.
Allegari non debuit quod probatum non relevat.
Allegari should not have been something that proved irrelevant.
That ought not to be alleged, which, when tried is irrelevant.
That shouldn’t be claimed if it's irrelevant when examined.
Alterius circumventio alii non præbet actionem.
Alterius circumvention doesn’t provide grounds for action against another.
The deceiving of one person does not afford an action to another.
Deceiving one person doesn’t give someone else the right to act.
Alternativa petitio non est audienda.
Alternative requests will not be heard.
An alternative petition is not to be heard.
An alternative petition will not be considered.
Ambigua autem intentio ita accipienda est, ut res salva actori sit.
Ambiguous intentions should be understood in such a way that the matter remains safe for the actor.
An ambiguous answer is so to be understood that the interest of the pleader may be safe.
An ambiguous answer is meant to be interpreted in a way that protects the interests of the one making the plea.
Ambigua responsio contra proferentem est accipienda.
Ambiguous responses should be interpreted against the party that issued them.
An ambiguous answer is to be considered as against the person who gives it.
An unclear answer should be seen as unfavorable to the person providing it.
Ambiguis casibus semper præsumitur pro rege.
Ambiguous cases are always presumed to favor the king.
In doubtful cases there is always a presumption in behalf of the king.
In uncertain situations, there is always a presumption in favor of the king.
Ambiguitas verborum latens verificatione facti tollitur.
Ambiguity of words is resolved by verifying the facts.
The latent ambiguity of words is removed by the establishment of the fact.
The hidden uncertainty of words is cleared up by establishing the fact.
Ambiguitas verborum latens, verificatione suppletur; nam quod ex facto oritur ambiguum, verificatione facti tollitur.
Ambiguity in words is clarified by verification; for what arises from a fact as ambiguous is resolved through the verification of that fact.
The latent ambiguity of words is supplied by their verification; for the ambiguity which arises from the fact, is taken away by its being verified.
The hidden ambiguity of words is clarified through their verification; because the ambiguity that comes from the facts is removed once it’s verified.
Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione excluditur.
Ambiguity in words is not excluded by any verification.
The evident ambiguity of words is excluded by no verification.
The clear uncertainty of words cannot be ruled out by any confirmation.
Ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est.
Ambiguous agreements should be interpreted against the seller.
An ambiguous agreement is to be interpreted against the seller.
An unclear agreement should be interpreted in favor of the buyer.
Ambiguum placitum interpretari debet contra proferentem.
Ambiguous terms should be interpreted against the party that presented them.
An ambiguous order is to be interpreted against the person uttering it.
An unclear order should be interpreted against the person giving it.
Angliæ jura in omni casu libertatis dant favorem.
Anglo-American laws always favor liberty in every case.
The laws of England in every case give countenance to liberty.
The laws of England always support freedom.
Animalia fera, si facta sint mansueta, et ex consuetudine eunt et redeunt, volant et revolant, ut Cervi, Cygni, &c. eousque nostra sunt; et ita intelliguntur quamdiu habuerunt animum revertendi.
Animalia fera, if they have been tamed, and through habit come and go, fly and hover, like deer, swans, etc., are ours to that extent; and they are understood as long as they have the intention to return.
Wild animals, if they have become tame, and go and return, fly back and fore, and habitually, as stags and swans, &c. are so far ours, and are so understood to be, so long as they are inclined to return to us.
Wild animals, if they have become domesticated and come and go freely, like stags and swans, etc., are considered ours and are understood to be so as long as they choose to come back to us.
Animi notum vultus detegit.
A person's true face shows.
The countenance is the index of the mind.
The face reflects what’s going on in the mind.
Animus hominis est anima scripti.
The spirit of a person is the soul of writing.
The mind of man is the soul of his writing.
The mind of a person is the essence of their writing.
Aperte impossibilia cum dicuntur non faciunt calumniam.
Aperte impossibilia cum dicuntur non faciunt calumniam.
Impossibilities when they are spoken openly, do not constitute calumny.
Impossibilities, when discussed openly, do not amount to slander.
Apices juris non sunt jura.
The peaks of law aren't laws.
The extreme points of the law are not the laws.
The extreme points of the law aren't the laws themselves.
Applicatio est vita regulæ.
Application is the life of the rule.
Application is the life of rule.
Application is what brings rules to life.
Arbitrio domini res æstimari debet.
The lord should assess the property.
Property ought to be valued at the will of the owner.
Property should be valued according to the owner's wishes.
Argumenta ignota et obscura ad lucem rationis proferunt et reddunt splendida.
Argumenta ignota et obscura ad lucem rationis proferunt et reddunt splendida.
Arguments bring forward to the light of reason, unknown and obscure facts, and render them clear.
Arguments bring unknown and obscure facts into the light of reason and make them clear.
Argumentum a divisione, est fortissimum in jure.
Argumentum a divisione is very strong in law.
An argument from division is the strongest in the law.
An argument from division is the most powerful in the law.
Argumentum a majori ad minus, negativè, non valet; valet e converso.
Argument from the greater to the lesser, negated, doesn't hold; the opposite does.
An argument from the greater to the less negatively, has no weight; contrariwise.
An argument that goes from the greater to the less negative doesn't hold any weight; the opposite is true.
Argumentum a simili valet in lege.
Argument by analogy is valid in law.
An argument from a like case has weight in law.
A precedent from a similar case carries legal weight.
Argumentum ab authoritate est fortissimum in lege.
Argument from authority is the strongest in law.
An argument drawn from authority is very strong in law.
An argument based on authority is very strong in law.
Argumentum ab impossibili, plurimum valet in lege.
Argument from impossibility holds significant weight in law.
An argument from an impossibility has very great weight in law.
An argument based on impossibility carries a lot of weight in law.
Argumentum ab inconvenienti est validum in lege; quia lex non permittit aliquod inconveniens.
Argument from inconvenience is valid in law; because the law does not allow any inconvenience.
An argument from an incongruous thing is not valid in law, because the law does not allow any thing incongruous. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
An argument based on something incongruous isn’t valid in law, because the law doesn’t permit anything incongruous. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Arma in armatos sumere jura sinunt.
Arms allow us to take up justice against those who bear arms.
The laws allow to take arms against the armed.
The laws permit taking up arms against those who are armed.
Assignatus utitur jure auctoris.
The assignee uses the author's rights.
An assignee enjoys the privilege of his author.
An assignee has the same rights as their author.
Aucupia verborum sunt judice indigna.
Words are unworthy of judgment.
Hunting curiously for words is unworthy of a judge.
Searching for words with curiosity is not suitable for a judge.
Authoritates philosophorum, medicorum, et poetarum, sunt in causis allegandæ et tenendæ.
Authorities of philosophers, doctors, and poets should be cited and respected in matters.
The authorities of philosophers, physicians, and poets, are to be regarded and held in law.
The authority of philosophers, doctors, and poets should be respected and upheld by the law.
Baratriam committit qui propter pecuniam justitiam baractat.
Baratriam commits those who twist justice for money.
He commits barratry who barters justice for money.
He commits barratry when he trades justice for money.
Benedicta est expositio quando res redimitur a destructione.
Benedicta est expositio quando res redimitur a destructione.
It is a blessed exposure when the thing is redeemed from destruction.
It’s a wonderful thing when something is saved from being destroyed.
Beneficium non datum nisi propter officium.
Beneficium is only given for duty.
A favour is not granted, unless on account of service.
A favor isn't given unless it's in return for a service.
Beneficium non datur nisi officii causa.
Beneficium is only given for the sake of duty.
A benefice is not granted but for the sake of duty.
A benefice is only given for the sake of duty.
Beneficium clericale omnibus patet ubi pœna capitalis statuto inducitur, nisi ex expresso tollatur.
Beneficium clericale is available to everyone where the death penalty is established by statute, unless it is explicitly removed.
The benefit of the clergy is open to all, when capital punishment is inflicted by the statute, unless it be taken away expressly.
The benefit of the clergy is available to everyone when the law imposes the death penalty, unless it’s explicitly removed.
Beneficium principis debet esse mansurum.
The benefit of the prince must endure.
The kindness of a prince ought to be permanent.
The kindness of a prince should be lasting.
Benigne faciendæ sunt interpretationes chartarum, ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
Benign interpretations of charts are such that things may thrive rather than perish.
The meaning or interpretation of writs is to be favourably taken, that the matter may rather succeed than perish.
The meaning or interpretation of writs should be taken positively, so that the matter is more likely to succeed than fail.
Benigne faciendæ sunt interpretationes, ut res magis valeat quam pereat, et ut voletur repugnantia et supervacua.
Benign interpretations are to be preferred so that things are valued more than wasted, and to avoid conflict and unnecessary issues.
Interpretations are to be made favourably, that the thing may succeed rather than perish; and what is repugnant and superfluous may be avoided.
Interpretations should be made positively so that things can succeed instead of fail, and what is unnecessary or unwanted should be avoided.
Benigne faciendæ sunt interpretationes propter simplicitatem laicorum, ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
Benign interpretations are important for the simplicity of laypeople, so that things can flourish rather than perish.
Interpretations are to be favourably given of the simplicity of the laity, that the affair may rather prosper than perish.
Interpretations should be viewed positively regarding the simplicity of the laypeople, so that the situation may succeed rather than fail.
Benignior sententia in verbis generalibus seu dubiis, est præferenda.
Benign opinions in general or uncertain terms should be preferred.
The more favourable opinion in general or doubtful words is to be preferred.
The more favorable opinion in general or uncertain terms should be preferred.
Benignius leges interpretandæ sunt, quo voluntas earum conservetur.
Benign laws should be interpreted in a way that preserves their intent.
The laws are to be more favourably explained that their will or intention may be preserved.
The laws should be explained more positively so that their purpose or intent can be maintained.
Bis idem exegi bona fides non patitur; et in satisfactionibus, non permittitur amplius fieri quam semel factum est.
Bis idem exegi bona fides non patitur; et in satisfactionibus, non permittitur amplius fieri quam semel factum est.
Honesty does not suffer the same thing to be exacted twice; and in satisfaction it is not granted that more be done than hath been once done.
Honesty doesn't allow the same thing to be demanded twice; and in making amends, it isn't fair to expect more than what has already been done.
Bona fides non patitur, ut bis idem exigatur.
Bona fides doesn't allow the same thing to be demanded twice.
Honesty does not permit the same thing to be exacted twice.
Honesty doesn’t allow the same thing to be demanded twice.
Bonæ fidei possessor, in id tantum quod ad se pervenerit, tenetur.
Bonafide possessor is only responsible for what has come into their possession.
A bona fide possessor is bound only with respect to that which has come to him.
A genuine possessor is only responsible for what has come into their possession.
Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem.
It's the judge's role to expand jurisdiction.
It is the property of a good judge to enlarge his jurisdiction.
A good judge knows how to broaden their authority.
Boni judicis est ampliare justitiam.
It's a judge's duty to expand justice.
It is the property of a good judge to enlarge or extend justice.
A good judge has the ability to expand or enhance justice.
Boni judicis est causas litium dirimere.
Boni judicis is to settle disputes.
It is the property of a good judge to put an end to the causes of litigation.
A good judge has the ability to resolve the reasons for legal disputes.
Boni judicis est judicium sine dilatione mandare executioni.
Boni judicis is for the judge to carry out the judgment without delay.
It is the property of a good judge to give a mandate for execution without delay.
A good judge acts quickly to issue an order for execution without any delays.
Boni judicis est lites dirimere, ne lis ex lite oritur; et interest reipublicæ ut sint fines litium.
Boni judicis is to resolve disputes so that a conflict doesn’t arise from a conflict; it’s important for the republic that there are limits to lawsuits.
It is the property of a good judge to put an end to law suits, lest law suit should arise out of law suit; and it is the interest of the state that there be limits to law suits.
A good judge has the responsibility to resolve lawsuits so that one lawsuit doesn’t lead to another, and it's in the state's interest to have limits on lawsuits.
Bonus judex secundum æquum et bonum judicat, et æquitatem stricto juri præfert.
Bonus judge judges according to fairness and goodness, and prefers equity over strict law.
A good judge decides according to what is just and good; and prefers equity to strict law.
A good judge makes decisions based on what is fair and right; they value equity over strict legal rules.
Bonum defendentis ex integra causa, malum ex quolibet defectu.
Bonum of the defender comes from a complete case, while bad comes from any flaw.
Good is the result of a person defending from an entire cause: evil results from one defending from any defect.
Good comes from a person standing up for a whole cause: evil comes from someone only defending against a flaw.
Bonum necessarium extra terminos necessitatis non est bonum.
Bonum necessary outside the limits of necessity is not good.
A necessary good beyond the limits of necessity, is no good.
A good that goes beyond what is necessary is not really good.
Carcer ad homines custodiendos, non ad puniendos, dari debet.
Carcer should be given for holding people, not for punishing them.
A prison ought to be assigned for keeping men, not for punishing them.
A prison should be designated for holding people, not for punishing them.
Carcer non supplicii causa sed custodiæ constitutus.
Carcer was established not as punishment but for custody.
A prison is ordained not for the sake of punishment, but for ward.
A prison is not meant for punishment, but for protection.
Casus fortuitus non est sperandus, et nemo tenetur divinare.
Casual events shouldn't be expected, and no one is required to guess.
A fortuitous case is not to be calculated upon, and nobody is bound to conjecture what may happen.
A lucky situation shouldn’t be relied upon, and no one is obligated to guess what might happen.
Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est.
Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est.
A case omitted is to be considered as omitted.
A case that is left out will be considered as omitted.
Casus omissus et oblivioni datus, depositioni communis juris relinquitur.
Casus omissus and left to oblivion is relegated to the deposition of common law.
A case omitted and consigned to oblivion is left to the disposal of common law.
A case that is ignored and forgotten is left to the judgment of common law.
Catella juste possessa amitti non possunt.
Catella just possessed cannot be lost.
A little whelp, (perhaps cattle), lawfully possessed, cannot be lost. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
A small puppy, (maybe a calf), lawfully owned, cannot be lost. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Catalla reputantur inter minima in lege.
Catalla are considered among the smallest in law.
Chattels are considered as among the least things, in law.
Chattels are seen as some of the least significant items in law.
Causa et origo est materia negotii.
Causation and origin are the foundation of the matter at hand.
Cause and origin are the subject matters of business.
Cause and origin are the main topics of business.
Causa publica vicarium non recipit.
Public cause does not receive a substitute.
A public cause does not admit of a substitute.
A public cause cannot be replaced.
Causa vaga et incerta, non est causa rationabilis.
Causa vaga et incerta, non est causa rationabilis.
A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable cause.
A vague and uncertain cause isn’t a valid reason.
Cautionis in re plus est quam in persona.
Caution is more important in matters than in individuals.
There is more security in the thing than in a person.
There is more safety in the object than in a person.
Caveat emptor; caveat venditor.
Buyer beware; seller beware.
Let the purchaser beware—let the seller beware.
Let the buyer be cautious—let the seller be cautious.
Caveat emptor; qui ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit.
Caveat emptor; he who buys should not be unaware that he is purchasing someone else's rights.
Let the purchaser take care; who ought not to be ignorant what right of another he purchases.
Let the buyer be careful; they shouldn't be unaware of what rights of another person they are buying.
Certa debet esse intentio et narratio, et certum fundamentum, et certa res quæ deducitur in judicium.
Certa debe tener intención y narración, y un fundamento sólido, y un asunto claro que se presente en juicio.
The design and narration ought to be certain, and the foundation certain, and the matter certain, which is brought into court to be tried.
The design and storytelling should be clear, the foundation solid, and the evidence presented in court should be reliable for it to be tried fairly.
Certum est quod certum reddi potest.
Certainty is something that can be proven.
What can be rendered certain is certain.
What can be made sure is sure.
Cessa regnare si non vis judicare.
Cessa regnare si non vis judicare.
Cease to reign if there be no power to judge.
Cease to rule if there's no ability to make judgments.
Cessante causa, cessat effectus.
When the cause ends, the effect ends.
The cause ceasing, the effect ceases.
The cause stops, the effect stops.
Cessante ratione legis, cessat ipsa lex.
Cessante ratione legis, cessat ipsa lex.
The reason of a law discontinuing, the law itself discontinues.
The reason for a law being discontinued is that the law itself is discontinued.
Charta ejus quæ sub potestate viri sit in lege nulla.
Charta that is under the husband's authority is not recognized in law.
The writing of that woman who is under the power of her husband has no legal weight—is void in law.
The writing of a woman who is under her husband's control has no legal standing—it's invalid in law.
Chirographum apud debitorem repertum præsumitur solutum.
Chirograph found in the debtor is assumed to be settled.
A bill found in the possession of a debtor, is presumed to be paid.
A bill found with a debtor is assumed to be paid.
Certa res oportet in judicium deducatur.
Certa facts need to be brought to judgment.
A certain matter is necessary sometimes to be brought into court for trial.
Sometimes it's necessary to bring a certain issue to court for trial.
Clam delinquentes magis puniuntur quam palam.
Clam delinquentes magis puniuntur quam palam.
Clandestine transactions are more severely punished than those openly committed.
Secret transactions face harsher penalties than those done openly.
Clausula generalis de residuo non ea complectitur quæ non ejusdem sint generis cum iis quæ speciatim dicta fuerant.
Clausula generalis de residuo does not include those things that are not of the same kind as those that were specifically mentioned.
A general clause of reservation does not comprehend those things which may not be of the same kind with those which have been specially expressed.
A general clause of reservation doesn’t include things that aren’t of the same type as those that have been specifically mentioned.
Clausula generalis non refertur ad expressa.
Clausula generalis does not apply to the express ones.
A general clause does not refer to things mentioned.
A general clause doesn’t refer to specific things mentioned.
Clausula vel dispositio inutilis per præsumptionem remotam vel causam ex post facto non fulcitur.
Clausula or provision that is useless due to remote presumption or a cause that arises after the fact is not supported.
An unnecessary clause, or disposition, is not supported by a remote inference, or an ex post facto cause.
An unnecessary clause, or provision, isn’t backed by a distant inference or a retrospective cause.
Clausulæ inconsuetæ semper inducunt suspicionem.
Unusual clauses always raise suspicion.
Uncustomary clauses always induce suspicion.
Unusual clauses always raise suspicion.
Clerici non ponantur in officio seculari.
Clerics should not hold secular office.
The clergy cannot be placed in a secular office.
The clergy cannot hold a secular position.
Collegium seu corpus corporatum nisi regiis constitutionibus non potest existere.
Collegium or a corporate body cannot exist without royal constitutions.
A college or incorporated body, cannot exist unless by royal authority.
A college or incorporated organization cannot exist without royal approval.
Commercium jure gentium commune esse debet, et non in monopolium et privatum paucorum quæstum convertendum.
Commercium should be common under international law and not turned into a monopoly or a private profit for a few.
Commerce by the law of nations ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly, and the private gain of a few.
Commerce according to international law should be open to everyone and not be turned into a monopoly for the personal profit of a few.
Commodum ex injuria sua nemo habere debet.
Commodum from his own wrongdoing no one should have.
Nobody ought to derive advantage from his injurious behaviour.
No one should benefit from their harmful actions.
Communis error facit jus.
Common error makes law.
A common error makes law necessary.
A common mistake makes the law necessary.
Communiter unum officium est excusatio alterius.
Communing is a common duty of excusing one another.
One duty commonly is the excuse for the non performance of another.
One responsibility is often used as an excuse for not completing another.
Concessio versus concedentem latam interpretationem habere debeat.
Concession should be understood broadly.
A grant made to another person granting, should have a wide interpretation.
A grant given to someone else should be interpreted broadly.
Condictio dicitur, cum quid in casum incertum, qui potest tendere ad esse aut non esse, confertur.
Condictio is referred to when something is contributed in an uncertain situation, which could lead to either existence or non-existence.
The appointment of an action for a certain day, is said to take place, when any thing in an uncertain case happens, which may have a tendency to be or not to be. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
The scheduling of a court case for a specific day occurs when something uncertain happens that might lead to either a positive or negative outcome. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Condictio rei furtivæ, quia rei habet persecutionem, hæredem quoque furis obligat.
Condictio rei furtivæ, because it has the pursuit of the thing, also binds the heir of the thief.
The appointment of an action on a certain day, relating to stolen goods, as it implies the production of these stolen goods, binds the heir of the thief also.
The scheduling of a legal action on a specific day, concerning stolen goods, requires the presentation of those stolen goods and also holds the thief's heir accountable.
Condictio præcedens adimpleri debet priusquam sequatur effectus.
Condictio needs to be fulfilled before the effect follows.
The appointment of an action preceding, ought to take place before any effect can follow. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
The appointment of an action beforehand should happen before any effect can follow. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Condictio ad liberum tenementum auferendum non nisi ex facto placitari debet.
Condictio for removing freehold should only be based on a fact that is established.
An argument for taking away a free tenure, ought not to be pleaded, except from the deed.
An argument for revoking a free tenure should only be based on the deed.
Conditio beneficialis quæ statum construit, benigne, secundum verborum intentionem est interpretanda; odiosa, autem, quæ statum destruit, stricte, secundum verborum proprietatem, accipienda.
Conditio beneficialis quæ statum construit, benigne, secundum verborum intentionem est interpretanda; odiosa, autem, quæ statum destruit, stricte, secundum verborum proprietatem, accipienda.
A beneficial agreement which confirms one state, is to be interpreted favourably, according to the intention of the words; but an odious agreement, which destroys one state, is to be understood strictly, according to the exact meaning of the words.
A beneficial agreement that supports one party should be interpreted positively, based on the intention behind the words; however, an unfavorable agreement that undermines one party should be understood literally, according to the precise meaning of the words.
Conditio ex parte extincta ex toto extinguitur.
Conditio ex parte extincta ex toto extinguitur.
An agreement extinguished in part, is wholly extinguished.
An agreement that is partially canceled is completely canceled.
Conditio liberum tenementum cassans non per nuda verba sine charta valebit.
Conditio liberum tenementum cassans won't be valid without formal words in a document.
An agreement making void a free tenement, will have no weight by bare words without writing.
An agreement that renders a freehold void carries no weight if it's just spoken and not in writing.
Conditio neminem juvabit nisi qui pars fuerit aut privus.
Conditio won't help anyone unless they are a part of it or private.
An agreement shall avail no one, unless he shall have been a party, or privy to it.
An agreement won't benefit anyone unless they were a party to it or had knowledge of it.
Conditio partim extincta in omnibus extinguitur.
Conditio partim extincta in omnibus extinguitur.
An agreement extinguished in any of its parts, is extinguished in them all.
An agreement that's canceled in one part is canceled in all parts.
Conditiones præcedentes ad normam legis severe exigendæ; aliter de subsequentibus ubi æquitati licet damnum rei infectæ pensari.
Conditiones præcedentes ad normam legis severe exigendæ; aliter de subsequentibus ubi æquitati licet damnum rei infectæ pensari.
Preceding agreements must be rigorously exacted according to the rule of the law; it is otherwise concerning subsequent agreements, where equity is allowed to make up for the loss incurred by the failure.
Previous agreements must be strictly enforced according to the law; this is not the case for later agreements, where fairness can compensate for losses caused by failure.
Conditiones præcedentes stricte interpretandæ, sed non ita de subsequentibus.
Conditiones præcedentes stricte interpretandæ, sed non ita de subsequentibus.
Preceding agreements are to be strictly interpreted; but not so concerning subsequent ones.
Preceding agreements should be interpreted strictly; however, this is not the case for subsequent ones.
Conditiones quælibet odiosæ; maxime autem contra matrimonium et commercium.
Conditiones quælibet odiosæ; maxime autem contra matrimonium et commercium.
Some agreements are odious, but chiefly those against matrimony and commerce.
Some agreements are unpleasant, but especially those against marriage and trade.
Confessio facta in judicio, omni probatione major est.
Confession made in court is stronger than any evidence.
Confession made in a trial is stronger than all proof.
A confession made during a trial is stronger than any evidence.
Confessus in judicio pro judicato habetur, et quodammodo sua sententia damnatur.
Confessed in court is considered as judged, and in a way, it is condemned by its own verdict.
A person who confesses on trial, is considered as judged; and in some measure is condemned on his own admission.
A person who confesses during a trial is viewed as already judged; to some extent, they are condemned by their own words.
Confirmare nemo potest priusquam jus ei accederit.
Confirming something cannot happen until one has access to the law.
Nobody can confirm before the right fall to him.
Nobody can confirm until the right moment comes for them.
Confirmare est id quod prius infirmum fuit, firmare vel firmum facere.
Confirming is to make something that was previously weak strong or stable.
To confirm is to strengthen, or make strong, that which before was weak.
To confirm is to make stronger something that was previously weak.
Confirmat usum qui tollit abusum.
Confirm use to eliminate abuse.
He confirms the use who takes away the abuse.
He confirms the person who stops the abuse.
Confirmatio est nulla ubi donum præcedens est invalidum.
Confirmatio is invalid where the preceding gift is invalid.
There is no confirmation where the preceding gift is invalid.
There is no confirmation that the previous gift is invalid.
Confirmatio est possessionis jure defective per eos quorum jus est ratihabitio.
Confirmatio is a legal term referring to possession that is defective by those whose right it is to approve it.
The confirmation of a possession defective in law, is a ratification by means of those whose right it is.
The confirmation of a legally flawed possession is an approval by those who have the rightful claim.
Confirmatio omnes supplet defectus, licet id quod actum est ab initio non valuit.
Confirmatio covers all deficiencies, even if what was done from the beginning was not valid.
Confirmation supplies all defects, although that which was done at the beginning hath not been valid.
Confirmation resolves all flaws, even though what was done at the start hasn’t been valid.
Conjunctio maris et fœminæ est de jure naturæ.
The union of man and woman is by the law of nature.
The conjunction or union of male and female is according to the law of nature.
The joining of male and female is in line with the laws of nature.
Conscientia legalis ex lege fundatur.
Legal knowledge is based on law.
Legal consciousness is founded upon the law.
Legal consciousness is based on the law.
Conscientia legi nunquam contravenit.
Conscience never contradicts the law.
Consciousness never contravenes the law.
Consciousness never breaks the law.
Conscientia legis ex lege pendet.
The knowledge of the law depends on the law.
A consciousness of the law depends upon the law.
A awareness of the law relies on the law itself.
Consensus est voluntas plurium ad quos res pertinet simul juncta, et in criminalibus silentium præsentis consensum præsumit; in civilibus nonnunquam vel absentis et ubi ejus interest etiam ignorantis.
Consensus is the agreement of the majority of those involved, and in criminal matters, silence is interpreted as consent; in civil matters, it can sometimes include those who are absent and even those who are unaware, as long as it pertains to their interests.
Consent is the joint will of many, to whom the thing at the same time belongs; and in criminal cases the silence of a person present presumes consent: in civil cases, sometimes, that of the person absent, and even ignorant where his interest lies, does the same.
Consent is the shared intention of many people who have a stake in the matter; in criminal cases, if someone is present and stays silent, it suggests they consent. In civil cases, it's sometimes assumed that even someone who is absent or unaware of where their interest lies also consents.
Consensus facit jus.
Consensus makes law.
Consent constitutes law.
Consent is law.
Consensus facit legem.
Consensus makes law.
Consent constitutes written law.
Consent is formalized in writing.
Consensus non concubitus facit matrimonium, et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles.
Consensus non concubitus facit matrimonium, et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles.
Consent, and not cohabitation, constitutes matrimony; and the parties cannot consent before marriageable years.
Consent, and not living together, is what defines marriage; and the individuals can't give consent before they reach the legal marriage age.
Consensus, non coitus, facit matrimonium.
Consent, not intercourse, makes marriage.
Consent, and not coition, constitutes marriage.
Consent, not intercourse, defines marriage.
Consensus tollit errorem.
Consensus eliminates error.
Consent takes away error.
Consent eliminates mistakes.
Consentientes et agentes pari pœna plectentur.
Consenters and those acting will both be punished equally.
Those who consent, and those who act, shall be subjected to the same punishment.
Those who agree and those who take action will face the same consequences.
Consentire matrimonio non possunt infra annos nubiles.
Consent to marriage cannot be given before the legal age.
Persons cannot consent to marriage before marriageable years.
Persons cannot give consent to marriage before they reach the legal age to marry.
Consilii non fraudulenti nulla obligatio est. Cæterum si dolus et calliditas intercessit, de dolo actio competit.
Consilii non fraudulenti nulla obligatio est. Cæterum si dolus et calliditas intercessit, de dolo actio competit.
There is no obligation not to give fraudulent counsel; but if fraud and cunning intervene, an action is competent concerning the craft.
There’s no requirement to avoid giving misleading advice; however, if deceit and trickery come into play, action can be taken regarding the matter.
Constructio ad causam refertur.
Construction is referred to the case.
Construction is referred to the cause.
Construction is referred to the cause.
Constructio ad principia refertur rei.
It refers to the principles of the matter.
Construction is referred to the principles of a thing.
Construction is related to the principles of something.
Constructio est secundum æquitatem.
Construction is according to equity.
Construction is according to equity.
Construction is based on equity.
Constructio legis non facit injuriam.
The law's construction does not harm.
The construction of law does not occasion injury.
The creation of laws does not cause harm.
Constructio secundum æqualitatem rationis.
Building according to the equality of reason.
Construction is according to the equality of reason.
Construction is based on the principles of reason.
Consuetudo alicujus loci lex est legis loci; legi communi specie diversa sed non in genere contraria.
Consuetude of a certain place is the law of that place; it is different in form from common law but not opposed in essence.
The custom of any place is the law of that place; different in species to common law, but not contrary in kind.
The customs of a place are its laws; they differ in nature from common law, but they are not fundamentally different.
Consuetudo, contra rationem introducta, potius usurpatio quam consuetudo appellari debet.
Consuetudo, introduced against reason, should be called more of a usage than a custom.
Custom introduced against reason, ought rather to be called usurpation than custom.
Custom that goes against reason should be considered usurpation rather than tradition.
Consuetudo debet esse certa; nam incerta, pro nullis habetur.
Custom must be certain; for if it's uncertain, it is regarded as nothing.
Custom ought to be certain; for if uncertain, it goes for nothing.
Custom should be clear; if it's not, it means nothing.
Consuetudo est bonus, rationabilis, certus et communis loci alicujus usus, cui memoria hominis non currat in contrarium.
Consuetude is a good, reasonable, certain, and common practice in a particular place, which human memory does not oppose.
Custom is the good, reasonable, certain, and common practice of any place, contrary to which nothing is in the recollection of man.
Custom is the good, reasonable, certain, and common practice of any place; against this, nothing is remembered by people.
Consuetudo est optima interpres legum.
Custom is the best interpreter of laws.
Custom is the best interpreter of the laws.
Custom is the best interpreter of the laws.
Consuetudo et communis assuetudo vincit legem non scriptam si sit specialis, et interpretatur legem scriptam, si lex sit generalis.
Consuetude and common habit override unwritten law if it is specific, and interpret written law if the law is general.
Custom and common practice overrules a law not written, if it be special, and interprets a written law, if the law be general.
Custom and common practice take precedence over unwritten laws if they are specific, and they interpret written laws if those laws are general.
Consuetudo ex certa causa rationabili usitata, privat communem legem.
Consuetude used for a valid reason overrides common law.
Usual custom from a certain reasonable cause, excludes common laws.
Usual practice based on a certain reasonable cause overrides common laws.
Consuetudo licet sit magnæ authoritatis, nunquam tamen præjudicat manifestæ veritati.
Consuetude may have great authority, but it never goes against obvious truth.
Custom, although it be of great authority, is, however, never prejudicial to evident truth.
Custom, no matter how respected, never contradicts obvious truth.
Consuetudo manerii et loci est observanda.
Consuetude of the manner and place must be observed.
The custom of a manor, and of a place, is to be observed.
The tradition of a manor and its location should be respected.
Consuetudo maneriorum domini voluntatem regit.
The customs of the lord govern the will.
The custom of manors rules the will of the master.
The tradition of manors dictates the desires of the owner.
Consuetudo neque injuria oriri neque tolli potest.
Consuetude cannot arise or be removed through injury.
Custom can neither arise nor be taken away by injury.
Custom cannot be created or destroyed by harm.
Consuetudo non præjudicat veritati.
Custom does not prejudice truth.
Custom is not prejudicial to truth.
Custom does not go against the truth.
Consuetudo populi Anglicani et communis lex liberta.
Consuetude of the English people and common law liberty.
The custom of the English people, and the common law is free.
The tradition of the English people, along with common law, is free.
Consuetudo præscripta et legitima, vincit legem.
Consuetudo præscripta et legitima, vincit legem.
Lawful and prescribed custom overcomes law.
Lawful and prescribed customs take precedence over law.
Consuetudo pro lege servatur.
Custom is upheld as law.
Custom is observed for law.
Tradition is followed for law.
Consuetudo regni Angliæ, est Lex Angliæ.
Consuetudo regni Angliæ, est Lex Angliæ.
The custom of the kingdom of England, is the law of England.
The tradition of the kingdom of England is the law of England.
Consuetudo totius Angliæ est lex totius Angliæ communis.
Consuetudo totius Angliæ est lex totius Angliæ communis.
The custom of all England is the common law of all England.
The tradition of all of England represents the common law of the entire country.
Consuetudo volentes ducit, lex volentes trahit.
Consuetude leads those who are willing, while the law compels those who are willing.
Custom guides those who are willing: law draws those who are willing. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Custom guides those who are willing; law compels those who are willing. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Contemporanea expositio est optima, et fortissima in lege.
Contemporary interpretation is the best and strongest in law.
The exposition of contemporaries is the best, and the strongest in law.
The opinions of people today are the most valid and powerful in law.
Contra bonos mores.
Against good morals.
Against good morals.
Against good ethics.
Contra jus civilis regulas pacta conventa, rata non habentur.
Contra jus civilis regulas pacta conventa, rata non habentur.
Agreements made contrary to the civil law, are not considered valid.
Agreements made against civil law are not considered valid.
Contra legem facit, qui id facit, quod lex prohibet; in fraudem vero, qui salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit.
Contra legem facit, qui id facit, quod lex prohibet; in fraudem vero, qui salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit.
He acts against the law, who does that which the law prohibits; but he acts fraudulently, who, observing the words of the law, eludes its meaning.
He goes against the law when he does what the law forbids; but he acts dishonestly when he follows the letter of the law while getting around its intent.
Contra non valentem agere, non currit præscriptio.
Contra non valentem agere, non currit præscriptio.
Prescription does not run against one unable to act.
Prescription does not apply to someone who is unable to act.
Contra veritatem lex nunquam aliquid permittit.
Contra veritatem lex nunquam aliquid permittit.
The law never allows any thing against truth.
The law never permits anything that goes against the truth.
Contractus ad mentem partium verbis notatam intelligendus.
Contract interpreted according to the intentions of the parties based on the words used.
A contract is to be understood, according to the intention of parties expressed in words.
A contract should be understood based on the intentions of the parties expressed in their words.
Contractus ex turpi causa, vel contra bonos mores nullus.
Contract from an immoral cause, or contrary to good morals, is void.
A contract in an infamous cause, or subversive of good morals, is void.
A contract that is notorious for being illegal or goes against good morals is not valid.
Contractus infantis invalidus si in damnum sui spectet.
Contract by a minor is invalid if it is for their own detriment.
The contract of an infant, or one under age, is invalid, if it tends to his loss.
The contract of a minor, or someone underage, is invalid if it results in their disadvantage.
Contrectatio rei alienæ, animo furandi, est furtum.
Contrectatio of someone else's property, with the intention to steal, is theft.
The handling of another man’s property with an intention of stealing it, is theft.
Taking someone else's property with the intention of stealing it is theft.
Conventio privatorum non potest publico juri derogare.
Conventions between private parties cannot override public law.
The agreement of private persons cannot derogate from public right.
The agreement between individuals cannot go against public law.
Copulatio verborum indicat acceptationem in eodem sensu.
Copulation of words indicates acceptance in the same sense.
The joining together of words, shows their acceptation in the same sense.
The combination of words shows their agreement in meaning.
Corpus corporatum ex uno potest consistere.
Corpus corporatum can consist of one.
An incorporated body can consist of one person.
An incorporated entity can consist of just one person.
Corpus corporatum neque in lite sisti neque utlagari, neque bona forisfacere, neque attinctum pati, attornatum facere, neque excommunicari potest.
Corpus corporatum can't be sued, exiled, have its property confiscated, be touched, represent someone, or be excommunicated.
An incorporated body cannot be brought forward personally in a law suit; nor outlawed; nor forfeit their goods; nor suffer attaint; nor grant power of attorney; nor be excommunicated.
An incorporated entity cannot be personally brought into a lawsuit; nor can it be outlawed; nor forfeit its property; nor be convicted of a crime; nor grant power of attorney; nor be excommunicated.
Corpus corporatum non habet hæredes, neque executores, neque mori potest.
Corpus corporatum has no heirs, nor executors, and cannot die.
An incorporated body has no heirs, nor executors, nor can it die.
An incorporated entity has no heirs or executors, and it cannot die.
Corpus humanum non recipit æstimationem.
The human body cannot be valued.
The human body does not admit of valuation.
The human body can't be measured in terms of value.
Creditor qui permittit rem venire, pignus dimittit.
Creditor who allows the item to come, releases the pledge.
The creditor who allows property to be sold, gives up the pledge.
The creditor who permits the property to be sold relinquishes the pledge.
Crescente malitia, crescere debet et pœna.
Crescente malitia, crescere debet et pœna.
While wickedness increases, punishment ought also to increase.
As evil grows, punishment should also increase.
Crimen ex postfacto non diluitur.
Ex post facto law is not diluted.
A crime is not attoned for by an after action.
A crime isn't made right by what happens afterward.
Crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat.
Crimes corrupt everything that comes from them.
A crime vitiates all things proceeding from it.
A crime corrupts everything that comes from it.
Crimina morte extinguuntur.
Crimes are extinguished by death.
Crimes are extinguished by death.
Crimes end with death.
Cruciatus legibus invisi.
Cursed by the hated laws.
Tortures are odious to the laws.
Torture is repugnant to the law.
Cui licet quod majus, non debet quod minus est non licere.
Cui licet quod majus, non debet quod minus est non licere.
To whom what is greater is allowed, what is less ought also to be allowed.
To those who have permission for greater things, permission should also be granted for lesser things.
Cuique aliquis quid concedit, concedere videtur; et id, sine quo res ipsa esse non potuit.
Cuique aliquis quid concedit, concedere videtur; et id, sine quo res ipsa esse non potuit.
What any one grants to one, he appears to grant; and that without which the thing itself could not be.
What anyone gives to one person, they seem to give; and that which the thing itself couldn't exist without.
Cuilibet in arte sua credendum.
Believe in everyone’s skill.
We ought to believe every one in his own profession.
We should trust everyone in their own field.
Cui jurisdictio data est, ea quoque concessa esse videntur, sine, quibus jurisdictio explicari non potuit.
Cui jurisdiction is granted, it also seems to be given with those things without which jurisdiction could not be explained.
To whom jurisdiction has been given, those things also seem to be granted, without which jurisdiction could not be explained.
To those who have been given authority, it seems that those things are also granted, without which their authority couldn't be understood.
Cui plus licet quam par est plus vult quam licet.
Cui plus licet quam par est plus vult quam licet.
He to whom more is allowed than is proper, wishes more than is allowed.
He who is allowed more than what is right, wants more than what's allowed.
Cujus est commodum, ejus debet esse periculum.
Cujus est commodum, ejus debet esse periculum.
He should have the risk, who has the advantage.
He should take the risk if he has the advantage.
Cujus est dare, ejus est disponere.
Cujus est dare, ejus est disponere.
He who has the right to give, has the right to dispose.
He who has the right to give also has the right to decide what happens with it.
Cujus est donandi, eidem et vendendi, et concedendi jus est.
Cujus est donandi, eidem et vendendi, et concedendi jus est.
He who has the right of conferring a donation, has also the right of selling and granting.
Whoever has the authority to give a donation also has the authority to sell and make grants.
Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad cœlum.
Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad cœlum.
He who has a right to the soil, has a right even to the sky.
Whoever owns the land has a claim to the sky above it.
Cujus juris (i.e. Jurisdictionis) est, principale ejusdem juris erit accessorium.
Cujus juris (i.e. Jurisdictionis) est, principale ejusdem juris erit accessorium.
He to whom the jurisdiction belongs, will be the principal accessory of the same jurisdiction.
The person who has authority will be the main supporter of that authority.
Culpa caret qui scit, sed prohibere non potest.
Culpa caret qui scit, sed prohibere non potest.
He is free from fault who knows, but cannot hinder.
He is blameless who knows but cannot prevent.
Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti.
Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti.
It is a fault to meddle with that with which one has no business.
It’s a mistake to get involved in things that aren’t your concern.
Culpa vel pœna ex equitate non intenditur.
Culpa vel pœna ex equitate non intenditur.
Blame or punishment does not proceed from equity.
Blame or punishment doesn’t come from fairness.
Cum confitente mitius est agendum.
It must be handled gently.
We must act more mildly with a person confessing.
We need to be more gentle with someone who's confessing.
Cum de lucro duorum quæratur, melior est causa possidentis.
Cum de lucro duorum quæratur, melior est causa possidentis.
When the question is concerning the gain of two persons, the cause of the one in possession, is the better.
When it comes to the gain of two people, the one who is currently in possession has the stronger claim.
Cum principalis causa non consistit, plerumque ne ea quidem quæ sequuntur locum habent.
Cum principalis causa non consistit, plerumque ne ea quidem quæ sequuntur locum habent.
When the main cause is not consistent, for the most part, not even the things which follow have a place.
When the main cause isn't consistent, for the most part, even the things that come after don't make sense.
Curia cancellaria contractibus in plenum redigendis favet.
Curia cancellaria supports bringing contracts into full effect.
The chancery court favours the entire reduction of contracts.
The chancery court supports completely removing contracts.
Curia cancellaria non nisi parliamento subdita.
Curia cancelleria is only subject to parliament.
The court of chancery is not subject, unless to the parliament.
The court of chancery is only answerable to parliament.
Curia ecclesiastica locum non habet super iis quæ juris sunt communis.
Curia ecclesiastica has no authority over matters that are of common law.
The ecclesiastical court has no right over those things which are matter of common law.
The church court has no authority over matters that are governed by common law.
Curia Parliamenti suis propriis legibus subsistit.
Curia Parliamenti exists by its own laws.
The parliament subsists by its own laws.
The parliament exists because of its own laws.
Curiosa et captiosa interpretatio in lege reprobatur.
Curious and tricky interpretations in law are rejected.
An over-refined and captious interpretation is reprobated in law.
An overly sensitive and critical interpretation is frowned upon in law.
Custos corporis cujusque infantis est is esto ad quem hæreditas nequeat pervenire.
Custodian of each child's body is the one to whom the inheritance cannot pass.
Let him be the guardian of the body of any infant, to whom the inheritance cannot come.
Let him be the guardian of the body of any infant who cannot inherit.
Damnum sine injuria esse potest.
Damage without injury may exist.
There may be loss without injustice.
There can be loss without unfairness.
Debet esse vel aliquod speciale damnum emergens, vel saltem aliquod gravamen quod nocere possit et videatur probabiliter nociturum.
Debet esse o algún daño especial que surja, o al menos alguna carga que pueda causar daño y que se vea probablemente que causará daño.
There ought to be either some special emergent loss, or at least some grievance which can hurt, and may appear in all probability likely to hurt.
There should be either some special urgent loss, or at least some issue that can cause pain and is likely to do so.
Debitor non præsumitur donare.
Debtors are not presumed to donate.
A debtor is not presumed to grant a donation.
A debtor isn't assumed to give a donation.
Debitum sequitur personam.
Debt follows the person.
Debt follows the person.
Debt follows you.
Deceptis non decipientibus jura subveniunt.
Laws help those not deceived.
Laws assist the deceived, not the deceiving.
Laws protect those who are misled, not those who are misleading.
Decipi quam fallere est tutius.
It is safer to deceive than to be deceived.
It is more safe to be deceived than to deceive.
It’s safer to be deceived than to deceive others.
Deficiente uno non potest esse hæres.
Deficiente uno, non può essere erede.
One being deficient, he cannot be an heir.
One who is lacking cannot be an heir.
De fide et officio judicis non recipitur quæstio; sed de scientia sive error sit juris sive facti.
De fide y el deber del juez no se cuestiona; sino sobre el conocimiento, ya sea error de derecho o de hecho.
A question is not admitted concerning the honesty and duty of a judge; but concerning his knowledge whether it may be an error of the law or of the fact.
A question about a judge's honesty and duty isn't allowed; however, it is permissible to question their knowledge regarding whether there’s a mistake in the law or the facts.
De minimis non curat lex.
The law doesn’t care about trifles.
The law has no care of very small things.
The law doesn't worry about minor details.
De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio.
De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio.
There is the same estimation concerning things not apparent and things not existing.
There is the same assessment regarding things that aren’t visible and things that don’t exist.
De similibus ad similia eadem ratione procedendum est.
De similibus ad similia eadem ratione procedendum est.
We must proceed from similar things to similar, in the same way.
We should move from similar things to similar ones, in the same way.
Delegata potestas non potest delegari.
Delegated authority can't be delegated.
A delegated power cannot be delegated.
A delegated power can’t be passed on to someone else.
Delinquens per iram provocatus, puniri debet mitius.
Delinquents provoked by anger should be punished more leniently.
A delinquent provoked by anger, ought to be punished more mildly.
A person who commits a wrong out of anger should be punished more leniently.
Derivativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva.
Derivativе power can't exceed original power.
Derivative power cannot be greater than primitive.
Derivative power cannot exceed primitive power.
Derivativa potestas est ejusdem jurisdictionis cum primitiva.
Derivative power is of the same jurisdiction as original power.
Derivative power is of the same jurisdiction as the primitive.
Derivative power falls under the same authority as the primitive.
Descensus tollit intrationem.
The descent removes the entrance.
Descent takes away entrance.
Descent blocks the entrance.
Designatio unius est exclusio alterius, et expressum facit cessare tacitum.
Designating one thing means excluding another, and what is expressed makes what is implied cease to be.
The designation of one is the exclusion of another; and what is expressed makes what is tacit to cease.
The identification of one means excluding another; and what is stated causes what is implied to stop.
Designatio unius est exclusio alterius.
The naming of one excludes another.
The particularizing of one is the exclusion of another.
The focus on one means leaving out another.
Deum esse ex consensu omnium communis orta lex in legibus Angliæ plurimum valet.
Deum being a common law based on the agreement of all holds great power in the laws of England.
The common law which has arisen by the consent of all, that God exists, has great weight in the laws of England.
The common law that has come about through everyone's agreement that God exists carries significant importance in England's legal system.
Dies dominicus non est dies juridicus.
Dies dominicus non est dies juridicus.
The Lord’s day is not a day for court business.
The Lord's day is not a day for legal matters.
Dignitas supponit officium et curam, et non est partibilis.
Dignity involves responsibility and care, and it is not something that can be divided.
Dignity supposes office and charge, and is not divisible.
Dignity implies a role and responsibility, and it cannot be divided.
Dignitates rex dat, virtus conservat, delicta auferunt.
Dignities come from the king, virtue protects, and crimes are removed.
The king confers honours, virtue preserves them, transgressions take them away.
The king gives out honors, but only virtue keeps them; mistakes can take them away.
Dignus mercede operarius.
Worthy of payment, worker.
The labourer is worthy of his hire.
The worker deserves to be paid for their efforts.
Dilatio quæ pro justitia faciat acceptissima quæ contra justitiam maxime invisa.
Dilating for justice is very acceptable, while doing so against justice is greatly despised.
Delay or suspension for justice sake, is very acceptable; but delay contrary to justice is very odious.
Delaying or pausing proceedings for the sake of justice is quite acceptable; however, delaying in a way that goes against justice is very frustrating.
Dilationes in lege sunt odiosæ.
Delays in law are annoying.
Delays in law are odious.
Legal delays are frustrating.
Discretio est per legem discernere quid sit justum.
Discretion is the ability to determine what is just by law.
Discretion is to discern what is just by the law.
Discretion means to judge what is fair according to the law.
Discretio est scire per legem quid sit justum.
Discretion is knowing what is right through the law.
Discretion is to know what is just by the law.
Discretion is knowing what is right according to the law.
Dispensatio est vulnus, quod vulnerat jus commune.
Dispensation is a wound that hurts common law.
Dispensation is a wound that injures common right.
Dispensation is a wound that harms everyone's rights.
Dispensatio est mali prohibiti, provida relaxatio utilitate communi pensata.
Dispensation is the prohibition of harm, a careful relaxation weighed against the common good.
Dispensation relates to an evil prohibited, a provident relaxation compensated by common advantage.
Dispensation refers to a banned wrongdoing, a careful easing balanced by the benefit to everyone.
Dissimulatione tollitur injuria.
Deception removes injury.
Injury is taken away by dissimulation.
Injury is concealed by lies.
Distinguenda sunt tempora; aliud est facere, aliud perficere.
Distinguishing between times is important; doing something and finishing it are two different things.
Times are to be distinguished; there is a time to act, and another to finish.
Times should be recognized; there’s a time to take action and another to complete things.
Distinguenda sunt tempora.
Identify the times.
Times are to be distinguished.
Times should be distinguished.
Districtio non potest esse nisi pro certis servitiis.
Districtio non potest esse nisi pro certis servitiis.
Distraining of goods cannot be, unless for certain services or servitudes.
Distraining of goods can only happen for specific services or obligations.
Dolo facit, qui petit quod redditurus est.
Dolo acts, who seeks what he will have to give back.
He asks with guile, who asks what he ought to return.
He asks slyly, who is asking what he should give back.
Dolus circuitu non purgatur.
Fraud does not excuse itself.
Craft is not justified by any round about way.
Craft isn't validated by any indirect methods.
Dolus versatur in generalibus.
Dolus is found in generalities.
Craft is inconsistent in general.
Craft is generally inconsistent.
Dolus auctoris non nocet successori.
The author's deceit doesn't harm the successor.
The craft of an author does not hurt his successor.
The skill of one author doesn't harm the next.
Dolosus versatur in universalibus.
Dolosus deals with universals.
The crafty man is employed in universals.
The clever man works with general ideas.
Dominium a possessione cœpisse dicitur.
Ownership is said to begin with possession.
Dominion is said to have taken its rise from possession.
Dominion is believed to have originated from ownership.
Dominium non potest esse in pendenti.
Dominium can't exist in limbo.
Dominion cannot be over a thing depending.
Dominion cannot apply to something that is uncertain.
Dominus omnium in regno terrarum rex habendus, et ab eo omnes tenent, ita tamen ut suum cuique sit.
Dominus of all is to be considered the king in the realm of earth, and everyone holds from him, yet in such a way that each has his own.
The king is to be reckoned the lord of all the lands in the kingdom; and all hold of him, yet so as that every one has his own.
The king is considered the lord of all the land in the kingdom, and everyone holds land from him, but each person also has their own property.
Dominus vel causam servi vel personam inculpato defendet; etiam ubi alii non liceret.
Dominus will defend either the cause of the servant or the person in question; even where it may not be permissible for others.
The master may without blame defend the cause or person of his servant, even where it is not lawful for another.
The master can rightfully defend the cause or person of his servant, even when it's not legal for someone else to do so.
Domum suam unicuique reficere licet, dum non officiat invito alteri, in quo jus non habet.
Domum suam refixare potest quisque, dummodo non impediat alium invito, in quo jus non habet.
It is lawful for every one to repair his own house, provided he does it not against the will of another over whom he has no right.
It is legal for anyone to fix their own house, as long as they do it without going against the wishes of someone else who has no authority over them.
Dona clandestina semper sunt suspiciosa.
Clandestine donations are always suspicious.
Clandestine gifts are always suspicious.
Secret gifts are always suspicious.
Donari videtur, quod nullo jure cogente conceditur.
Donari seems to be granted without any compelling law.
A thing appears to be granted which is granted without any compulsion of the law.
A thing seems to be given that is given without any pressure from the law.
Donatio non præsumitur.
Donations aren't presumed.
A donation is not presumed.
A donation isn't assumed.
Donatio perficitur possessione accipientis.
Donation is completed upon possession by the recipient.
A donation is completed by the possession of the receiver.
A donation is finalized when the recipient takes possession of it.
Donatio principis intelligitur sine præjudicio tertii.
Donations from a prince are understood without harming a third party.
A donation of the principal is understood to be without prejudice of a third party.
A donation of the principal is understood to be without affecting a third party.
Donatio quælibet ex vi legis sortitur effectum.
Donations made under the law have their effect.
Any donation obtains effect by the force of law.
Any donation takes effect by the power of the law.
Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur.
Laws sometimes sleep, but never die.
The laws sometime sleep, never die.
The laws may sometimes be ignored, but they never disappear.
Duo non possunt esse domini ejusdem rei in solidum.
Duo non possunt esse domini ejusdem rei in solidum.
Two persons cannot entirely be master of the same thing.
Two people can't fully be in charge of the same thing.
Duo non possunt in solido unam rem possidere.
Duo non possunt in solido unam rem possidere.
Two cannot entirely possess one thing.
Two cannot fully own one thing.
Duplex placitum non admittitur.
No double pleading allowed.
A double will, or edict, is not admitted.
A double will, or edict, is not allowed.
Durum est per divinationem a verbis recedere.
Durum est per divinationem a verbis recedere.
It is hard to depart from the meaning of words by means of conjecture.
It's difficult to understand the meaning of words through guesswork.
Ea est accipienda interpretatio quæ vitio caret.
Ea est accipienda interpretatio quæ vitio caret.
That interpretation is to be received which is not defective.
That interpretation should be accepted if it is not flawed.
Ea quæ dari impossibilia sunt, vel quæ in rerum natura non sunt, pro non adjectis habentur.
Ea quæ dari impossibilia sunt, vel quæ in rerum natura non sunt, pro non adjectis habentur.
Those things which cannot possibly be given, or which have no existence in the nature of things, are considered as things not included.
Those things that can't possibly be given, or that don't exist in reality, are seen as not included.
Ea quæ raro accidunt, non temere in agendis negotiis computantur.
Ea quæ raro accidunt, non temere in agendis negotiis computantur.
Those things which seldom happen are not rashly to be computed in transacting business.
Things that rarely happen shouldn't be recklessly considered when doing business.
Ea sola deportationis sententia aufert, quæ ad fiscum pervenerit.
Ea sola deportationis sententia aufert, quæ ad fiscum pervenerit.
A sentence of transportation takes away those things alone which come to the treasury.
A sentence of transportation only removes those things that go to the treasury.
Eadem mens uniuscujusque præsumitur quæ est juris, quæque esse debeat, præsertim in dubiis.
Eadem mens uniuscujusque præsumitur quæ est juris, quæque esse debeat, præsertim in dubiis.
The intention of every one is presumed to be the same as that of the law, and as it ought to be, especially in dubious cases.
The intention of everyone is assumed to align with that of the law, and it should be, especially in uncertain situations.
Ecclesia ecclesiæ decimas solvere non debet.
Ecclesia shouldn't have to pay tithes to the church.
The church cannot pay tithes to the church.
The church can't pay tithes to itself.
Ecclesia semper in regis est tutela.
Ecclesia is always under the protection of the king.
The church is always under the protection of the king.
The church is always protected by the king.
Effectus sequitur causam.
Effects follow the cause.
The effect follows the cause.
The outcome follows the cause.
Ejus est non nolle, qui potest velle.
Ejus is not willing, who can be willing.
It does not belong to him to refuse who can be willing.
He who is willing cannot refuse.
Emptio et venditio contrahitur, simulatque de pretio convenerit.
Emptio et venditio is formed as soon as the price is agreed upon.
Buying and selling is contracted as soon as the price is agreed upon.
Buying and selling is finalized as soon as the price is agreed upon.
Eodem modo quo quid constituitur, eodem modo dissolvitur,—destruitur.
Easily made, easily broken.
In the same way in which any thing is constituted, in the same way it is dissolved—destroyed.
Just as everything is created, that's how it is broken down—destroyed.
Ephemeris annua pars legis Anglicanæ.
Annual ephemeris of the Anglican law.
An annual diary is a part of the English law.
An annual diary is a component of English law.
Equitas naturam rei non mutat.
Equity does not change things.
Equity does not change the nature of a thing.
Equity doesn’t change what something is.
Error placitandi æquitatem non tollit.
Error in claiming fairness does not negate it.
The error in writing does not take away equity.
The mistake in writing doesn’t affect the fairness.
Error, qui non resistitur, approbatur.
No resistance means approval.
The error which is not resisted, is approved.
The error that isn’t challenged is accepted.
Est boni judicis ampliare jurisdictionem.
A good judge expands jurisdiction.
It is the duty of a good judge to extend his jurisdiction.
It is the duty of a good judge to broaden their authority.
Et est pactio duorum pluriumve in idem placitum consensus.
Et est pactio duorum pluriumve in idem placitum consensus.
The agreement of two or more in the same will, constitutes an agreement.
The agreement of two or more people with the same intention constitutes a contract.
Excambium non potest esse rerum diversæ qualitatis; neque excambium inter tres partes datur.
Excambium cannot involve things of different qualities; nor can exchange take place among three parties.
Excambion, or exchange, cannot be of things of a different quality; nor is it granted among three parties.
Excambion, or exchange, cannot involve things of a different quality; nor can it occur between three parties.
Exceptio probat regulam, de rebus non exceptis.
Exceptio probat regulam, de rebus non exceptis.
An exception makes good the rule about the things that are not excepted.
An exception proves the rule regarding everything else.
Exceptio quæ firmat legem, exponit legem.
Exceptio quae firmat legem, exponit legem.
An exception which strengthens the law, expounds the law.
An exception that strengthens the law explains the law.
Excessus in re qualibet jure reprobatur communi.
Excess in any matter is universally rejected by law.
Excess in any thing is reprobated by common law.
Excess in anything is condemned by common law.
Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia præsumuntur solemniter acta.
Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia præsumuntur solemniter acta.
From the length of time, all things are presumed to be done by usage.
From how long things take, we assume they're done by habit.
Ex facto jus oritur.
From the fact, law arises.
Right or law arises from deed—fact.
Right or law comes from action—reality.
Ex frequenti delicto augetur pœna.
From frequent offense, the penalty increases.
Punishment is increased from the frequency of a transgression.
Punishment increases with the frequency of a transgression.
Ex judiciorum publicorum admissis, non alias transeunt adversus hæredes pœnæ bonorum ademptionis, quam si lis contestata et condemnatio fuerit secuta; excepto majestatis judicio.
Ex judiciorum publicorum admissis, non alias transeunt adversus hæredes pœnæ bonorum ademptionis, quam si lis contestata et condemnatio fuerit secuta; excepto majestatis judicio.
On account of admissions made at public trials, the punishment of confiscation of goods does not otherwise pass against heirs, than if a contested suit and condemnation followed; excepting in the case of high treason.
Due to admissions made during public trials, the punishment of confiscating goods does not apply to heirs unless a contested lawsuit and conviction occur, except in cases of high treason.
Ex maleficio non oritur contractus.
No contract arises from wrongdoing.
Contract does not arise from injury.
Contract does not come from harm.
Ex malis moribus bonæ leges oriuntur.
Ex malis moribus bonæ leges oriuntur.
Good laws take their origin from bad practices.
Good laws come from bad practices.
Ex nuda submissione non oritur actio.
Ex nuda submissione non oritur actio.
An action does not arise from a bare submission.
An action doesn’t come from just a simple agreement.
Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio.
Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio.
An action does not arise from a bare agreement.
An action doesn’t come from just a simple agreement.
Executio est executio legis secundum judicium.
Executio is the execution of the law according to judgment.
Execution is the performance of the law according to judgment.
Execution is the enforcement of the law based on a verdict.
Expressa nocent, non expressa non nocent.
Expressed harms, not expressed do not harm.
Things expressed hurt; those not expressed do not hurt.
Things that are said hurt; things that aren't said don't hurt.
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.
Expressing one excludes the other.
The expression of one is the exclusion of another.
The expression of one person excludes the expression of another.
Expressio illorum quæ tacite insunt nihil operatur.
Expressing things that are implied doesn't accomplish anything.
The expression of those things which are tacitly implied, is unnecessary.
The expression of things that are implied doesn't need to be stated.
Ex qua persona quis lucrum capit, ejus factum præstare debet.
Ex qua persona quis lucrum capit, ejus factum præstare debet.
From whatever calling any one derives profit, he ought to discharge the duty of that calling.
No matter what job someone makes money from, they should fulfill their responsibilities related to that job.
Expressum facit cessare tacitum.
Expressing makes the unspoken cease.
What is expressed makes what is silent to cease.
What is said makes what is unspoken stop.
Exterus non habet terras, habet res suas, et vitam, et libertatem.
Exterus doesn’t own land, but he has his possessions, his life, and his freedom.
A foreigner has no lands, he has his own effects, his life and liberty.
A foreigner has no land; he has his belongings, his life, and his freedom.
Extinguitur obligatio quæ rite constiterit, si in eum casum inciderit, a quo incipere non potuit.
Extinguishing an obligation that has been properly established occurs if it falls into a situation where it cannot begin.
An obligation which has been sealed in due form, is extinguished if it fall into that situation from which it cannot arise.
An obligation that has been properly formalized is canceled if it enters a state from which it cannot be revived.
Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur. Idem est, et si supra jurisdictionem suam velit jus dicere.
Extra territorial authority to judge is not obeyed without consequence. The same applies if one tries to judge beyond one's jurisdiction.
One cannot with impunity obey one executing justice, beyond his province; the same happens if one presumes to administer justice beyond his own jurisdiction.
One cannot safely follow someone who is executing justice beyond their authority; the same applies if someone assumes they can administer justice outside their own jurisdiction.
Extrema potius pati, quam turpia facere.
Better to endure hardships than to commit disgraceful acts.
Rather suffer extremities, than do infamous things.
I would rather endure hardships than do shameful things.
Factum a judice quod ad officium ejus non pertinet, ratum non est.
Fact done by a judge that doesn't relate to their duties is not valid.
An act of a judge which does not belong to his office, is not binding.
An action taken by a judge that isn't part of his official duties isn't binding.
Facultas probationum non est angustanda.
The probation faculty should not be restricted.
The faculty of furnishing proofs, is not to be circumscribed.
The ability to provide evidence is not limited.
Falsa orthographia, sive falsa grammatica, non vitiat concessionem.
Falsely spelled words or bad grammar do not invalidate the agreement.
Erroneous orthography, or grammatical errors, do not vitiate a grant.
Errors in spelling or grammar do not invalidate a grant.
Fama est constans virorum bonorum de re aliqua opinio.
Fame is a steady reputation among good men regarding a particular matter.
Fame is the constant opinion of good men concerning any thing.
Fame is the consistent view of good people about something.
Fatetur facinus qui judicium fugit.
He admits the crime and escapes judgment.
He confesses the crime who avoids the trial.
He admits to the crime when he avoids the trial.
Favorabiliores rei potius, quam actores habentur.
Favorabiliores rei potius, quam actores habentur.
Accused persons are held more favourable than the accusers.
Accused individuals are treated more favorably than the accusers.
Feodum simplex ex feodo simplici pendere non potest.
Feodum simplex cannot depend on a simple fee.
A simple feu cannot depend on a simple feu.
A simple estate cannot rely on another simple estate.
Fere in omnibus pœnalibus judiciis, et ætati et imprudentiæ succurritur.
Fere in omnibus pœnalibus judiciis, et ætati et imprudentiæ succurritur.
Almost in all penal trials allowance is made for youth and imprudence.
Almost all criminal trials take youth and recklessness into account.
Fiat justitia, ruat cœlum.
Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
Let justice be done, if the sky should fall.
Let justice be done, even if the sky falls.
Fictio cedit veritati.
Fiction yields to truth.
Fiction yields to truth.
Fiction gives way to truth.
Fictio juris non est ubi veritas.
Fiction of law does not exist where there is truth.
There is no supposition of right where the truth is evident.
There’s no claim to a right when the truth is clear.
Filiatio non potest probari.
Paternity cannot be proven.
Filiation cannot be proved.
Filiation can't be proven.
Flumina et portus publica sunt.
Rivers and ports are public.
Rivers and harbours are public.
Rivers and harbors are public.
Flumina pene omnia, et portus, publica sunt.
Flumina almost all, and ports, are public.
Almost all rivers and harbours are public.
Almost all rivers and harbors are public.
Fœminæ ab omnibus officiis civilibus vel publicis remotæ sunt. Item impubes omnibus civilibus officiis debet abstinere.
Feminine individuals are excluded from all civil or public duties. Likewise, minors should refrain from all civil responsibilities.
Women are removed from all civil and public offices.—Likewise those under age ought to abstain from all civil offices.
Women are excluded from all civil and public positions. Similarly, minors should refrain from holding any civil office.
Fœminis et infantibus per vicarium multis muneribus licet fungi.
Feminine and infant roles can be fulfilled by a representative in many ways.
It is lawful for women and children to discharge offices by proxy or substitute.
It is legal for women and children to carry out tasks through a proxy or substitute.
Fortior et posterior est dispositio legis quam hominis.
Fortior and posterior is the arrangement of the law than that of man.
The disposal of the law is stronger and later than that of a man.
The application of the law is more powerful and comes later than that of a man.
Fractionem diei non recipit lex.
The law does not accept a fraction of the day.
The law does not admit of the fractional part of a day.
The law doesn’t recognize partial days.
Fraus adstringit non dissolvit perjuriam.
Fraud constrains but does not dissolve perjury.
Fraud binds—does not dissolve perjury.
Fraud binds—does not erase perjury.
Fraus æquitati præjudicat.
Fraud undermines justice.
Fraud is prejudicial to equity.
Fraud harms fairness.
Fraus est celare fraudem.
It's wrong to hide fraud.
To conceal fraud is fraud.
Hiding fraud is fraud.
Fraus est odiosa et non præsumenda.
Fraud is detestable and should not be assumed.
Fraud is odious, and not to be presumed.
Fraud is despicable and shouldn’t be assumed.
Fraus et dolus nemini debent patrocinari.
Fraud and deception should not protect anyone.
Fraud and craft ought to be a protection to none.
Fraud and deceit should protect no one.
Fraus legibus invisissima.
Fraud in the law is hidden.
Fraud is most odious to the laws.
Fraud is extremely repugnant to the law.
Fraudis interpretatio semper in jure civili non ex eventu duntaxat, sed ex concilio quoque desideratur.
Fraud interpretation in civil law is not only based on the outcome but also requires careful deliberation.
The interpretation of fraud in the civil law is not always desired from the event merely, but likewise from the intention.
The interpretation of fraud in civil law isn't just based on the event itself, but also on the intention behind it.
Frustra expectatur cujus effectus nullus sequitur.
Frustration arises when there is no result that follows.
That is expected in vain of which no effect follows.
That is considered in vain if it produces no result.
Frustra legis auxilium implorat qui leges ipsas subvertere conatur.
Frustrated is the one who seeks the help of the law while trying to undermine the law itself.
He implores the assistance of the law in vain, who endeavours to subvert the laws themselves.
He appeals for help from the law in vain if he tries to undermine the laws themselves.
Frustra probatur quod probatum non relevat.
Frustration proves that what's proven doesn't help.
That thing is proved in vain, which, when proved, is not relevant.
That thing is proven to be pointless if, when proven, it is not relevant.
Fundi non debent inalienabiles esse.
Funds should not be non-transferable.
Farms ought not to be unalienable.
Farms shouldn't be static.
Furiosi, vel ejus cui bonis interdictum sit, nulla voluntas est.
Furiosi, or anyone who has been banned from their property, has no will.
The will of a madman, or of him who is interdicted from the administration of his goods, is nothing.
The will of a madman, or of someone who is prohibited from managing their assets, is worth nothing.
Furiosus solo furore punitur.
Anger is punished by madness.
A madman is punished only by his own madness.
A crazy person is only punished by their own insanity.
Generale dictum, generaliter est intelligendum.
General rule, generally understood.
A thing said in a general sense, is to be understood in a general sense.
A statement made in a general way should be understood in a general way.
Generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum. Generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda.
Generale dictum should generally be interpreted. General words should be understood in a general sense.
A general saying is to be interpreted in general.—General words are to be so interpreted.
A common saying is meant to be understood broadly. —General General terms should be interpreted this way.
Generalia præcedunt, specialia sequuntur.
Generalities precede, specifics follow.
General things precede, special things follow.
General things come first, specific things come after.
Generalia specialibus non derogant.
General rules don't override specifics.
General things are not derogatory to special.
General things are not inferior to special.
Generalia sunt præponenda singularibus.
Generalities should take precedence over specifics.
General things are to be preferred to single things.
General things are better than specific things.
Generalibus specialia derogant.
Special rules override general rules.
Special things are derogatory to general.
Special things are less valued than general ones.
Generalis gratia proditionem et homicidium non excipit pœna.
Generality of grace does not excuse treason and murder from punishment.
General favour does not exempt treason and homicide from punishment.
General favor does not protect treason and murder from punishment.
Generaliter, cum de fraude disputatur, non quid habeat actor, sed quid per adversarium habere non potuerit, considerandum est.
Generalmente, cuando se discute sobre el fraude, no se debe considerar lo que el demandante tiene, sino lo que el oponente no pudo tener.
When there is a dispute concerning fraud, we are to consider in general, not what the actor may have, but what he could not have had by his opponent.
When there’s a disagreement about fraud, we should focus more on what the actor lacks rather than what he might possess.
Generaliter probandum est, ubicunque in bonæ fidei judiciis confertur, in arbitrium domini aut procuratoris ejus, conditio, pro boni viri arbitrio hoc habendum est.
Generalmente, es necesario demostrar que en cualquier juicio de buena fe se confía en el criterio del dueño o su representante, y esto debe ser considerado según el juicio de un buen hombre.
We ought to prove in general, that in whatever case a condition is imposed upon the will of a master or his agent, in bona fide trials, this is to be considered according to the judgment of a good man.
We should generally demonstrate that whenever a condition is placed on the will of a master or their agent, in bona fide trials, it should be judged according to the standards of a good person.
Grammatica falsa non vitiat chartam.
Incorrect grammar doesn't spoil the document.
False grammar does not vitiate a writing.
False grammar does not ruin a piece of writing.
Gravius est alternam quam temporalem lædere majestatem.
Gravely, it is worse to harm a royal authority than a temporal one.
It is more grievous to hurt an alternate, than a temporary authority.
It’s more painful to hurt someone who’s a constant presence than to hurt a temporary authority.
Habendum in charta vel auget vel restringit, sed non novum inducit.
Habendum in the document either adds or limits but does not introduce anything new.
What is to be regarded in writing, either increases or restricts; but it does not induce any thing new.
What should be considered in writing either expands or limits, but it doesn't create anything new.
Hæredi favetur.
Hæredi is favored.
Favour is shewn to an heir.
Favor is shown to an heir.
Hæreditas, alia corporalis, alia incorporalis: Corporalis est, quæ tangi potest et videri: Incorporalis, quæ tangi non potest nec videri.
Hæreditas, some tangible, some intangible: Tangible is what can be touched and seen: Intangible is what cannot be touched or seen.
Inheritance, one kind is substantial, and another unsubstantial—the substantial is what can be touched and seen—the unsubstantial, what cannot be touched nor seen.
Inheritance comes in two forms: substantial and unsubstantial. The substantial is what can be touched and seen, while the unsubstantial is what cannot be touched or seen.
Hæreditas est successio in universum jus quod defunctus habuerit.
Hæreditas is the succession to the entire legal right that the deceased had.
Inheritance is the succession to the universal right which the deceased had.
Inheritance is the transfer of the overall rights that the deceased person held.
Hæreditas ex dimidio sanguine non datur.
Heredity isn't passed down through half-blood.
Inheritance is not granted from half-blood.
Inheritance is not given to those of mixed blood.
Hæreditas nihil aliud est, quam successio in universum jus quod defunctus habuerit.
Hæreditas is nothing other than the succession of all the rights that the deceased had.
Inheritance is nothing else than the succession to the whole right which the deceased may have had.
Inheritance is simply the passing on of all the rights that the deceased may have held.
Hæreditates recta linea debent descendere, sed non ascendunt.
Heredities should pass down in a straight line, but not go up.
Inheritances ought to descend in a direct line; but do not ascend.
Inheritances should pass down through a direct line, but not go back up.
Hæres est aut jure proprietatis, aut jure representationis.
Hæres is either by the right of ownership or by the right of representation.
One is an heir either by right of property, or by right of representation.
An heir can be someone who inherits through property rights or through the right of representation.
Hæres est eadem persona cum antecessore,—pars antecessoris.
Hæres is the same person as the predecessor—part of the predecessor.
An heir is the same person with his predecessor—a part of that predecessor.
An heir is essentially the same person as their predecessor—part of that predecessor.
Hæres legitimus est quem nuptiæ demonstrant.
Hæres legitimus est quem nuptiæ demonstrant.
He is the lawful heir whom the marriage demonstrates to be so.
He is the rightful heir, as confirmed by the marriage.
Hæres est nomen juris; filius est nomen naturæ.
Hæres is a legal term; son is a term of nature.
An heir is the name of right—son is the name of nature.
An heir is a title based on rights—son is a title based on biological relationship.
Hæres non tenetur in Anglia ad debita antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antecessorem ad hoc fuerit obligatus, præterquam debita regis tantum.
Hæres non tenetur in Anglia ad debita antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antecessorem ad hoc fuerit obligatus, præterquam debita regis tantum.
The heir is not bound in England to pay the debts of his predecessor, unless he hath been obliged to this by his predecessor, except only what is due to the king.
The heir in England isn’t required to pay the debts of his predecessor unless he has been made to do so by his predecessor, except for debts owed to the king.
Hæredem ejusdem potestatis jurisque esse, cujus fuit defunctis, constat.
Hæredem ejusdem potestatis jurisque esse, cujus fuit defunctis, constat.
It is certain that an heir hath the same power and privilege which belonged to the deceased.
An heir has the same power and rights that belonged to the deceased.
Hæres hæredis mei est meus hæres.
Hæres hæredis mei est meus hæres.
The heir of my heir is my heir.
The heir of my heir is my heir.
Humanum est errare.
To err is human.
Man is liable to error; or, to err is inherent to human nature.
Humans are prone to making mistakes; in fact, making mistakes is part of our nature.
Ibi semper debet fieri Triatio, ubi juratores meliorem possunt habere notitiam.
Ibi sempre debeat fieri Triatio, ubi juratores meliorem possunt habere notitiam.
Trial must take place, where the jury may obtain better information. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Trial must happen, where the jury can get better information. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Id certum est quod certum reddi potest, sed id magis certum est quod de semetipso est certum.
Id certum est quod certum reddi potest, sed id magis certum est quod de semetipso est certum.
That is certain which can be rendered certain, but that is more certain which is certain of itself.
That which can be made certain is definitely certain, but that which is certain in itself is even more certain.
Id perfectum est quod ex omnibus suis partibus constat; et nihil perfectum est dum aliquid restat agendum.
Id perfectum est quod ex omnibus suis partibus constat; et nihil perfectum est dum aliquid restat agendum.
That is complete which consists of all its parts; and nothing is perfect while any thing remains to be done.
That is complete which includes all its parts; and nothing is perfect while there’s still something left to do.
Id quod est magis remotum, non trahit ad se quod est magis junctum, sed e contrario in omni casu.
Id quod est magis remotum, non trahit ad se quod est magis junctum, sed e contrario in omni casu.
That which is more remote does not draw to itself that which is more closely joined; but the contrary in every case.
What is farther away doesn't attract what is closer; it's the opposite in every situation.
Id quod nostrum est, sine facto nostro ad alium transferri non potest.
Id quod nostrum est, sine facto nostro ad alium transferri non potest.
That which is ours cannot be transferred to another without our own deed.
What belongs to us can't be given to someone else without our own action.
Idem agens et patiens esse non potest.
Idem acting and being acted upon cannot be the same.
The same person cannot be both the agent and patient.
The same person can't be both the doer and the receiver.
Idem est facere et non prohibere cum possis, et qui non prohibet cum prohibere possit, in culpa est.
Idem is doing something and not stopping when you can, and anyone who doesn’t stop when they could is at fault.
It is the same to do and not to prohibit when you can; and he who does not prohibit when he can prohibit, is in fault.
It's just as wrong to do something as it is not to stop it when you have the chance; and anyone who doesn't stop it when they can is at fault.
Idem est nihil dicere et insufficienter dicere.
Idem est nihil dicere et insufficienter dicere.
It is the same thing to speak nothing, and to speak insufficiently.
It's the same as saying nothing at all and saying too little.
Idem est non esse et non apparere.
Idem est non esse et non apparere.
Not to be, and not to appear is the same.
Not to be, and not to seem, is the same.
Idem semper antecedenti proximo refertur.
Same always refers to the previous.
The same thing is always referred to the nearest antecedent.
The same thing is always connected to the closest reference.
Ignorantia facti excusat.
Ignorance of the fact excuses.
Ignorance of a fact or deed excuses.
Ignorance of a fact or action is a valid excuse.
Ignorantia judicis est calamitas innocentis.
Judicial ignorance is the innocent's disaster.
The ignorance of a judge is the calamity of the innocent.
The judge's lack of knowledge is a disaster for the innocent.
Ignorantia juris non excusat.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Ignorance of the law does not excuse.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
Ignorantia juris sui non præjudicat juri.
Ignorance of the law does not excuse breaking it.
Ignorance of ones own right is not prejudicial to that right.
Ignorance of one's own rights doesn't affect those rights.
Ignorantia legum neminem excusat, omnes enim præsumuntur eas nosse quibus omnes consentiant.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one, for everyone is presumed to know it to which all agree.
Ignorance of the law excuses no body, for all are presumed to know those things on which all agree.
Ignorance of the law doesn't excuse anyone, because everyone is expected to know the things that are universally accepted.
Ignorantia non excusat legem.
Ignorance doesn't excuse the law.
Ignorance does not excuse the law.
Ignorance is not a valid excuse for breaking the law.
Illud quod alias licitum non est, necessitas facit licitum; et necessitas inducit privilegium quod jure privatur.
Illud quod alias licitum non est, necessitas facit licitum; et necessitas inducit privilegium quod jure privatur.
That which is not lawful in another case, necessity makes lawful; and necessity induces a privilege which is taken away by the law.
What isn't legal in other situations becomes legal out of necessity, and necessity creates a privilege that the law removes.
Imaginaria venditio non est pretio accedente.
Imaginative selling doesn't come with a price.
It is not an imaginary sale when the price is paid.
It’s not a fake sale when the price is actually paid.
Imperator noster servis rescripsit, in ambiguitatibus quæ ex legibus proficiscuntur, consuetudinem, aut rerum perpetuo similiter judicatarum auctoritatem, vim legis obtinere.
Imperator wrote to his servants that in ambiguities arising from laws, custom or the authority of similarly judged matters holds the force of law.
Our emperor wrote back to his subjects that in the ambiguities, which proceed from the laws, the custom, or the authority of cases constantly decided in the same manner, should obtain the force of laws.
Our emperor replied to his subjects that in situations where the laws are unclear, the customs or the authority of cases that have consistently been decided in the same way should have the same power as laws.
Imperitia culpæ adnumeratur.
Lack of skill is blameworthy.
Unskilfulness is reckoned a fault.
Being unskilled is seen as a flaw.
Impersonalitas non concludit nec ligat.
Impersonality neither concludes nor binds.
Impersonality is neither conclusive nor binding.
Impersonality isn't fixed or required.
Impius et crudelis judicandus est qui libertati non favet.
Impius et crudelis judicandus est qui libertati non favet.
He is to be considered a wicked and cruel person who does not favour liberty.
He should be seen as a wicked and cruel person who doesn't support freedom.
Improbi rumores, dissipati sunto.
Let rumors be dispelled.
Let wicked reports be silenced.
Let bad reports be silenced.
Impotentia excusat legem.
Inability excuses the law.
Inability excuses law.
Inability excuses legal obligations.
Impunitas semper ad deteriora invitat.
Impunity always invites worse outcomes.
Impunity always is an inducement to do worse.
Impunity always breeds worse behavior.
Impossibilium nulla obligatio est.
Impossibility is not an obligation.
There is no obligation to things impossible; none is obliged to do impossibilities.
There’s no obligation to do things that are impossible; no one is required to achieve the impossible.
In actis publicis collegii sive corporis alicujus corporati consensus, est voluntas multorum ad quos res pertinet simul juncta.
In official documents of a college or any organized body, there is the collective intent of the many involved in the matter at hand joined together.
In public acts of a college or any incorporated body, the will of many to whom the matter belongs joined together, is the consent.
In public activities of a college or any incorporated organization, the agreement of the many who have a stake in the matter coming together is the consent.
In æquali jure melior est conditio possidentis.
In equal rights, the position of the possessor is better.
In equality of right, the condition of the person in possession, is the better.
In terms of equal rights, the situation of the person who is in possession is more favorable.
In alternativis electio est debitoris.
Choice lies with the debtor.
In alternatives, the power of election belongs to the debtor.
In alternatives, the debtor has the power of choice.
In brevi aut charta generalia præsedunt specialia.
In brief, general principles take precedence over specific ones.
General things precede special, in a brief or writing.
General things come before specific ones in a brief or writing.
In ambiguis casibus semper præsumitur pro rege.
In ambiguous situations, it is always assumed to be in favor of the king.
In ambiguous cases, the presumption is always in favour of the king.
In unclear situations, the assumption is always in favor of the king.
In ambiguis orationibus maxime sententia spectanda est ejus, qui eas protulisset.
In ambiguous statements, the meaning is primarily focused on the person who made them.
In ambiguous speeches, the opinion of him is chiefly to be considered who had uttered them.
In unclear speeches, it's mainly important to consider the opinion of the person who made them.
In ambiguis pro dotibus respondere melius est.
In uncertain situations, it's better to respond with gifts.
In doubtful cases, it is better to answer for endowments.
In uncertain situations, it's better to be accountable for gifts.
In atrocioribus delictis punitur affectus licet non sequatur effectus.
In more serious crimes, emotions are punished even if they don't lead to results.
In the more atrocious transactions, the inclination is punished, though the effect does not follow.
In the more terrible dealings, the desire is punished, even if the outcome doesn't happen.
In capitalibus minor est pœna cogitationis manifestæ quam conatus ex actu directo; et minor conatus quam patrati facinoris, ut sit pœnitentiæ locus. Sed in proditione in terrorem aliter statutum est.
In minor offenses, the penalty for clear intent is less than for attempts from direct action; and the attempt is less than for a completed crime, allowing for the possibility of remorse. However, in the case of treason intended to instill fear, the rules are different.
In capital cases, the punishment of an evident intention is less, than an attempt by a direct act; and the punishment of the attempt is less, than that of the deed perpetrated, that there may be room for repentance: but in treason, it is determined otherwise, for terror.
In capital cases, the punishment for a clear intention is less than for an attempted direct action; and the punishment for an attempt is less than for the actual crime committed, allowing for the possibility of remorse. However, in treason, it is decided differently, for the sake of instilling fear.
In capitalibus quid, quomodo, quando, ubi, a quo factum, cum circumstantiis solemnibus, debent exponi.
In capitals, what, how, when, where, by whom it was done, along with the solemn circumstances, should be explained.
In capital cases, the what, in what manner, and when, where, and by whom done, with the particular circumstances, ought to be explained.
In capital cases, the what, in what manner, and when, where, and by whom it was done, along with the specific circumstances, should be clarified.
In capitalibus sufficit generalis malitia cum facto paris gradus.
In capital cities, general wrongdoing is enough to create a level playing field.
In capital cases, general malice, with a fact of an equal degree of guilt, is sufficient.
In capital cases, overall malice, along with a fact of equal guilt, is enough.
In casu extremæ necessitatis omnia sunt communia.
In extreme cases of necessity, everything is shared.
In a case of extreme necessity, all things are common.
In times of great need, everything is shared.
In civilibus ministerium excusat, in criminalibus non item.
In civil cases, the service is excused, but in criminal cases, it is not.
In civil cases, the situation of a servant excuses, but not so in criminal cases.
In civil cases, a servant's situation can provide an excuse, but that's not the case in criminal cases.
In civilibus proxima et directa præstare quis tenetur; in criminalibus etiam consequentia.
In civil matters, a person is required to provide direct performance; in criminal matters, also the consequences.
In civil cases, one is bound to perform the nearest and direct things; but in criminal cases, even consequent things.
In civil cases, a person is required to do the closest and most direct things; but in criminal cases, even the things that follow.
In civilibus voluntas pro facto reputabitur.
In civil matters, intent will be considered as fact.
In civil cases, the will shall be considered for the deed.
In civil cases, the will will be taken into account for the deed.
In conjunctivis oportet utramque partem esse veram.
In a conjunctive statement, both parts must be true.
In co-partnerships, it is necessary that each party be true.
In partnerships, it's essential that each party be honest.
In consimili casu, consimile debet esse remedium.
In similar cases, the remedy should be similar.
In a similar case there ought to be a similar remedy.
In a similar situation, there should be a similar solution.
In consuetudinibus non diuturnitas temporis sed soliditas rationis est consideranda.
In customs, it's not the length of time that matters but the strength of reason that should be considered.
In customs, not continuance of time, but solidity of reason, is to be considered.
In customs, what matters is the strength of reason, not the passing of time.
In contractibus, benigna; in testamentis benignior; in restitutionibus, benignissima interpretatio facienda est.
In contracts, be kind; in wills, be kinder; in restitutions, the interpretation should be the kindest.
In contracts, an interpretation must be made favourable; in testaments more favourable; in restitutions most favourable of all.
In contracts, the interpretation should be favorable; in wills, it should be even more favorable; and in restitution, it should be the most favorable of all.
In contrahenda venditione ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est.
In a sales contract, any ambiguous agreement should be interpreted against the seller.
In contracting a sale, a doubtful bargain is to be interpreted against the seller.
In making a sale, any unclear deal should be interpreted in favor of the buyer.
In criminalibus probationes debent esse luce clariores.
In criminal cases, the evidence must be clear as day.
In criminal cases, proofs ought to be clearer than the sun.
In criminal cases, evidence should be clearer than day.
In criminalibus voluntas pro facto non reputabitur.
In criminal cases, intent will not be considered for the act.
In criminal cases, the will must not be considered as the deed.
In criminal cases, the will shouldn't be seen as the same as the deed.
In disjunctivis sufficit alteram partem esse veram.
In disjunctives, it’s enough for one part to be true.
In dissolution of partnerships, it is sufficient that one party be true.
In ending partnerships, it's enough for one party to be honest.
In dubiis magis dignum est accipiendum.
In uncertain situations, it’s better to accept the more worthy option.
In doubtful cases, the more worthy is to be taken.
In uncertain situations, the more deserving option should be chosen.
In dubiis non præsumitur pro testamento.
In uncertain situations, a presumption is not made in favor of the will.
In doubtful cases, there is no presumption for a will.
In uncertain situations, there’s no assumption in favor of a will.
In eo quod plus sit, semper inest et minus.
In everything that exists, there is always more and there is less.
In that where there is more, there is less also included.
In places where there's more, there's also less included.
In eo quod vel is, qui petit, vel is, a quo petitur lucri factus est, durior causa est petitoris.
In the situation where either the person making a request or the person being asked has gained something, the case for the requester is more difficult.
In that which either he who seeks, or he from whom it is sought, for the sake of gain, the cause of the applicant is harder.
In situations where either the seeker or the one being sought is motivated by gain, the case of the applicant is more difficult.
In favorabilibus, magis attenditur quod prodest quam quod nocet.
In positive situations, we tend to focus more on what benefits us than on what harms us.
In favourable cases, we rather attend to what does good, than to what does hurt.
In favorable situations, we tend to focus on what helps rather than on what hurts.
In favorem vitæ, libertatis et innocentiæ, omnia præsumuntur.
In favor of life, freedom, and innocence, everything is presumed.
In favour of life, liberty, and innocence, all things are presumed.
In support of life, freedom, and purity, everything is assumed.
In fictione juris semper subsistit æquitas.
In the realm of legal fiction, fairness always prevails.
Equity always subsists on the supposition of right.
Equity always exists based on the assumption of what is right.
In hæredes non solent transire actiones quæ pœnales ex maleficio sunt.
Inheritances do not typically pass on claims that are punitive in nature due to wrongdoing.
Heirs are not liable to actions which are penal from injury.
Heirs aren’t responsible for actions that are punishable due to harm.
In his quæ de jure communi omnibus concedentur, consuetudo alicujus patriæ vel loci est alleganda.
In his discussions about the common law that everyone agrees on, the customs of a particular nation or locality should be referenced.
In those things which are conceded to all by common right, the custom of any country or place is to be alleged. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
In matters that are generally accepted by everyone as a right, the customs of a particular country or area should be referenced. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
In judicio non creditur nisi juratis.
In court, only the testimony of sworn witnesses is believed.
In a trial, none are believed but those who are sworn.
In a trial, only those who are sworn in are believed.
In jure non remota causa, sed proxima spectatur.
In law, we look at the nearest cause, not a distant one.
On a trial, not the remote cause, but the nearest is regarded.
On a trial, not the distant cause, but the closest one is considered.
In lege omnia semper in præsenti stare censentur.
In law, everything is always considered to be in the present.
In law, all things are always judged to stand in their present state.
In law, everything is always evaluated based on its current condition.
In maxima potentia minima licentia.
In great power, little freedom.
In the greatest power there is the least liberty.
In the strongest power, there is the least freedom.
In negotiis contrahendis alia causa habita est furiosorum, alia eorum qui fari possunt, quamvis actum rei intelligerent; nam furiosus nullum negotium contrahere potest; pupillus omnia, tutore, auctore, agere potest.
In negotiations, the situation is different for those who are insane compared to those who are able to speak, even if they understand the matter; for an insane person cannot enter into any contract, while a minor can do anything through their guardian or by their authority.
In contracting business, the cause of madmen is to be considered one thing, and the cause of those who can speak another, in so far as they understand the transaction of a matter; for a madman can contract no business; a pupil can do all things with the authority of his guardian.
In business contracts, the reasoning of madmen is viewed one way, and the reasoning of those who can speak is seen another way, depending on their understanding of a transaction; a madman cannot enter into any contracts, while a minor can do everything with the permission of their guardian.
In novo casu novum remedium apponendum est.
In a new case, a new solution must be applied.
In an extraordinary case, an extraordinary remedy must be applied.
In an exceptional situation, an exceptional solution must be used.
In obscuris, inspici solere quod verisimile esset, aut quod plerumque fieri solet.
In the dark, it is common to look for what seems likely or what usually happens.
In obscure cases, what is probable is wont to be looked to; or what for the most part is used to be done.
In rare cases, people tend to look at what is likely; or what is usually done most of the time.
In odium spoliatoris omnia præsumuntur.
In cases of theft, all is presumed.
All things are presumed in hatred of a defrauder.
All things are assumed in the hatred of someone who cheats.
In omnibus causis pro facto accipitur id, in quo per alium moræ sit, quo minus fiat.
In all cases, it is accepted that what delays action is that which is caused by another.
In all causes, that is taken for a fact, in which by means of another there may be a hinderance to prevent its being done.
In all situations, it's accepted as a fact that if someone else can block something, it may prevent it from happening.
In omnibus fere minori ætati succurritur.
In general, help is provided to almost everyone who is younger.
In all cases aid is given to minors.
In all cases, assistance is provided to minors.
In omnibus obligationibus, in quibus dies non ponitur, præsenti die debitur.
In all obligations where a deadline isn't specified, payment is due today.
In all obligations in which a day is not fixed, it is due on the present day.
In all obligations where a specific day isn't set, payment is due today.
In omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in jure, æquitas spectanda est.
In everything, especially in law, fairness must be considered.
In all things indeed, chiefly however in law, equity is to be regarded.
In everything, especially in law, equity should be considered.
In pari causa possessor potior haberi debet.
In a similar situation, the one who possesses should be considered stronger.
In an equal cause a possessor ought to be reckoned preferable.
In a fair situation, someone who owns something should be considered better.
In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis.
In a situation where both parties are at fault, the condition of the defendant is stronger.
In an equal delict the state of the defender is better.
In a fair offense, the defender's position is stronger.
In præsentia majoris cessat potentia minoris.
In the presence of a greater power, the lesser power ceases.
In the presence of the greater, the power of the lesser ceases.
In the presence of the stronger, the influence of the weaker disappears.
In pœnalibus causis benignius interpretandum est.
In criminal cases, it should be interpreted more leniently.
In penal causes we ought to interpret more mercifully.
In criminal cases, we should interpret things more compassionately.
In re dubia magis inficiatio quam affirmatio intelligenda.
In cases of doubt, it's more about denying than confirming.
In a doubtful affair denial rather than affirmation is to be understood.
In a questionable situation, it's better to assume denial rather than affirmation.
In re obscura melius est favere repetitioni quam adventitio lucro.
In re obscura, it’s better to support a repetition than to rely on sudden profit.
In an obscure case it is better to favour repetition than adventitious gain.
In a confusing situation, it's better to go with what you know rather than chase after quick wins.
In rebus manifestis errat qui authoritates legum allegat: quia perspicua vera non sunt probanda.
In obvious cases, those who refer to the authorities of the laws are mistaken: because clear truths do not need to be proven.
In evident things he errs who alleges the authorities of the laws, because self-evident truths are not to be proved.
In obvious matters, he is mistaken who cites the authorities of the laws, because self-evident truths don't need to be proven.
In rebus novis constituendis evidens esse utilites debet, ut recedatur ab eo jure, quod diu æquum visum est.
In establishing new things, the benefits should be clear so that we move away from the law that has long seemed fair.
In settling new matters, the utility of doing so ought to be evident, so that we may depart from that law which long seemed just.
In addressing new issues, the usefulness of doing so should be clear, so we can move away from that law that once seemed fair.
In rebus, quæ sunt favorabilia animæ, quam vis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extensio statuti.
In matters concerning what benefits the soul, even if they are harmful in other respects, there may sometimes be an extension of the statute.
In things which are favourable for life, although they be hurtful to property, sometimes there may be an extension of the statute.
In situations that are beneficial for life, even if they can harm property, there might be a chance to extend the statute.
In republica maxime sunt conservanda jura belli.
In a republic, the laws of war must be upheld above all.
In a state, the laws of war are by all means to be observed.
In a state, the laws of war must absolutely be followed.
In restitutionem non in pœnam hæres succedit.
In restitution, not in punishment, the heir succeeds.
An heir succeeds to restitution not to punishment.
An heir is entitled to restitution, not punishment.
In rex non potest conjunctim tenere cum alio.
In a king, he cannot hold together with another.
A king cannot hold conjunctly with another.
A king cannot rule alongside another.
In satisfactionibus non permittitur amplius fiere quam semel factum est.
In satisfactions, it is not allowed to be done more than once.
In satisfaction, it is not allowed, that more should be done than what has once been done.
In satisfaction, it is not permitted for more to be done than what has already been done.
In testamentis plenius voluntates testantium interpretantur.
In wills, the intentions of the testators are interpreted more fully.
In testaments the intention of the testators are most fully interpreted.
In wills, the intentions of the people making them are most clearly understood.
In testamentis ratio tacita non debet considerari.
In wills, silent agreements shouldn't be taken into account.
In testaments a silent reason ought not to be considered.
In wills, a quiet reason shouldn't be taken into account.
In toto jure generi per speciem derogatur, et illud potissimum habetur, quoad ad speciem directum est.
In total law, the general rule is modified by the specific case, and that is primarily accepted as direct when it pertains to the specific case.
In the whole of law, species takes from genus, and that is considered a chief point, which has a reference to species.
In all of law, a specific type is derived from a broader category, and this is seen as a key issue that relates to that specific type.
In verbis non verba sed res et ratio quærenda est.
In words, it's not just about words but about the reality and reasoning that need to be sought.
In words, not the words themselves, but matter and reason are to be sought.
In language, not the specific words, but substance and thought should be pursued.
Incerta pro nullis habentur.
They are considered uncertain for no one.
Uncertainties are accounted nullities.
Uncertainties are considered nullities.
Incertum ex incerto pendens lege reprobatur.
Incertum ex incerto pendens lege reprobatur.
An uncertainty depending upon an uncertainty, is reprobated in law.
An uncertainty based on another uncertainty is considered unacceptable in law.
Incidentia nolunt separari.
Incidents don’t want to be separated.
Incidents may not be separated.
Incidents might not be distinct.
Incidentia rei tacite sequuntur.
Events unfold silently.
The incidents of a thing follow it, as a matter of course.
The events of something naturally follow it.
Incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare vel respondere.
Incivility occurs when someone judges or responds to a single part of the law without considering the whole.
To judge and answer is uncivil, if the whole law is not attended to, any one clause of it being merely proposed.
To judge and respond is rude if the entire law isn’t considered, only one part of it being brought up.
Incivile est nisi tota sententia perspecta de aliqua parte judicare.
Incivility occurs when one judges based on only a part of the whole situation.
It is uncivil to judge of any part, unless the whole of a sentence be attended to.
It’s rude to judge any part without considering the whole sentence.
Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius.
Inclusion of one is exclusion of another.
The inclusion of one, is the exclusion of the other.
The inclusion of one means excluding the other.
Infans est qui propter defectum ætatis pro se fari nequeat.
Infans is someone who, due to their young age, is unable to speak for themselves.
He is a child who on account of defect of age, cannot speak for himself.
He is a child who, because of his age, cannot speak for himself.
Infantes de damno præstare tenentur, de pœna non item.
Infants are required to provide security, but not in the same way for penalties.
Children are obliged to performance concerning a loss, but not in like manner concerning punishment.
Children are required to perform in response to a loss, but not in the same way when it comes to punishment.
Infinitum in jure reprobatur.
Infinite in law is rejected.
What is unbounded, is reprobated in law.
What is limitless is condemned by law.
Iniquum est alios permittere alios inhibere mercaturam.
It is unfair to allow some people to restrict trade for others.
It is unjust to allow some to merchandize, and to prohibit others.
It’s unfair to let some people sell goods while stopping others from doing the same.
Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem. In propria causa nemo judex.
In a case involving oneself, it's unfair for someone to be their own judge. No one should be a judge in their own cause.
It is unjust that any one be a judge of his own affair. No body is a judge in his own cause.
It’s unfair for anyone to be a judge in their own case. No one should judge their own situation.
Injuria non præsumitur.
No injury is presumed.
Injury is not anticipated.
Injury is unlikely.
Injuria propria non cadet in beneficium facientis.
Injury to oneself does not fall under the benefit of the doer.
An injury done to ones-self, will not fall to the benefit of the doer.
An injury caused to oneself will not benefit the person who did it.
Injuria servi dominium pertingit.
The servant's injury affects the master.
The master is liable for the damage done by his servant.
The employer is responsible for the damage caused by their employee.
Innuendo non facit verba per se actioni obnoxia si aliter non essent.
Innuendo doesn't make words actionable by themselves unless otherwise stated.
An inuendo does not make words, of themselves obnoxious, liable to an action, if they were not so otherwise.
An innuendo doesn't make words themselves offensive or subject to legal action if they weren't already.
Intentio legitime cognita, et legibus consentanea, maxime habenda.
Intent should be clearly understood and aligned with the laws, and that should be a top priority.
An intention legitimately known and agreeable to the laws, is to be regarded in an especial manner.
An intention that is properly recognized and in line with the laws should be treated with special consideration.
Intentio mea imponit nomen operi meo.
Intentions shape the name of my work.
My intention gives a name to my work.
My intention shapes my work.
Inter arma silent leges.
In times of war, laws silent.
The laws are silent amidst arms.
The laws are quiet in times of war.
Interest reipublicæ ut judicia debitæ executioni mandentur.
Interest reipublicæ ut judicia debitæ executioni mandentur.
It concerns the state that decisions be duly executed.
It concerns the state that decisions be properly carried out.
Interest reipublicæ ne maleficia remaneant impunita.
Interest reipublicæ ne maleficia remaneant impunita.
It concerns the state that injuries do not remain unpunished.
It’s about the fact that injuries do not go unpunished.
Interest reipublicæ res judicatas non rescindere.
Interest reipublicæ res judicatas non rescindere.
It concerns the state not to rescind matters that have been judged.
It’s about the government not to overturn decisions that have been made.
Interest reipublicæ ut sit finis litium.
Interest reipublicæ ut sit finis litium.
It concerns the state, that there be an end to law suits.
It’s about ensuring that lawsuits come to an end.
Interest reipublicæ ut carceres sint in tuto.
Interest reipublicæ ut carceres sint in tuto.
It concerns the state that prisons be secure.
It’s important that prisons are secure.
Interest reipublicæ ut quilibet re sua bene utatur.
Interest reipublicæ ut quilibet re sua bene utatur.
It concerns the state, that every one make good use of his own property.
It’s about the fact that everyone should make good use of their own property.
Interest reipublicæ ut bonis bene sit, et male malis, et suum cuique.
Interest reipublicæ ut bonis bene sit, et male malis, et suum cuique.
It concerns the state that it may be well with the good, ill with the wicked, and that every one may have his own.
It’s about how things might go well for the good people, poorly for the bad, and that everyone can have their own experience.
Interpretare et concordare leges legibus est optimus interpretandi modus.
Interpretation and harmonization of laws with other laws is the best way to understand them.
To interpret and make the laws agree with laws, is the best way of interpreting them.
To interpret and align the laws with one another is the best way to understand them.
Interpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
Interpretation should be done so that things have more value than being wasted.
Such an interpretation ought to be made, as that a thing may either rather prosper than perish.
Such an interpretation should be made, as a thing may be more likely to succeed than to fail.
Invito beneficium non datur.
An invitation brings no benefit.
A favour is not bestowed on one unwilling to receive it.
A favor isn't given to someone who's not willing to accept it.
Invitat culpam qui peccatum præterit.
Invites blame for past sins.
He encourages a fault, who passes over a transgression.
He encourages a mistake when he ignores a wrongdoing.
Invitus nemo rem cogitur defendere.
No one is forced to defend.
Nobody is compelled, when unwilling, to defend his property.
No one is forced to defend their property if they don't want to.
Ira hominis non implet justitium Dei.
Ira hominis non implet justitium Dei.
The wrath of a man does not fulfil the justice of God.
A man's anger doesn't bring about God's justice.
Is damnum dat qui jubet dare, ejus vero nulla culpa est cui parere necesse est.
Is the loss caused by the one who commands its giving, while there is no fault on the part of the one who must comply.
He occasions a loss, who gives orders to cause it; but no blame belongs to him who is under the necessity of obeying.
A person who causes a loss by giving orders is responsible for it; however, the one who has to follow those orders is not to blame.
Is, qui actionem habet ad rem recuperandam, ipsam rem habere videtur.
Is, who has the right to regain an item, seems to have the item itself.
He seems to have the property itself, who hath an action to recover it.
He seems to actually own the property if he has a claim to get it back.
Ita tuo utere ut alienum ne lædas.
Ita tuo utere ut alienum ne lædas.
Make such use of your own property, that you do not hurt another man’s.
Make use of your own property in a way that doesn't harm someone else's.
Judex ante oculos æquitatem semper habere debet.
Judges should always keep fairness in mind.
A judge ought always to have equity before his eyes.
A judge should always keep fairness in mind.
Judex æquitatem semper spectare debet.
The judge must always seek equity.
A judge ought always to regard equity.
A judge should always consider fairness.
Judex bonus nihil ex arbitrio suo faciat, nec propositio domesticiæ voluntatis, sed juxta leges et jura pronunciet.
Judges should not act based on their personal discretion or according to their own will, but should make decisions in accordance with the law and established rights.
A good judge ought to do nothing of his own pleasure, nor may he have in view the gratification of his private inclination, but let him pronounce according to law and justice.
A good judge shouldn't act on personal preference, nor should he aim to satisfy his own desires; instead, he should make decisions based on law and justice.
Judex damnatur, cum nocens absolvitur.
A judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted.
The judge is condemned, when the guilty is acquitted.
The judge is blamed when the guilty person is set free.
Judex habere debet duos sales, salem sapientiæ, ne sit insipidus, et salem conscientiæ, ne sit diabolus.
Judges should have two kinds of salt: the salt of wisdom, so they aren't foolish, and the salt of conscience, so they don't become immoral.
A judge ought to have two kinds of salts—the salt of wisdom, that he may not be insipid; and the salt of conscience, that he may not be a devil.
A judge should have two types of salt—the salt of wisdom, so he isn’t dull; and the salt of conscience, so he isn’t evil.
Judex non potest esse testis in propria causa.
Judges cannot be witnesses in their own case.
A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause.
A judge can’t be a witness in their own case.
Judex non potest injuriam sibi datam punire.
Judges cannot punish injuries done to themselves.
A judge cannot punish an injury done to himself.
A judge can't punish an injury done to himself.
Judex non reddit plus quam quod petens ipse requirit.
Judex doesn’t give more than what the petitioner asks for.
A judge does not give more than the petitioner himself requires.
A judge doesn't grant more than what the petitioner asks for.
Judicandum est legibus, non exemplis.
Judgment is based on laws, not examples.
We must judge by the law, and not by examples.
We should judge based on the law, not on examples.
Judices non tenentur exprimere causam sententiæ suæ.
Judges are not required to explain the reasons for their decisions.
Judges are not bound to express the cause of their opinions.
Judges don’t have to explain why they hold their opinions.
Judices recenter et subtiliter excogitatis minime favent contra communem legem.
Judges recently and cleverly thought out do not support against common law.
Judges are by no means favourable to things raised recently and subtilely against the common law.
Judges definitely aren't supportive of things that have emerged recently and subtly against the common law.
Judicia posteriora sunt in lege fortiora.
Judgments made later are stronger in the law.
The last decisions are stronger in law.
The final decisions hold more weight in the law.
Judicia sunt tanquam jurisdicta.
Judgments are like jurisdictions.
Decisions are as it were jurisdictions.
Decisions are like domains.
Judicia sunt tanquam jurisdicta, et pro veritate accipiuntur.
Judgments are like jurisdictions and are accepted as the truth.
Decisions are as it were jurisdictions, and are accepted as truth.
Decisions are like judgments and are accepted as truth.
Judicis est jus dicere, non dare.
Judges have the right to declare the law, not to give it.
It is the property of a judge to administer justice, not to give it.
It is a judge's role to administer justice, not to hand it out.
Judicis est judicare secundum allegata et probata.
Judges are meant to decide based on the claims and evidence presented.
It becomes a judge to decide according to things alleged and proved.
It’s up to a judge to make decisions based on what’s been claimed and proven.
Judicis officium est opus diei in die suo perficere.
Judges have the duty to carry out their work day by day.
It is the duty of a judge to accomplish his work from day to day.
It is a judge's responsibility to complete their work every day.
Judiciis posterioribus fides est adhibenda.
Later judgments must be trusted.
Credit is to be given to the latter decisions.
Credit should be given to the latter decisions.
Judicium duodecim proborum et legalium hominum veritatis dictum esse per communem Angliæ legem censetur.
Judgment by twelve good and lawful men is considered to be the saying of truth according to the common law of England.
The decision of twelve good and unexceptionable men, is thought by the common law of England, to be the dictate of truth.
The judgment of twelve fair and reliable individuals is considered by English common law to be the voice of truth.
Judicium est iis quæ pro religione faciant faveri etsi verba desint.
Judgment is given to those who act for their faith, even if words are lacking.
It is a decision to favour those things which make for religion, although words be wanting.
It is a choice to support the things that promote religion, even if the words are missing.
Judicium non debet esse illusorium.
Judgment must not be illusory.
A decision ought not to be illusory.
A decision shouldn't be just an illusion.
Judicium redditur in invitos.
Judgment is rendered against the unwilling.
A decision is given against the unwilling.
A decision is made against those who are unwilling.
Judicium semper pro veritate accipitur.
Judgment is always in favor of truth.
A decision is always received as truth.
A decision is always seen as the truth.
Jura debet esse omni exceptione major.
Jura should be beyond any exception.
It is proper that laws be greater than any exception.
Laws should be more important than any exception.
Jura ecclesiastica sunt limitata.
Church rights are limited.
Ecclesiastical laws are limited.
Church laws are limited.
Jura eodem modo destituuntur quo constituuntur.
Jura are taken away in the same way they are established.
Laws are annulled in the same way they were enacted.
Laws are canceled in the same way they were created.
Jura naturæ sunt immutabilia.
The laws of nature are unchangeable.
The laws of nature are immutable.
The laws of nature don't change.
Jura non in singulas personas sed generaliter constituuntur.
Jura are established not for individual persons but generally.
The laws are established not for individuals, but for the general good.
The laws are created not for individuals, but for the common good.
Jura publica anteferenda privatis.
Public rights prioritized over private.
Public rights are to be preferred to private.
Public rights should take precedence over private rights.
Jura publica ex privato promiscue decidi non debent.
Jura publica shouldn't be determined randomly based on private interests.
Public rights ought not to be decided promiscuously, according to a private right.
Public rights should not be determined randomly based on a private right.
Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt.
Jura sanguinis can't be resolved by any civil law.
The rights of blood can be dissolved by no civil right.
The rights of blood cannot be canceled by any civil right.
Juratores sunt judices facti.
Jurors are judges of fact.
Jurors are judges of the fact.
Jurors are the ones who decide the facts.
Juramentum est indivisibile, et non est admittendum in parte verum et in parte falsum.
Juramentum is indivisible, and it cannot be allowed to be true in part and false in part.
An oath is indivisible, and is not to be admitted partly true and partly false.
An oath is indivisible and cannot be accepted as partly true and partly false.
Jure naturæ æquum est, neminem cum alterius detrimento et injuria fieri locupletiorem.
Jure naturae, it is fair that no one should become richer at another's expense and harm.
It is just by the law of nature, that no one become more rich by the detriment and injury of another.
It’s simply against the laws of nature that one person becomes richer at the expense and harm of another.
Juri non est consonum ut aliquis accessorius convincatur, antequam aliquis de facto fuerit attinctus.
Juri non est consonum ut aliquis accessorius convincatur, antequam aliquis de facto fuerit attinctus.
It is not consonant to law, that any accessory be convicted before any one hath been found guilty of the fact.
It is not in accordance with the law that anyone involved can be convicted before someone is found guilty of the actual crime.
Jus accrescendi inter mercatores locum non habet.
Jus accrescendi among merchants has no place.
The right of accrescing has no place among merchants.
The right of accretion doesn’t apply to merchants.
Jus accrescendi præfertur oneribus.
Jus accrescendi is preferred over burdens.
The right of accrescing is preferable to burdens.
The right of accretion is better than burdens.
Jus est ars boni et æqui.
Jus is the art of what is good and fair.
Law is the art of what is good and just.
Law is the practice of what is fair and just.
Jus naturale est quod apud omnes homines eandem habet potentiam.
Jus naturale is what everyone has the same power over.
Natural law is that which hath the same power among all men.
Natural law is what has the same authority over all people.
Jus publicum privatorum pactis mutare non potest.
Jus publicum cannot be changed by private agreements.
The public law cannot be changed, by the agreements of private persons.
The public law cannot be altered by the agreements of private individuals.
Jus respicit æquitatem.
Just respect fairness.
Law regards equity.
Law respects equity.
Jus sanguinis, quod in legitimis successoribus spectatur ipso nativitatis tempore quæstium est.
Jus sanguinis, which pertains to legitimate heirs, is determined at the time of birth.
The right of blood, which is considered in legitimate succession, is sought for at the very time of birth.
The right of blood, which is recognized in legitimate succession, is established at the moment of birth.
Jus superveniens authori accrescens successori.
A privilege falling unexpectedly upon an author, or inventor, is an addition to his successor.
A privilege that unexpectedly comes to an author or inventor benefits their successor.
Jusjurandum inter alios factum nec nocere nec prodesse debet.
Jusjurandum made among others should neither harm nor benefit.
An oath made among others, ought neither to hurt nor to profit.
An oath made with others shouldn't harm or benefit anyone.
Justitia debet esse libera, quia nihil iniquius venali justitia; plena, quia justitia non debet claudicare; et celeris, quia dilatio est quædam negatio.
Justicia must be free, because nothing is more unjust than a corrupt justice; complete, because justice should not falter; and swift, because delay is a kind of denial.
Justice ought to be free, because nothing is more unfair than venal justice; full, because justice ought not to be lame; and quick, because delay is a kind of denial.
Justice should be free, because nothing is more unjust than corrupt justice; complete, because justice shouldn’t be inadequate; and swift, because delays are a form of denial.
Justitia libertati prior.
Justice is prior to liberty.
Justice is prior to liberty.
Justice comes before liberty.
Justitia est constans et perpetua voluntas jus suum cuique tribuendi.
Justitia is the constant and unwavering determination to give everyone their due.
Justice is the constant and perpetual desire of giving every man his own.
Justice is the ongoing and enduring wish to give everyone what’s rightfully theirs.
Justitia non novit patrem nec matrem, solam veritatem spectat justitia.
Justitia doesn’t know father or mother; it only considers the truth.
Justice knows neither father nor mother; justice regards truth alone.
Justice has no parents; it only values the truth.
Justitæ soror fides.
Sister of Justice is Trust.
Faith is the sister of justice.
Faith is the sibling of justice.
Legatos violare contra jus gentium est.
Legates violating the law of nations is wrong.
To injure ambassadors is against the law of nations.
To harm ambassadors is against international law.
Leges figendi et refigendi consuetudo periculosissima est.
Legislate and re-legislate is a very dangerous habit.
The habit of confirming and rescinding laws, is very dangerous.
The practice of approving and overturning laws is very dangerous.
Leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant.
Later laws repeal earlier conflicting ones.
Posterior laws abrogate former laws, if contrary.
Later laws repeal earlier laws if they are in conflict.
Legis constructio non facit injuriam.
The law does not wrong.
The construction of law, does no injury.
The creation of laws does no harm.
Legis virtus hæc est; imperare, vetare, permittere, punire.
Legis virtue is this; to command, to forbid, to allow, to punish.
This is the strength of the law, to command, forbid, allow, and punish.
This is the power of the law: to command, prohibit, permit, and punish.
Lex a Rege non est violenda.
Lex a Rege non est violenda.
The law is not to be violated by the king.
The king must not break the law.
Lex Angliæ non patitur absurdum.
English law does not allow absurdity.
The law of England does not suffer an absurdity.
The law of England does not tolerate absurdity.
Lex Angliæ nunquam sine Parliamento mutare non potest.
Lex Angliæ cannot change without Parliament.
The law of England cannot undergo a change, without the interference of Parliament.
The law of England can't change without Parliament's involvement.
Lex æquitate gaudet, appetit perfectum,—est norma recti.
Lex æquitate gaudet, appetit perfectum,—est norma recti.
The law rejoices in equity, seeks what is perfect; it is the standard of rectitude.
The law values fairness and aims for perfection; it is the benchmark for integrity.
Lex beneficialis rei consimile remedium præstat.
Lex beneficialis rei consimile remedium præstat.
A beneficial law affords a remedy similar to the thing.
A helpful law provides a solution that is comparable to the issue at hand.
Lex certa esto, pœna certa, et crimini idionea et legibus præfinita.
Lex certa esto, pœna certa, et crimini idonea et legibus præfinita.
Let the law be certain, the punishment certain, and adequate to the crime, and previously determined by the laws.
Let the law be clear, the punishment assured, and appropriate for the crime, and established in advance by the laws.
Lex communis Angliæ ita regis prærogativum admitita est, et circumscripsit ut ne hæreditatem alicujus tollat lædatve.
Lex communis Angliæ was established to support the king's prerogative and limited it so that it does not take away or harm anyone's inheritance.
The common law of England hath so modified and circumscribed the prerogative of the king, that he cannot take away, or hurt the inheritance of any one.
The common law of England has modified and limited the king's prerogative so much that he cannot take away or harm anyone's inheritance.
Lex contra id quod præsumit, probationem non recipit.
Lex contra id quod præsumit, probationem non recipit.
The law does not admit of a proof against that which it presumes.
The law doesn’t allow proof against what it assumes.
Lex delatores semper exhorrit.
The law always frightens informers.
The law always dreads informers.
The law always fears informants.
Lex est anima Regis, et Rex est anima Legis.
Lex est anima Regis, et Rex est anima Legis.
The law is the soul of the king, and the king is the soul of the law.
The law represents the essence of the king, and the king embodies the essence of the law.
Lex est exercitus, judicium tutissimus ductor.
Lex est exercitus, judicium tutissimus ductor.
The law is the army, trial is the safest leader.
The law is the military, and the trial is the most reliable leader.
Lex est ratio summa, quæ jubet quæ sunt utilia et necessaria, et contraria prohibet.
The law is the highest reason that commands what is useful and necessary and prohibits what is contrary.
The law is the chief reason which orders what is useful and necessary, and prohibits the contrary.
The law is the main reason that defines what is useful and necessary, and it prevents anything that goes against that.
Lex est sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria.
Lex is a fair rule, commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong.
The law is a just sanction, ordering things honest, and prohibiting the contrary.
The law is a fair rule, setting things right and preventing the opposite.
Lex est tutissima casis.
The law is safest in houses.
The law is safest for the poor. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
The law is most secure for those who are poor. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Lex facit regem.
Law makes the king.
The law makes the king.
The law creates the king.
Lex fingit ubi subsistit Æquitas.
The law exists where fairness is.
The law feigns where equity stops short.
The law pretends where fairness falls short.
Lex hæreditates liberas esse vult non in perpetuum astrictis.
Lex wants inheritances to be free, not bound forever.
The law wishes inheritance to be free to those who are not strictly bound in all time coming.
The law wants inheritance to be unrestricted for those who are not permanently bound.
Lex injusta non est lex.
Unjust law is not law.
An unjust law is not law.
An unfair law isn’t really a law.
Lex neminem cogit ad vana seu inutilia peragenda.
Lex neminem cogit ad vana seu inutilia peragenda.
The law compels nobody to the performance of vain and useless things.
The law doesn’t force anyone to do pointless and useless things.
Lex neminem cogit ostendere quod nescire præsumitur.
Lex neminem cogit ostendere quod nescire præsumitur.
The law obliges nobody to shew what he is presumed not to know.
The law doesn’t require anyone to reveal what they’re assumed not to know.
Lex nemini operatur iniquum,—nemini facit injuriam.
The law does not work unfairly for anyone—it does no harm to anyone.
The law works wrong to none—does injustice to none.
The law treats everyone fairly—doesn't do injustice to anyone.
Lex nil facit frustra.
The law acts not in vain.
The law does nothing in vain.
The law always has purpose.
Lex non cogit ad impossibilia.
The law does not consider impossibilities.
The law does not compel to perform what is impossible.
The law doesn't require someone to do what is impossible.
Lex non consilia nuda sed actus apertus respicit.
Lex non consilia nuda sed actus apertus respicit.
The law does not regard mere intentions, but overt acts.
The law doesn't consider just intentions, but actual actions.
Lex non patitur fractiones et divisiones statuum.
Lex non patitur fractiones et divisiones statuum.
The law does not admit fractions and divisions of questions.
The law doesn't allow for any splitting or dividing of questions.
Lex non requirit verificari quod apparet Curiæ.
Lex non requirit verificari quod apparet Curiæ.
The law does not require that to be verified which appears evident to the court.
The law doesn't require verification of what is obvious to the court.
Lex nostra neminem absentem damnat.
Our law does not condemn anyone absent.
Our law condemns no one in his absence.
Our law doesn’t condemn anyone without them being present.
Lex orbis, insanis, et pauperibus, pro tutore atque parente est.
Lex orbis is a guide to the insane and the needy, serving as both guardian and parent.
The law is the father and guardian of orphans, the insane, and the poor.
The law is the protector and caretaker of orphans, the mentally ill, and the poor.
Lex plus laudatur quando Ratione probatur.
Lex plus laudatur quando Ratione probatur.
The law is approved the more when it is found to be in the right, by reason.
The law is more accepted when it's proven to be just through reason.
Lex prospicit non respicit.
The law looks forward, not back.
The law looks forward, but does not look backward.
The law looks ahead, but does not look back.
Lex reprobat moram.
The law disapproves of delay.
The law reprobates delay.
The law disapproves of delay.
Lex semper intendit quod convenit rationi.
Lex always intends what is consistent with reason.
The law always intends what is agreeable to reason.
The law always aims for what makes sense.
Lex spectat naturæ ordinem.
The law observes nature's order.
The law regards the order of nature.
The law pertains to the natural order.
Lex uno ore omnes alloquitur.
The law speaks to everyone.
The law speaks the same language to all.
The law communicates the same way to everyone.
Lex vult potius malum quam inconveniens.
Lex vult potius malum quam inconveniens.
The law designs rather punishment than an inconvenience.
The law focuses more on punishment than on being inconvenient.
Liberi parentibus qui nequeant victum tolerare opitulantor.
Liberi parenti che non riescono a mantenere la famiglia danno una mano.
Let children assist their parents, who are unable to support themselves.
Let children help their parents, who can’t take care of themselves.
Libertas est cum quisque quod velit faciat modo secundum leges, bonas, communi consensu latas, certas, præfinitas, apertas.
Liberty is when everyone can do what they want, as long as it's according to good laws, enacted by common agreement, clear, definite, and open.
Liberty is when any one may do what he chooses, provided he acts according to good, certain, predetermined open laws, enacted by common consent.
Liberty is when anyone can do what they want, as long as they follow good, clear, established laws made by mutual agreement.
Libertas est naturalis facultas ejus quod cuique facere libet, nisi quod de vi aut jure prohibetur.
Liberty is the natural ability of each person to do what they wish, unless it is restricted by force or law.
Liberty is the natural power of a man to do what he pleases, unless what he may be prohibited to do, concerning violence, or encroaching upon another’s right.
Liberty is a person's inherent ability to do as they wish, unless they're restricted from doing so due to violence or infringing on someone else's rights.
Libertas inæstimabilis res est.
Freedom is invaluable.
Liberty is an inestimable thing.
Liberty is priceless.
Libertas nullo pretio pensabilis.
Freedom can't be bought.
Liberty cannot be compensated by any price.
Liberty can't be bought at any price.
Libertas omnibus rebus favorabilior est.
Liberty is more favorable in all things.
Liberty is more favourable than all things.
Liberty is better than anything else.
Libertatis est sui quemque juris dimittendi ac retinendi esse dominum.
Liberty is the right of everyone to give up or hold on to their own property.
It is the part of liberty, that every one be master of quitting and of retaining his own right.
It is a part of freedom that everyone has the power to choose to give up or keep their own rights.
Licet dispositio de interesse futuro sit inutilis, tamen potest fieri declaratio præcedens quæ sortiatur effectum interveniente, novo actu.
Licet the arrangement regarding future interest might be useless, it can still lead to a prior declaration that takes effect through a new act.
Although a disposition concerning future interest be useless, yet a preceding declaration may be made, which will become effectual by means of a new act.
Although a statement about future interests may be pointless, a prior declaration can be made that will become effective through a new action.
Loco rei impræstabilis, succedit damnum et interesse.
Loco rei impræstabilis, succedit damnum et interesse.
A loss and concern succeeds in the room of a matter which cannot be performed.
A feeling of loss and worry fills the room over something that cannot be done.
Longum tempus et longus usus, qui excedit memoria hominum, sufficit pro jure.
Long time and long usage, which surpass memory of man, are enough for the law.
Long time and long usage, which exceeds the memory, is sufficient for law.
Long time and extensive use, which surpass memory, is enough for law.
Lubricum linguæ non facile in pœnam est trahendum.
Lubricating the tongue isn’t easy to punish.
The slipperiness of the tongue is not easily to be drawn into punishment; or a lapsus linguæ, slips of the tongue, cannot be punished.
The slipperiness of the tongue is not easily punished; slips of the tongue cannot be punished.
Majus est delictum seipsum interficere quam alium.
It is a greater crime to take one's own life than to take someone else's.
It is a greater crime to kill ones-self, than to kill another.
It is a bigger crime to take your own life than to take someone else's.
Majus trahit ad se minus.
Larger attracts smaller.
The greater draws the less to itself.
The greater attracts the lesser to itself.
Mala grammatica non vitiat chartam.
Bad grammar doesn't ruin the paper.
Bad grammar does not vitiate a writ.
Bad grammar doesn't invalidate a document.
Male res se habet, cum quo virtute effici debeat, id tentatur pecunia.
Male res se habet, cum quo virtute effici debeat, id tentatur pecunia.
The case is bad when that is attempted to be done with money, which ought to be effected by virtue.
It's wrong when trying to achieve something through money that should be accomplished through good character.
Maledicta expositio quæ textum corrumpit.
Maledicta exposition that corrupts text.
It is a cursed exposition which corrupts the text.
It’s a cursed explanation that spoils the text.
Malitia supplet ætatem.
Malice compensates for age.
Malice supplies what is wanting in age.
Malice fills in what is missing with age.
Malum non præsumitur.
Evil is not presumed.
Evil is not presumed.
Evil isn’t assumed.
Malum quo communius eo pejus.
The more common the evil, the worse it is.
The more frequent the evil, the worse it is.
The more often the evil occurs, the worse it gets.
Malus usus est abolendus.
Bad use must be abolished.
An abuse ought to be abolished.
Abuse should be eliminated.
Mandata legis ad literam casu aliquo impossibilia proxime ad mentem legis exequenda.
Mandates of the law are often impossible to carry out literally in some cases, directly relating to the intent of the law.
The commands of the law, when literally impossible in any case, ought to be performed as near as possible according to the intention of the law.
The commands of the law, when literally impossible in any case, should be carried out as closely as possible to the law's intended spirit.
Mandatorius terminos sibi positos transgredi non potest.
Mandator cannot exceed the terms set for themselves.
A mandatory cannot exceed the bounds prescribed to him.
A mandatory can't go beyond the limits set for them.
Manifesta probatione non indigent.
Manifesta probatione non indigent.
Manifest things do not require proof.
Manifest things don't require proof.
Maris et Fœminæ conjunctio est de jure naturæ.
Marriage between a man and a woman is a natural law.
The conjunction of male and female is according to the law of nature.
The union of men and women follows the laws of nature.
Matrimonia debent esse libera.
Marriage should be free.
Marriages ought to be free.
Marriages should be free.
Matrimonium subsequens tollit peccatum præcedens.
Marriage absolves prior sin.
Subsequent marriage takes away the preceding transgression.
Later marriage erases the previous wrongdoing.
Melior est conditio possidentis.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
The condition of the possessor is better.
The state of the owner is better.
Melior est conditio possidentis, et rei quam actoris.
Melior is in a better position than the possessor, and the thing than the actor.
The condition of the possessor is better, and that of the defender rather than the pursuer.
The situation of the holder is better, and that of the defender is preferable to that of the pursuer.
Melior est conditio possidentis, ubi neuter jus habet.
Melior is better off when neither party has a right.
The condition of the possessor is better where neither hath a right.
The situation of the owner is better when neither has a right.
Melior est justitia vere præveniens, quam severe puniens.
Melior is justice that truly prevents rather than harshly punishes.
Justice truly preventing, is better than severely punishing.
Justice that truly prevents is better than harsh punishment.
Meliorem conditionem ecclesiæ suæ facere potest prælatus, deteriorem nequaquam.
Meliorem conditionem ecclesiæ suæ facere potest prælatus, deteriorem nequaquam.
A prelate may make the condition of his church better, by no means worse.
A church leader can improve the condition of their church, but they can't make it worse.
Meliorem conditionem suam facere potest minor, deteriorem nequaquam.
Meliorem conditionem suam facere potest minor, deteriorem nequaquam.
A minor may make his condition better, by no means worse.
A minor can improve their situation, but they cannot make it worse.
Melius est jus deficiens quam jus incertum.
Melius est jus deficiens quam jus incertum.
Defective law is better than uncertain law.
Defective law is better than unclear law.
Melius est ut decem noxii evadant quam ut unus innocens pereat.
Melius est ut decem noxii evadant quam ut unus innocens pereat.
It is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent person perish.
It is better for ten guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to die.
Merito beneficium legis amittit qui legem ipsam subvertere intendit.
Merit loses the benefit of the law for those who intend to undermine the law itself.
He deservedly loses the benefit of the law, who intends to subvert the law itself.
He rightfully loses the protection of the law if he intends to undermine the law itself.
Messis sementum sequitur.
Messis follows the harvest.
The harvest follows the seed time.
The harvest comes after the planting season.
Metus quem agnoscunt leges in excusationem criminis, est talis qui cadere possit in constantem virum.
Metus that the law recognizes as an excuse for a crime is such that it can overwhelm a steady man.
The fear which the law acknowledges in the excuse of a crime is such as can fall upon a steady man.
The fear recognized by the law as an excuse for a crime is the kind that can affect a calm person.
Minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus.
Minature innocent people who spare the guilty.
He threatens the innocent, who spares the guilty.
He threatens the innocent while letting the guilty go free.
Minima pœna corporalis est major quavis pœna pecuniaria.
Minima physical punishment is greater than any financial penalty.
The least corporeal punishment is greater, than any pecuniary punishment.
The smallest form of physical punishment is more significant than any monetary punishment.
Minime sunt mutanda, quæ, interpretationem certam semper habuerunt.
Minime sunt mutanda, quæ, interpretationem certam semper habuerunt.
Those things are by no means to be changed, which have always had a certain interpretation.
Those things definitely shouldn't be changed that have always had a specific interpretation.
Ministeria recipiunt vicarium, sed non item pleraque judicaria.
Ministeries receive a deputy, but not most judicial offices.
The offices of servants admit of a substitute, but not in like manner do most judicatory offices.
The roles of servants can be filled by others, but that's not true for most judicial positions.
Minor, meliorem conditionem suam facere potest, deteriorem nequaquam.
Minor can improve his situation, but he can't make it worse.
A minor may make his condition better, by no means worse.
A minor can improve their situation, but not make it worse.
Minor non tenetur placitare super hæreditate.
Minor non tenetur placitare super hæreditate.
The minor is not bound to defend himself with respect to an inheritance.
The minor isn't required to defend themselves regarding an inheritance.
Minor non tenetur respondere durante minori ætate; (nisi in causa dotis, propter favorem.)
Minor non tenetur respondere durante minori ætate; (nisi in causa dotis, propter favorem.)
The minor is not bound to answer during his minority, unless in the case of a dowry on account of favour.
The minor isn't required to respond during their minority, except in cases of a dowry due to favoritism.
Minus est actionem habere, quam rem.
Minus est actionem habere, quam rem.
It is less to have an action than the property.
It’s better to take action than to just have something.
Mobilia sequuntur personam.
Movables follow the person.
Moveables follow the person.
Things belong to the person.
Misera est servitus ubi jus est vagum aut incognitum.
Misery comes from servitude when the law is unclear or unknown.
Bondage is miserable where the law is vague or uncertain.
Bondage is terrible when the law is unclear or uncertain.
Mitius imperanti melius paretur.
Better to obey the kinder.
The more mildly a man commands, the better is he obeyed.
The more gently a person gives orders, the more likely they are to be followed.
Modus de non decimando non valet.
Modus of not taking the tithe does not apply.
A mode of not taking tithes is unavailing.
A way of not giving tithes is useless.
Modus debet esse certus, rationabilis, et perantiquus.
Modus should be definite, reasonable, and very ancient.
A mode ought to be certain, reasonable, and very ancient.
A method should be clear, sensible, and quite traditional.
Modus et conventio vincunt legem.
The method and agreement prevail over the law.
A mode and agreement overcome law.
A method and understanding surpass legalities.
Moneta est justum medium et mensura rerum commutabilium.
Moneta is the fair medium and measure of exchangeable goods.
Money is a just medium and measure of things interchanged.
Money is simply a tool and standard for things traded.
Monopolia dicitur, cum unus solus aliquod genus mercaturæ universum emit, pretium ad suum libitum statuens.
Monopoly is when a single entity buys up an entire type of trade, setting the price at its discretion.
Monopoly is said to take place, when one buys wholly any kind of merchandise, fixing the price at his own pleasure.
Monopoly occurs when someone completely buys up any type of product, setting the price however they want.
Mora reprobatur in lege.
Delay is punishable by law.
Delay is reprobated in law.
Delay is condemned in law.
Morte donantis donatio confirmatur.
The donor's death confirms the gift.
A donation is confirmed by the death of the donor.
A donation is confirmed when the donor passes away.
Mos pro lege.
My way or the law.
Custom is for law.
Tradition is for law.
Multa non legibus humanis sed foro divino pertinent.
Multa do not belong to human laws but to divine law.
Many things belong not to human laws, but to the divine cognizance.
Many things are not governed by human laws, but by divine awareness.
Multa non vetat lex quæ tamen tacite damnat.
Multa the law doesn’t forbid, but still silently condemns.
The law does not prohibit many things which however it silently condemns.
The law doesn’t forbid a lot of things that it quietly disapproves of.
Multi multa nemo omnia novit.
Nobody knows everything.
Many know many things; nobody knows all things.
Many people know many things; no one knows everything.
Multa transeunt cum universitate quæ non per se transeunt.
Multa pass by with the community that don't pass by on their own.
Many things pass with the generality which do not pass by themselves.
Many things are accepted in general that wouldn't be accepted on their own.
Multiplicata transgressione crescat pœnæ inflicto.
Through multiplied transgressions, punishment grows.
Let the infliction of punishment increase as transgression multiplies.
Let the punishment increase as the offenses multiply.
Multitudo imperitorum perdit curiam.
The multitude of leaders ruins the court.
A multitude of unskilful persons ruin the court.
A lot of incompetent people are ruining the court.
Mutata forma interemitur prope substantia rei.
Mutated form nearly destroys the essence of the thing.
The substance of a thing is almost destroyed, its form being changed.
The essence of something is nearly gone, as its shape has been altered.
Natura appetit perfectum; ita et lex.
Nature seeks perfection; so does the law.
Nature desires what is perfect; so does the law.
Nature seeks perfection; so does the law.
Natura non facit vacuum, nec lex supervacuum.
Nature doesn't create a vacuum, nor does the law allow for anything unnecessary.
Nature makes no vacuum, nor does the law make any thing superfluous.
Nature doesn't create a vacuum, and the law doesn't make anything unnecessary.
Naturale est quidlibet dissolvi eo modo quo ligatur.
Naturally, anything can be broken down in the same way it was put together.
It is natural that any thing be dissolved in the same way in which it is bound.
It makes sense that anything is broken down in the same way it was put together.
Ne in crastinum quod possis hodie.
Ne in crastinum quod possis hodie.
Do not put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Ne licitatorem venditor apponat.
Ne licitatorem venditor addat.
Let not the seller appoint a person to bid.
Let the seller not appoint someone to bid.
Necessitas excusat aut extenuat delictum in capitalibus, quod non operatur idem in civilibus.
Necessity excuses or lessens the seriousness of a crime in capital matters, which does not apply in civil cases.
Necessity excuses or extenuates a transgression in capital cases, which does not operate the same in civil cases.
Necessity can justify or lessen a wrongdoing in serious legal cases, but it doesn't have the same effect in civil cases.
Necessitas facit licitum quod alias non est licitum.
Necessity makes what is not allowed permissible.
Necessity makes a thing lawful, which otherwise is unlawful.
Necessity makes something lawful that would otherwise be unlawful.
Necessitas inducit privilegium quod jure privatur.
Necessity creates a privilege that is denied by law.
Necessity brings in a privilege which is taken away by law.
Necessity creates a privilege that the law removes.
Necessitas non habet legem.
Necessity knows no law.
Necessity hath no law.
Necessity knows no law.
Necessitas publica major est quam privata.
Necessity for the public is greater than for the private.
Public necessity is greater than private necessity.
Public necessity is more important than private necessity.
Necessitas quod cogit, defendit.
Need drives thought, defends.
What necessity compels to do, it defends.
What necessity drives action, it justifies.
Necessitas sub lege non continetur, quia quod alias non est licitum necessitas facit licitum.
Necessity is not covered by the law, because what is otherwise not allowed is made permissible by necessity.
Necessity is not bound down under law; because what in other cases is not lawful, necessity makes lawful.
Necessity isn’t restricted by law; because what would normally be illegal becomes legal in cases of necessity.
Necessitas vincet legem,—legum vincula irridet.
Necessity will overcome the law,—the bonds of law mock it.
Necessity will overcome the law,—baffles the restraints of law.
Necessity will override the law—defying the limits of the law.
Nefarium per formulas legis laqueos innectere innocentibus.
Nefarium creates traps within the law to ensnare the innocent.
It is infamous to lay snares for the innocent, by means of the forms of law.
It is notorious to set traps for the innocent using legal loopholes.
Negatio destruit negationem.
Negation destroys negation.
Denial destroys denial.
Denial fuels denial.
Negatio non potest probari.
Negation cannot be proven.
Denial cannot be proved.
Denial can't be proven.
Nemini in alium plus licet quam concessum est legibus.
No one is allowed to do more to another than what is permitted by the law.
More is allowed to no one against another, than what is granted by the laws.
No one is allowed to do more to someone else than what the law permits.
Neminem oportet legibus esse sapientiorem.
No one should be wiser than the laws.
It behoves no one to be wiser than the laws.
No one should think they're smarter than the laws.
Nemo aliquam partem recte intelligere potest, antequam totum, iterum atque iterum perlegit.
Nemo can only understand part of something correctly before grasping the whole thing, reading it over and over again.
Nobody can rightly understand any part before he peruses the whole again and again.
Nobody can truly understand any part until they read the whole thing over and over.
Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto.
Nemo can’t be punished twice for the same offense.
Nobody is punished twice for the same transgression.
No one is punished twice for the same offense.
Nemo bis in periculum veniet pro eodem delicto.
Nemo should not face danger twice for the same offense.
Nobody shall come twice into danger for the same crime.
Nobody should face danger twice for the same crime.
Nemo cogitur rem suam vendere, etiam justo pretio.
Nemo is forced to sell his property, even at a fair price.
Nobody is forced to sell his own property even for a just price.
Nobody is required to sell their own property, even for a fair price.
Nemo contra factum suam venire potest.
Nemo can’t go against his own actions.
Nobody can come against his own deed.
Nobody can go against their own actions.
Nemo damnum facit, nisi qui id fecit, quod facere jus non habet.
Nemo causes harm unless they did something that they had no right to do.
Nobody occasions a loss but he who did that which he had not a right to do.
Nobody causes a loss except for the person who did something they had no right to do.
Nemo dat qui non habet.
None can give what they don’t have.
He who hath not cannot give.
He who has none cannot give.
Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto; et Deus non agit bis in ipsum.
Nemo should not be punished twice for one offense; and God does not act twice against him.
Nobody ought to be punished twice for one fault; and God does not act twice against him.
Nobody should be punished twice for the same mistake, and God doesn't retaliate against him more than once.
Nemo debet bis vexari, si constet curiæ, quod pro una et eadem causa.
Nemo should not be disturbed twice for the same reason, if it is established by the court.
Nobody ought to be twice harassed, if it be certain to the court, that it is for one and the same cause.
Nobody should be forced to face the same harassment twice if the court is sure that it’s for the same reason.
Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa.
Nemo should be a judge in their own case.
No one ought to be a judge in his own cause.
No one should be the judge in their own case.
Nemo debet locupletari ex alterius incommodo.
Nemo should not profit at someone else's expense.
No one ought to be enriched at the expense of another.
No one should benefit at the expense of someone else.
Nemo debet rem suam sine facto aut defectu suo amittere.
Nemo should not lose their property due to their own actions or failures.
Nobody ought to lose his own property, without his own deed or deficiency.
No one should lose their own property without their own action or negligence.
Nemo dubitat, solvendo videre cum qui defenditur.
Nemo hesitates, seeing the solution with those who are defended.
No one hesitates by means of paying to see him who is defended.
No one hesitates to pay to see someone who is protected.
Nemo est hæres viventis.
No one is the heir of the living.
Nobody is the heir of the person living.
Nobody is the heir of someone who's still alive.
Nemo est supra leges.
No one is above the law.
Nobody is above the laws.
No one is above the law.
Nemo ex dolo suo proprio relevetur, aut auxilium capiat.
Nemo is relieved from his own wrongdoing, or seeks help.
Let no one be relieved, or derive assistance from his own proper fraud.
Let no one feel relieved or benefit from their own deceit.
Nemo ex his qui negant se debere, prohibitur etiam alia defensione uti; nisi lex impedit.
Nemo among those who deny they owe anything, is also prohibited from using any other defense; unless the law prevents it.
No one of those who deny that they are owing, is prohibited also to use another defence, unless, the law hinders.
No one who denies that they owe anything is prevented from using another defense, unless the law says otherwise.
Nemo ex suo delicto meliorem suam conditionem facere potest.
Nemo can improve his situation from his own wrongdoing.
Nobody can make his condition better from his own crime.
No one can improve their situation due to their own wrongdoing.
Nemo factum a se alienum tenetur scire.
Nemo is responsible for knowing what is not his own.
Nobody is bound to know an act or deed foreign to himself.
Nobody is obligated to know about an act or deed that isn't their own.
Nemo forrestam habet nisi rex.
Nemo has a forest unless the king.
Nobody has a forest but the king.
Nobody has a forest except for the king.
Nemo ideo obligatur, quia recepturus est ab alio quod præstiterit.
Nemo is bound because he will receive something from another that he has provided.
Nobody is bound, therefore, because he is about to receive from another what he hath performed.
Nobody is obligated, then, simply because they are about to receive from someone else what they have done.
Nemo idoneus publicum munus impositum potest recusare.
Nemo can refuse a public duty assigned to them.
No fit person may refuse a public office imposed upon himself.
No fit person can decline a public office that has been assigned to them.
Nemo igitur ad littus maris accedere prohibetur.
Nemo is therefore prohibited from approaching the shore.
Nobody, therefore, is prohibited to approach the sea shore.
Nobody is allowed to stay away from the shoreline.
Nemo inauditus nec summonitus condemnari debet, si non sit contumax.
Nemo should not be condemned unheard or without being summoned, unless they are being defiant.
Nobody ought to be condemned unheard, or without being summoned, if he be not contumacious.
Nobody should be judged without being heard or without being called, unless they are being defiant.
Nemo, qui condemnare potest, absolvere non potest.
Nemo, who can condemn, cannot absolve.
No one who can condemn, is unable to acquit.
No one who can judge is unable to forgive.
Nemo judex esse debet in propria causa.
Nemo should not be a judge in their own case.
Nobody ought to be a judge in his own cause.
No one should be a judge in their own case.
Nemo locupletandus est cum detrimento alterius.
Nemo should benefit at the expense of another.
Nobody is to be enriched by the loss of another.
No one should benefit from someone else's loss.
Nemo militans Deo implicet se negotiis secularibus.
Nemo fighting for God gets caught up in worldly affairs.
No one serving God should entangle himself with secular affairs.
No one serving God should get caught up in worldly matters.
Nemo plus commodi hæredi suo relinquit, quam ipse habuit.
Nemo leaves more assets to his heir than he himself possessed.
Nobody leaves more advantage to his heir than he himself had.
Nobody leaves their heir more advantage than they themselves had.
Nemo plus juris ad alium transferre potest, quam ipse haberet.
Nemo can transfer more rights to another than he possesses himself.
Nobody can transfer more privilege to another, than he should have.
Nobody can give someone more privilege than they themselves have.
Nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam.
Nemo can’t challenge the record in court.
Nobody can certify against a record through the country.
Nobody can certify against a record across the country.
Nemo potest episcopo mandare præter regem.
Nemo puede mandar al obispo más allá del rey.
Nobody can give a mandate to a bishop, except the king.
Nobody can appoint a bishop except for the king.
Nemo potest esse tenens et dominus.
Nemo can be both a holder and an owner.
Nobody can be both tenant and master.
Nobody can be both a tenant and a landlord.
Nemo potest facere per alium quod per se non potest.
Nemo can do through another what he cannot do himself.
Nobody can do by another what he cannot do by himself.
Nobody can achieve through someone else what they can't achieve on their own.
Nemo potest gladii potestatem sibi datam, vel cujus alterius coercitionis, ad alium transferre.
Nemo can transfer the power of the sword that has been given to them, nor can they pass that power to someone else.
Nobody can transfer to another the power of the sword given to himself, or of any other coercion.
Nobody can pass on to another the power of the sword given to them, or any other form of force.
Nemo potest immittere in alienum.
No one can intrude elsewhere.
Nobody can send into another’s field.
Nobody can send into someone else’s field.
Nemo potest mutare consilium suum in alterius injuriam.
No one can change their plan to the detriment of another.
Nobody can change his plan to the injury of another.
No one can change their plans in a way that harms someone else.
Nemo potest mutare consilium suum in præjudicium alterius.
Nemo can change their plan to the detriment of someone else.
Nobody can change his design to the prejudice of another.
No one can change their plans to the disadvantage of someone else.
Nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest.
Nemo can only do what they are allowed to do by law.
No one can do any thing but what he can do by law.
No one can do anything except what they're allowed to do by law.
Nemo potest plus juris ad alium transferre quam ipse habet.
No one can transfer more rights to another than they themselves possess.
Nobody can transfer more right to another than he has himself.
Nobody can give away more rights to someone else than they actually have themselves.
Nemo potest sibi mutare causam possessionis.
Nemo can change the reason for possession for themselves.
Nobody can change for himself the cause of his possession.
Nobody can change the reason for their possession.
Nemo prædo est, qui pretium numeravit.
Nemo is a thief who has counted the price.
Nobody is a pirate, who hath told down the price.
Nobody is a pirate who has paid the price.
Nemo præsumitur donare.
No one is presumed to donate.
Nobody is presumed to give a donation.
No one is expected to make a donation.
Nemo procerum vel in jurata poni vel seniscallus manerii esse debet propter dignitatem.
Nemo procerum vel in jurata poni vel seniscallus manerii esse debet propter dignitatem.
No nobleman can either act as a juryman, or hold a menial office, on account of his dignity.
No nobleman can serve as a juror or hold a low-level position because of his status.
Nemo prohibetur pluribus defensionibus uti.
No one can use multiple defenses.
Nobody is prohibited to use many defences.
Anyone is allowed to use various defenses.
Nemo proprietatem rei sibi quærat invito domino.
Nemo can seek ownership of something against the will of its owner.
Let no one ask the property of a thing to himself, while the owner is unwilling.
Let no one claim ownership of something that doesn't belong to them if the actual owner is not willing to share it.
Nemo prudens punit ut præterita revocentur, sed ut futura præveniantur.
Nemo wise punishes to bring back the past, but to prevent the future.
No prudent person punishes that past offences may be recalled, but that future ones may be prevented.
No wise person punishes to bring up past offenses, but to prevent future ones.
Nemo punitur pro alieno delicto.
No one is punished for another's offense.
Nobody is punished for another person’s transgression.
Nobody gets punished for someone else's wrongdoing.
Nemo qui non sit clericus beneficium clericale habebit bis.
Nemo who is not a cleric will have a clerical benefit twice.
No one who is not a clergyman shall have a clerical benefice twice.
No one who isn't a clergyman can hold a clerical benefice more than once.
Nemo rem suam amittat, nisi ex facto aut delicto suo aut neglectu.
Nemo loses their property unless it's due to their own actions, wrongdoing, or negligence.
Let no one lose his own property, unless by his own deed, transgression, or neglect.
Let no one lose their own property, except through their own actions, wrongdoing, or carelessness.
Nemo tenetur armare adversarium contra se.
Nemo is obligated to arm an opponent against himself.
Nobody is bound to arm his adversary against himself.
Nobody is required to provide their opponent with weapons to harm themself.
Nemo tenetur edere instrumenta contra se.
Nemo is required to use tools against themselves.
Nobody is bound to furnish arms against himself.
Nobody is obligated to provide weapons against themselves.
Nemo tenetur jurare in suam turpitudinem.
Nemo should not be forced to testify against their own wrongdoing.
Nobody is bound to swear to his own disgrace.
Nobody is obligated to admit to their own shame.
Nemo tenetur seipsum accusare.
No one is obligated to self-incriminate.
Nobody is bound to accuse himself.
No one has to testify against themselves.
Nemo videtur fraudare eos, qui sciunt et consentiunt.
Nemo seems to deceive those who know and agree.
Nobody appears to defraud those who know and consent.
Nobody seems to deceive those who are aware and agree.
Neque leges, neque senatus consulta ita scribi possunt, ut omnes casus, qui quandoque inciderint, comprehendantur; sed sufficit ea quæ plærumque accidunt contineri.
Neither laws nor senatorial decrees can be written in a way that covers every possible situation that might arise; it’s enough to address what usually happens.
Neither laws nor acts of parliament can be so written that they may-101- comprehend all cases which at any one time shall have happened; but it is sufficient that those be contained in them, which for the most part happen.
Neither laws nor parliamentary acts can be written in a way that covers every possible situation that may occur at any given time; however, it is enough that they include those situations that happen most frequently.
Nihil calliditate stultius.
Nothing cleverer than foolishness.
Nothing is more foolish than cunning.
Nothing is more foolish than being crafty.
Nihil dat qui non habet.
Nothing gives what it doesn't have.
He gives nothing who has nothing.
He gives nothing who has nothing.
Nihil facit error nominis cum de corpore constat.
Nonsense about names doesn't matter when it comes to the body.
A mistake with regard to the name does nothing, when we are certain of the person.
A mistake about the name doesn't matter when we know who the person is.
Nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandem rem diverso jure censeri.
Nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandem rem diverso jure censeri.
Nothing is more intolerable in law, than that the same thing be judged by a different rule.
Nothing is more unacceptable in law than judging the same thing by different rules.
Nihil interest, ipso jure quis actionem non habeat, an per exceptionem infirmetur.
Nihil interest, ipso jure quis actionem non habeat, an per exceptionem infirmetur.
It is of no consequence in the law itself, who may not have an action, or may be weakened by an exception.
It doesn't matter in the law itself who might not have a case or who might be limited by an exception.
Nihil magis consentaneum est, quam ut iisdem modis res dissolvatur quibus constituerit.
Nothings is more fitting than for things to be undone in the same ways they were established.
Nothing is more agreeable than that a matter be dissolved by the same means by which it was constituted.
Nothing is more satisfying than resolving an issue using the same methods that created it.
Nihil perfectum est dum aliquid restat agendum.
Nothings perfect while there's something left to do.
Nothing is perfect while something remains to be done.
Nothing is perfect as long as there’s work left to do.
Nihil potest rex nisi quod de jure potest.
Nothin the king can do except what he is allowed by law.
The king can do nothing, unless what he can do by the law.
The king can’t do anything unless it’s allowed by the law.
Nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum.
Nothing that goes against reason is allowed.
Nothing which is against reason is lawful.
Nothing that goes against reason is permitted.
Nihil quod inconveniens est, licitum est.
Nothing that is inconvenient is allowed.
Nothing which is inconvenient is allowed.
No inconveniences allowed.
Nihil tam naturale est, quam eo genere quidque dissolvere, quo colligatum est. Ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur.
Nihil tam naturale est, quam eo genere quidque dissolvere, quo colligatum est. Ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur.
Nothing is so natural as to dissolve any thing in the way in which it was bound together. Therefore the obligation of words is taken away by words; the obligation of mere consent is dissolved by the contrary consent.
Nothing is more natural than breaking apart something in the same way it was put together. So, the obligation of words is undone by words; the obligation of simple agreement is canceled out by opposing agreement.
Nihil tam conveniens est naturali æquitati quam unumquodque dissolvi eo ligamine quo ligatum est.
Nothings is as suitable to natural fairness as each thing being unbound by the same bond that tied it.
There is nothing so agreeable to natural equity, than that every thing be dissolved by that tie by which it was bound.
There’s nothing more in line with natural fairness than that everything be separated by the connection that held it together.
Nihil tam conveniens est naturali æquitati quam voluntatem domini rem suam in alium transferre, ratam habere.
Nothings aligns with natural fairness as much as the owner's intention to transfer their property to someone else with their consent.
Nothing is so agreeable to natural equity, as to reckon valid the will of a master to transfer his property to another.
Nothing is more in line with natural fairness than to consider a master's decision to transfer ownership of their property to someone else as valid.
Nihil tam proprium est imperii quam legibus vivere.
Nothings is more characteristic of a government than living by the laws.
Nothing is so peculiar to empire, as to live by the laws.
Nothing is more characteristic of an empire than living by the laws.
Nihil tam naturale est, quam eo genere quodque dissolvere quo colligatum est.
Nihil tam naturale est, quam eo genere quodque dissolvere quo colligatum est.
Nothing is so natural as to dissolve any thing in that way in which it was bound.
Nothing is more natural than to dissolve anything in the same way it was bound.
Nihil cuiquam expedit quod per leges non licet.
Nihil cuiquam expedit quod per leges non licet.
What is not allowed by the laws is profitable to none.
What the laws don’t allow is beneficial to anyone.
Nil iniquius quam æquitatem nimis intendere.
Nil iniquius quam æquitatem nimis intendere.
Nothing is so unjust as to stretch equity too far.
Nothing is as unfair as to take fairness too far.
Nil tam proprium imperii ac libertatis quam legibus vivere.
Nil tam proprium imperii ac libertatis quam legibus vivere.
Nothing is so peculiar to empire and liberty, as to live by the laws.
Nothing is more unique to empire and freedom than living by the laws.
Nil utile aut honestum quod legibus contrarium.
Nil utile aut honestum quod legibus contrarium.
Nothing is useful or honourable, which is contrary to the laws.
Nothing is useful or honorable if it goes against the laws.
Nimia certitudo certitudinem ipsam destruit.
Nimia certainty destroys certainty itself.
Too great certainty destroys certainty itself.
Too much certainty destroys certainty itself.
Nimia subtilitas in lege reprobatur.
Nimble subtleties in law are rejected.
Too much subtility is reprobated in the law.
Too much sophistication is frowned upon in the law.
Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari quæ hujusque usitatæ sunt atque approbatæ.
Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari quæ hujusque usitatæ sunt atque approbatæ.
We are unwilling that the laws of England should be changed, which hitherto have been in common use and approved.
We do not want the laws of England to be changed, as they have been commonly used and accepted until now.
Non accipi debent verba in falsum quæ competunt in verum.
Non accipi debent verba in falsum quæ competunt in verum.
Words ought not to be received for a falsehood which are competent to truth.
Words shouldn’t be accepted as false when they are capable of expressing the truth.
Non alienat, qui duntaxat omittit possessionem.
Non alienat, qui duntaxat omittit possessionem.
He does not alienate who merely omits possession.
He doesn't alienate someone just by not owning something.
Non alio modo puniatur aliquis, quam secundum quod se habet condemnatio.
Non alio modo puniatur aliquis, quam secundum quod se habet condemnatio.
No one can be punished in any other way, than according to what his condemnation is.
No one can be punished in any way other than according to their conviction.
Non capitur, qui jus publicum sequitur.
Non capitur, qui jus publicum sequitur.
He is not taken who follows public right.
He isn't considered lost who follows what is right for everyone.
Non crimen per se neque privatum damnum sed publicum malum leges spectant.
Non crimen per se neque privatum damnum sed publicum malum leges spectant.
The laws do not regard a crime by itself, nor as a private loss, but as a public evil.
The laws don't see a crime as something isolated or just a personal loss; instead, they view it as a public harm.
Non dat qui contra leges dat.
Non dat qui contra leges dat.
He does not give, who gives contrary to law.
He doesn't give who gives against the law.
Non debeo melioris conditionis esse, quam auctor meus, a quo jus in me transit.
Non debeo melioris conditionis esse, quam auctor meus, a quo jus in me transit.
I ought not to be in a better condition than my author, from whom the right passes to me.
I shouldn't be in a better situation than my author, from whom I inherit the right.
Non debet alteri per alterum iniqua conditio inferri.
Non debet alteri per alterum iniqua conditio inferri.
An unjust condition ought not to be brought forward to one, by means of another.
An unfair situation shouldn't be brought to someone through someone else.
Non debet, cui plus licet, quod minus est non licere.
Non debet, cui plus licet, quod minus est non licere.
To whom more is allowed, that which is less ought to be allowed.
To those who are granted more, less should also be permitted.
Non debet actori licere, quod reo non permittitur.
Non debet actori licere, quod reo non permittitur.
That ought not to be allowed to the pursuer, which is not permitted to the defender.
That shouldn't be allowed for the person pursuing, what isn't allowed for the person defending.
Non decipitur, qui scit se decipi.
Non decipitur, qui scit se decipi.
He is not deceived, who knows that he is himself deceived.
He isn't fooled, who understands that he has been fooled himself.
Non defendere videtur, non tantum qui latitat, sed et is qui præsens negat se defendere, aut non vult suscipere actionem.
Non defendere seems to apply not only to someone who hides but also to someone who is present and denies they are defending themselves or does not want to engage in the action.
Not only he who sculks, but likewise he who when present refuses to defend himself, or does not wish to undertake an action, seems not to defend.
Not just the one who hides, but also the one who, when present, refuses to stand up for themselves or doesn’t want to take action, seems to not defend at all.
Non effecit affectus nisi sequatur effectus.
Non effecit affectus nisi sequatur effectus.
The inclination has had no effect, unless the effect follow.
The inclination hasn't had any impact unless the impact follows.
Non est disputandum contra principia negantem.
Non est disputandum contra principia negantem.
We must not dispute against a person denying first principles.
We should not argue with someone who denies basic principles.
Non est lex sed servitus ad tenere quibus non consenseris.
Non est lex sed servitus ad tenere quibus non consenseris.
To be held by the things to which you may not have consented, is not law, but servitude.
Being controlled by things you might not have agreed to isn't law; it's servitude.
Non est deleganda reipublicæ cura personæ non idoneæ.
Non est deleganda reipublicæ cura personæ non idoneæ.
The care of the republic is not to be delegated to an improper person.
The responsibility for the republic shouldn't be entrusted to someone unfit.
Non est dives rex ubi subditi pauperes.
Non est dives rex ubi subditi pauperes.
The king is not rich, when his subjects are poor.
The king isn't wealthy if his subjects are struggling.
Non est novum, ut quæ semel utiliter constituta sunt durent, licet ille casus extiterit, a quo initium capere non potuerint.
Non est novum, ut quæ semel utiliter constituta sunt durent, licet ille casus extiterit, a quo initium capere non potuerint.
It is not strange, that what have once advantageously been constituted endure, although the case may exist, from which they could not have taken a beginning.
It’s not surprising that things that were once beneficial continue to exist, even if there were cases that prevented them from starting in the first place.
Non est singulis concedendum quod publice per magistratum fieri possit, ne occasio sit majoris tumultus faciendi.
Non est singulis concedendum quod publice per magistratum fieri possit, ne occasio sit majoris tumultus faciendi.
We must not grant to individuals, what can be publicly done by a magistrate, lest there should be an occasion of making a greater tumult.
We should not give individuals what can be handled by a public official, so we don’t create a bigger uproar.
Non morbus plerumque sed curatio neglecta interficit.
Non morbus plerumque sed curatio neglecta interficit.
It is not the disease, which for the most part kills, but the neglecting of the cure.
It’s not the disease that primarily causes death, but the failure to pursue treatment.
Non minor est proditio legis quam regem velle perdere.
Non minor est proditio legis quam regem velle perdere.
The betraying of the law, is not less than to wish to destroy the king.
Betraying the law is just as bad as wanting to destroy the king.
Non minus sunt turpia principi multa supplicia quam medico multa funera.
Non minus sunt turpia principi multa supplicia quam medico multa funera.
Many punishments are no less disgraceful to a prince, than many funerals to a physician.
Many punishments are just as embarrassing for a prince as many funerals are for a doctor.
Non potest rex gratiam facere cum injuria alterius.
Non can the king show favor while injuring another.
The king cannot do a favour to the injury of another.
The king can't do a favor at the expense of someone else.
Non omnia domino in servos licita.
Non omnia domino in servos licita.
All things are not allowed to a master towards his servants.
Not everything is acceptable for a master to do to his servants.
Non solet deterior conditio fieri eorum, qui litem contestati sunt, quam si non, sed plerumque melior.
Non solet deterior conditio fieri eorum, qui litem contestati sunt, quam si non, sed plerumque melior.
The condition of those who have contested a suit, is not wont to be worse, than if they had not, but for the most part better.
The situation of those who have fought a lawsuit is usually not worse than if they hadn't, but for the most part, it's actually better.
Non valet impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum.
Non valit impedimentum quod de jure non sortitur effectum.
An impediment is not valid, which does not obtain effect from law.
An obstacle is not valid if it doesn't have a legal effect.
Non videtur cepisse, qui per exceptionem a petitione removetur.
Non seems to have taken anything who is removed from the request by exception.
He does not seem to have obtained right, who by exception is removed from making his request.
He doesn't seem to have the right to do so if he is excluded from making his request.
Non videtur consensum retinuisse, si quis ex præscripto minantis aliquid immutavit.
Non videtur consensum retinuisse, si quis ex præscripto minantis aliquid immutavit.
He does not seem to have still given his consent, if any one hath changed any thing by the command of a person threatening him.
He still doesn’t seem to have given his consent, if anyone has changed anything under the command of someone threatening him.
Non videtur quisquam id capere, quod ei necesse est alii restituere.
Non videtur quisquam id capere, quod ei necesse est alii restituere.
No one seems to obtain that which it is necessary for him to restore unto another.
No one seems to get what they need to give back to someone else.
Non videntur rem amittere, quibus propria non fuit.
Non videntur rem amittere, quibus propria non fuit.
They do not seem to lose their property to whom it did not belong.
They don’t seem to lose their property to someone it didn’t belong to.
Non videntur, qui errant consentire.
They can't see who agrees.
They do not seem to consent, who commit a mistake.
They don't seem to agree when they make a mistake.
Novum judicium non dat novum jus, sed declarat antiquum; quia judicium est juris dictum, et per judicium-109- jus est noviter revelatum quod diu fuit velatum.
Novum judicium non dat novum jus, sed declarat antiquum; quia judicium est juris dictum, et per judicium-109- jus est noviter revelatum quod diu fuit velatum.
A new trial does not give a new law, but declares the ancient law; because a trial is the dictate of law, and by trial the law is revealed of new, which for a long time was veiled.
A new trial doesn’t create a new law but reveals the old law; because a trial enforces the law, and through a trial, the law is uncovered anew, which had long been hidden.
Novatio non præsumitur.
Innovation is not presumed.
Innovation is not presumed.
Innovation is not guaranteed.
Nothus nullius est filius.
Nothus is nobody's son.
A bastard is the son of nobody.
A bastard is the child of nobody.
Nudum pactum est ubi nulla subest causa præter conventionem; sed ubi subest causa, fit obligatio, et parit actionem.
Nudum pactum is where there's no reason behind it aside from the agreement; however, when there is a reason, it creates an obligation and gives rise to an action.
A mere naked bargain is, where no cause exists, except agreement; but where a cause exists, an obligation takes place, and is the foundation of an action.
A simple agreement is just that, an agreement without any reason behind it; however, when there is a reason, an obligation arises, which serves as the basis for a legal action.
Nulla impossibilia aut inhonesta sunt præsumenda; vera autem et honesta et possibilia.
Nulla impossibilia aut inhonesta sunt præsumenda; vera autem et honesta et possibilia.
No impossible or dishonourable things are to be presumed; but true, honourable, and possible things.
No impossible or dishonorable things should be assumed; only true, honorable, and possible things.
Nulla pœna capitis nulla quæ hominum remve ejus destruat esse potest nisi legibus præfinita.
Nulla pena capitis nulla que hominum remve eius destruat esse potest nisi legibus praefinita.
No capital punishment, no punishment which may destroy either a man or his property can be, unless determined by the law beforehand.
No capital punishment and no punishment that can destroy a person or their property can be imposed unless it has been established by law beforehand.
Nulla res vehementius rempublicam continet quam fides.
Nothing holds a republic together more strongly than trust.
Nothing holds the state more strongly together than honesty.
Nothing keeps a state united more than honesty.
Nulla virtus, nulla scientia, locum suum et dignitatem, conservare potest sine modestia.
Nulla virtue, nulla knowledge can maintain its place and dignity without modesty.
No virtue, no knowledge, can preserve its place and dignity, without moderation.
No virtue or knowledge can maintain its value and respect without moderation.
Nulla unquam de morte hominis cunctatio longa est.
Nulla unquam de morte hominis cunctatio longa est.
No delay is ever long about the death of a man.
No delay is ever long regarding a man's death.
Nullius charta legibus potest derogare.
No document can override the laws.
The written deed of no one can derogate from the laws.
The written agreement of anyone cannot undermine the laws.
Nulli vendemus nulli negabimus aut differemus justitiam vel rectum.
Nulli vendemus nulli negabimus aut differemus justitiam vel rectum.
To none shall we sell, to none shall we deny, or put off justice, or rectitude.
To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny, or delay justice or fairness.
Nullum crimen patitur is qui non prohibet, cum prohibere (non) potest.
Nullum crimen patitur is qui non prohibet, cum prohibere (non) potest.
He is chargeable with no crime who does not hinder when he has no power to hinder.
He isn't guilty of any wrongdoing if he doesn't stop something when he has no ability to stop it.
Nullum damnum sine remedio.
No harm without a remedy.
There is no loss without a remedy.
There’s no loss without a solution.
Nullum exemplum est idem omnibus.
No example is the same for everyone.
No example is the same to all.
No example is identical for everyone.
Nullum iniquum est præsumendum in jure.
Nullum iniquum est præsumendum in jure.
Nothing unjust is to be presumed in law.
Nothing unfair should be assumed in law.
Nullum iniquum in jure præsumendum est.
Nullum iniquum in jure præsumendum est.
No injustice is to be presumed in law.
No injustice should be assumed in law.
Nullum medicamentum est idem omnibus.
No medicine is the same for everyone.
No remedy is applicable to all cases.
No solution works for every situation.
Nullum simile est idem.
Nothing is like the same.
No similar thing is the same.
No two similar things are the same.
Nullum tempus occurrit regi: Rex nunquam moritur.
Nullum tempus occurrit regi: The king never dies.
No time occurs to the king; the king never dies.
No time affects the king; the king never dies.
Nullum tempus occurrit regi: Rex nunquam.
Nullum tempus occurrit regi: The king never waits.
No time occurs to the king; the king never fails.
No time affects the king; the king never fails.
Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria.
No one can gain an advantage from their own wrongdoing.
No one can derive advantage from his own proper injury.
No one can benefit from their own harm.
Nullus dicitur accessorius post feloniam, sed ille qui novit principalem feloniam fecisse.
Nullus is said to be an accessory after the fact, but only the one who knows that the principal offense has been committed.
None is called an accessory after felony, but he who knows that he committed the principal felony.
None can be considered an accessory after the fact except for someone who knows they committed the main crime.
Nullus recedat e curia cancellaria sine remedio.
Null person shall leave the court without a remedy.
Let no one apply to the court of chancery without obtaining redress.
Let no one go to the court of chancery without getting relief.
Nullus videtur dolo facere qui jure suo utitur.
No one seems to act with deceit who is exercising their rights.
No one seems to act with guile, who uses his own right.
No one appears to be deceitful when they act on their own behalf.
Nunquam concluditur in falso.
Never concluded in falsehood.
A conclusion is never drawn in a supposed case.
A conclusion is never reached in a hypothetical situation.
Nunquam crescit ex post facto præteriti delicti æstimatio.
Nunquam crescit ex post facto præteriti delicti æstimatio.
The estimation of a past transgression never increases from an after-deed.
The judgment of a past wrongdoing never grows from hindsight.
Nunquam decurritur ad extraordinarium sed ubi deficit ordinarium.
Nunquam decurritur ad extraordinarium sed ubi deficit ordinarium.
Recourse is never had to an extraordinary case, but when an ordinary one fails.
Recourse is only taken in extraordinary cases when ordinary ones don't succeed.
Nunquam nimis dicitur quod nunquam satis dicitur.
Nunquam nimis dicitur quod nunquam satis dicitur.
Too much is never spoken when never enough is spoken.
Too much is never said when there's never enough said.
Nunquam præscribitur in falso.
Never prescribed in falsehood.
Prescription is never founded in falsehood.
Prescription is never based on falsehood.
Nunquam recurritur ad extraordinarium ubi valet ordinarium.
Nunquam recurritur ad extraordinarium ubi valet ordinarium.
We never have recourse to an extraordinary instance, when an ordinary one is valid.
We never turn to an extraordinary example when an ordinary one is sufficient.
Nuptias, non concubitus, sed consensus facit.
Marriage is made by agreement, not by sexual relations.
Not cohabitation, but consent, constitutes marriage.
Not living together, but agreement, makes a marriage.
Ob reverentiam personarium et metum perjurii.
Ob reverentiam personarum et metum perjuri.
A person’s embarrassment proceeds from respect and fear of perjury.
A person's embarrassment comes from their respect for others and their fear of lying.
Obedientia est legis essentia.
Obedience is the essence of law.
Obedience is the essence of the law.
Obedience is the core of the law.
Oderunt peccare boni, virtutis amore.
Good people hate to sin, for the love of virtue.
The good hate to sin, from a love of virtue.
The good hate sin because they love virtue.
Oderunt peccare mali, formidine pœnæ.
They hate to sin, fearing punishment.
The wicked hate to sin, from a fear of punishment.
The wicked hate to sin because they're scared of getting punished.
Odio et amore judex careat.
Hate and love are blinded.
Let a judge be free from hatred and love.
Let a judge be free from hate and love.
Odiosa et inhonesta non sunt in lege præsumenda; et in facto quod se habet ad bonum et malum, magis de bono quam de malo præsumendum est.
Odious and dishonorable actions should not be assumed by law; in matters relating to good and evil, one should presume more about good than about evil.
Odious and dishonourable things are not to be presumed in law; and in facts which relate to good and evil, it is more to be presumed concerning good, than concerning evil.
Odious and dishonorable things should not be assumed in law; and when it comes to matters of good and evil, it's more appropriate to assume good than evil.
Officium nemini debet esse damnosum.
Duty should not be harmful to anyone.
Duty ought to be hurtful to none.
Responsibility shouldn't hurt anyone.
Omne actum ab agentis intentione est judicandum.
Omni action should be judged based on the intention of the doer.
Every action is to be judged from the intention of the agent.
Every action should be judged based on the intention of the person performing it.
Omne crimen ebrietas et incendit, detegit, et auget.
Omne crime ebrietas et incendit, detegit, et auget.
Drunkenness both inflames, detects, and aggravates every crime.
Drunkenness fuels, reveals, and worsens every crime.
Omne jus et omnis actio injuriarum tempore finita et circumscripta sunt.
Omne jus et omnis actio injuriarum tempore finita et circumscripta sunt.
Every law and every action is finished and circumscribed by the time of the injury.
Every law and every action is complete and defined by the moment of the harm.
Omne testamentum morte consummatum est.
Every testament is completed by death.
Every testament is completed by the death of the testator.
Every will is finalized upon the death of the person who made it.
Omnes in defensionem reipublicæ vita bonisque omnibus cives tenentur.
Omnes in defensionem reipublicæ vita bonisque omnibus cives tenentur.
All subjects are bound to defend the republic with their life and all their goods.
All citizens must defend the republic with their lives and all their possessions.
Omnia Deo gratia, hominibus utilia reipublicæ honesta privatis justa et commoda probant leges: et pro viribus cuique imponunt.
Omnia Deo gratia, laws prove beneficial to the public and honorable to individuals; they are fair and convenient, and they impose obligations according to each person's abilities.
The laws approve all things agreeable to God, useful to men, honourable to the state, just and advantageous to private persons, and impose them upon every one according to his faculties.
The laws endorse everything that aligns with God's will, benefits people, is honorable to the state, and is fair and beneficial for individuals, applying these principles to everyone based on their abilities.
Omnia delicta in aperto leviora sunt.
Omnia delicta in aperto leviora sunt.
All transgressions openly committed are less.
All openly committed wrongdoings are less severe.
Omnia honeste et ordine fiant.
Everything should be done honestly and orderly.
Let all things be done honourably, and in order.
Let everything be done with respect and in an orderly manner.
Omnia præsumuntur solemniter esse acta.
All things are presumed to be done solemnly.
All actions are usually presumed to be done in a solemn manner.
All actions are typically expected to be carried out seriously.
Omnia præsumuntur in odium spoliatoris.
All things are presumed against the wrongdoer.
All things are presumed in hatred of the spoiler.
All things are assumed in hatred of the disruptor.
Omnia præsumuntur legibus facta.
All actions are presumed lawful.
All things are presumed done by the laws.
All things are assumed to be done according to the law.
Omnia præsumuntur legitime facta, donec probetur in contrarium.
Everything is presumed to be done legally until proven otherwise.
All things are presumed lawfully done, until it be proved to the contrary.
All things are assumed to be done lawfully until proven otherwise.
Omnia præsumuntur solemniter.
All things are presumed solemnly.
All things are presumed to be done with the usual solemnity.
All things are assumed to be done with the usual seriousness.
Omnia quæcunque causæ cognitionem desiderant, per libellum expedire non possunt.
Omnia quae causae cognitionem desiderant, per libellum expedire non possunt.
All things which require cognizance, cannot be explained by a memorial.
All things that need to be understood can't be explained by a memory.
Omnia, quæ jure contrahuntur, contrario jure pereunt.
All things that are contracted by law perish by contrary law.
All things which are contracted by law, perish by a contrary law.
All things that are established by law can be undone by a conflicting law.
Omnia quæ sunt uxoris sunt ipsius viri: non habet uxor potestatem suæ, sed vir.
Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt ipsius viri: non habet uxor potestatem suae, sed vir.
All things which belong to the wife, belong to her husband; the wife has no power herself, but the husband.
All things that belong to the wife also belong to her husband; the wife has no power on her own, only the husband does.
Omnia uxoris durante conjugio, mariti sunt.
Omnia during marriage, belong to the husband.
All things pertaining to the wife, belong to the husband while marriage continues.
All things related to the wife belong to the husband as long as the marriage lasts.
Omnis conclusio boni et veri judicii, sequitur ex bonis et veris præmissis et dictis juratorum.
Omnis conclusio boni et veri judicii, sequitur ex bonis et veris præmissis et dictis juratorum.
Every result of a good and fair trial follows, from the good and fair premises, and words of the jurors.
Every outcome of a good and fair trial comes from the solid and fair principles and statements of the jurors.
Omnis consensus tollit errorem.
Consensus eliminates error.
All consent takes away error.
All consent removes mistakes.
Omnis contractus turpitudinis legibus invisus.
All contracts of dishonor are void.
Every disgraceful contract is odious to the laws.
Every disgraceful contract is unacceptable under the law.
Omnis definitio in jure civili periculosa est, parum est enim ut non subverti possit.
Omni definition in civil law is risky, as it's hardly ever safe from being overturned.
Every definition in the civil law is dangerous, for there is a chance of its being overturned.
Every definition in civil law is risky, as it could be challenged or overturned.
Omnis indemnatus pro innoxio legibus habetur.
Omnis indemnatus pro innoxio legibus habetur.
Every uncondemned person is reckoned as innocent by the laws.
Every person who hasn’t been condemned is considered innocent by the law.
Omnis innovatio plus novitate perturbat quam utilitate prodest.
Every innovation disturbs more with novelty than it benefits with usefulness.
Every innovation disturbs more by its novelty, than it does good by its utility.
Every innovation creates more disruption through its newness than it contributes good through its usefulness.
Omnis lascivia legibus vetita.
All excess is prohibited by law.
All wantonness is forbidden by the laws.
All lewd behavior is prohibited by the laws.
Omnis nova constitutio futuris temporibus formam imponere debet; non præteritis.
Omnis nova constitutio debe inscribere formam in futurum, non in praeteritum.
Every new constitution ought to impose a form on future times, not on past times.
Every new constitution should shape the future, not dictate the past.
Omnis hæreditas quamvis postea adeatur, tamen cum tempore mortis continuatur.
Omnis hæreditas quamvis postea adeatur, tamen cum tempore mortis continuatur.
In whatever manner any inheritance may be entered upon, yet it is continued till the time of death.
In any way an inheritance may be received, it lasts until the time of death.
Omnibus infra regnum orantibus legis remedium patet.
Omnibus infra regnum orantibus legis remedium patet.
The remedy of the law lies open to all within the kingdom who ask it.
The law offers a solution to anyone in the kingdom who seeks it.
Optima interpres legum consuetudo.
Custom is the best interpreter of laws.
Custom is the best interpreter of the laws.
Custom is the best guide to understanding the laws.
Optimus interpretandi modus est, sic leges interpretare ut leges legibus concordant.
Optimus way to interpret the law is to interpret it in a way that the laws agree with each other.
The best method of interpreting, is so to interpret the laws, that laws agree with laws.
The best way to interpret is to interpret the laws in a way that they align with each other.
Optimus interpres rerum usus.
Best interpreter of things used.
Use is the best interpreter of things.
Use is the best way to understand things.
Optimus legum interpres consuetudo.
The ultimate interpreter of custom.
Custom is the best interpreter of laws.
Custom is the best guide to laws.
Pacta dant legem contractui.
Contracts create legal obligations.
Bargains give a law to contract.
Bargains create a legal framework for contracts.
Pacta privata juri publico derogare non possunt.
Pacta privada juri publico derogare non possunt.
Private bargains cannot derogate from public right.
Private agreements cannot undermine public law.
Pacta quæ contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt, nullam vim habere indubitati juris est.
Pacts that go against laws, constitutions, or good morals have no legal force, without a doubt.
It is a part of established law, that bargains have no force which are made against laws, and constituted authorities are against good manners.
It is a part of established law that agreements have no power if they are made against the law, and established authorities go against good behavior.
Pacta reciproca vel utrosque ligant vel neutrum.
Pacts bind both parties or neither.
Mutual bargains bind both parties, or neither.
Mutual agreements bind both parties, or neither.
Pacta vel ex naturæ et sanguinis vi, vel ex mutuo fructu, vel ex auctoritate et præsumptione legis obligant.
Pacts are binding either by nature and blood, through mutual benefit, or by the authority and presumption of the law.
Bargains are binding either from the ties of nature and blood, or from mutual advantage, or from authority, and from presumption of law.
Bargains are binding either from natural and familial ties, mutual benefits, authority, or legal assumptions.
Pactis privatorum publico juri derogari nequit.
Pacts between private individuals cannot override public law.
By the bargains of private persons, nothing can be derogated from public law.
By private agreements, nothing can take away from public law.
Pacto aliquod licitum est quod sine pacto non admittitur.
Pact is only valid if it's part of an agreement.
Any thing is allowed by a bargain, which is not admitted without a bargain.
Anything that isn't allowed without a bargain is permitted by a bargain.
Panis egentium vita pauperum et qui defraudat eos vir sanguinis.
Panis is the life of the poor, and whoever cheats them is a bloodthirsty man.
He is a man of violence, who deprives the indigent poor of bread, and who defrauds them.
He is a violent man who denies the poor their bread and cheats them.
Par in parem imperium non habet.
Par in parem imperium non habet.
Equal has no power over equal.
Equal has no power over equals.
Par scientiæ pares contrahentes facit.
It creates equal parties in knowledge.
Like makes those who repair to him, his like in wisdom.
Like attracts those who come to him, their equal in wisdom.
Paribus sententiis reus absolvitur.
In the same opinions, the defendant is acquitted.
A guilty person is absolved by an equal number of votes, for or against him.
A guilty person is cleared by the same number of votes for or against him.
Parentum est liberos alere etiam nothos.
Parentum est liberos alere etiam nothos.
It is the duty of parents to maintain their children, even bastards.
It is the responsibility of parents to support their children, even those born out of wedlock.
Partem aliquam recte intelligere nemo potest, antequam totum, iterum atque iterum, perlegerit.
Partem de algo no puede entenderse correctamente, a menos que se lea todo, una y otra vez.
Nobody can rightly understand any part, before he hath perused the whole again and again.
No one can truly understand any part until they have read the whole thing over and over.
Partes rei sunt favorabiliores.
Parts of the thing are more favorable.
The condition of the defender is more favourable.
The defender's position is more advantageous.
Parum proficit scire quid fieri debet, si non cognoscas quo modo sit faciendum.
Parum helps to know what should be done if you don't understand how to do it.
It is of little avail to know what ought to be done, if you do not know how it may be done.
It doesn't really help to know what should be done if you don't know how to do it.
Particeps criminis non est audiendus.
Accomplice shouldn't be heard.
The accomplice of a crime is not to be heard.
The accomplice to a crime is not allowed to speak.
Paribus sententiis reus absolvitur.
In conflicting opinions, the defendant is acquitted.
The accused is acquitted by an equal number of votes, for, or against him.
The accused is found not guilty by an equal number of votes for and against him.
Patefactio rei trahit ad se remedium.
Patefactio rei pulls the remedy to itself.
The disclosing of a matter draws a remedy to itself.
Revealing an issue brings about a solution.
Partus ex legitimo thoro non certius noscit matrem quam genitorem suum.
Partus from a legitimate marriage does not know its mother any more certainly than it knows its father.
The offspring of a lawful marriage does not more certainly know its mother than its father.
The child of a legal marriage knows its mother just as surely as its father.
Partus sequitur ventrem.
Offspring follows the womb.
The offspring follows the mother.
The child follows the mother.
Pater est quem nuptiæ demonstrant.
A father is shown by marriage.
He is the father whom the marriage demonstrates to be so.
He is the father that the marriage shows him to be.
Paterna paternis, materna maternis.
Father's side from father, mother's side from mother.
Paternal things belong to a father, maternal things to the mother.
Fatherly things belong to a dad, motherly things to a mom.
Peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima.
Sins against nature are very serious.
Sins against nature are most heinous.
Sins against nature are the most terrible.
Pecunia dicitur a pecus, omnes enim veterum divitiæ in animalibus consistebant.
Pecunia comes from pecus, because all the wealth of the ancients was based on livestock.
The Latin name for money is derived from another Latin term signifying cattle; for all the riches of the ancients consisted of animals.
The Latin word for money comes from another Latin term meaning cattle, because in ancient times, wealth was measured in animals.
Pejus est judicio quam per vim injuste facere.
Pejor is a judgment than to do something unjustly by force.
It is worse to act in a trial unjustly, than by force.
It's worse to act unjustly in a trial than to use force.
Pendente lite nihil innovetur.
No changes during pending litigation.
When the law-suit is pending, let there be no innovation.
When the lawsuit is ongoing, no changes should be made.
Pendenti lite nihil innovandum.
No changes during pending litigation.
While a law-suit is depending, no innovation ought to take place.
While a lawsuit is pending, no changes should be made.
Per rationes pervenitur ad legitimam (legalem) rationem.
Per rationes pervenitur ad legitimam (legalem) rationem.
We arrive at the legitimate meaning by reasonings.
We arrive at the true meaning through reasoning.
Per varios actus, legem experientia fecit.
Per various actions, experience created the law.
Experience has made law by various acts.
Experience has shaped the law through different actions.
Pereat unus, ne pereant omnes.
Let one perish, so that all do not.
Let one perish, lest all should perish.
Let one person die, so that not everyone dies.
Periculosum est quod non bonorum virorum comprobatur exemplis.
Perilous is that which is not validated by the examples of good people.
That is dangerous which is not countenanced by the examples of good men.
That is dangerous which is not supported by the examples of good people.
Periculosum est res novas et inusitatas inducere.
It's risky to introduce new and unusual things.
It is dangerous to introduce strange and unusual things.
It’s risky to bring in unfamiliar and unusual things.
Perjurii pœna divina exitium humana dedecus.
Perjury brings divine punishment and moral disgrace to humanity.
The divine punishment of perjury is destruction; the human punishment is disgrace.
The divine consequence of lying under oath is ruin; the human consequence is shame.
Perjuri sunt qui servatis verbis juramenti decipiunt aures eorum qui accipiunt.
Perjurers are those who, by keeping the words of their oath, deceive the ears of those who listen.
They are perjured who observing the words of an oath, deceive the ears of those who hear them.
They are liars who, while saying the words of an oath, trick the ears of those who listen.
Perpetua lex est nullam legem humanam ac positivam perpetuam esse; et clausula quæ abrogationem excludit, ab initio non valet.
Perpetual law means no human or positive law can be eternal; and a clause that excludes repeal is invalid from the start.
It is a perpetual law, that there is no human and positive law perpetual; and the clause which excludes disannulling, is not valid from the beginning.
It’s a constant rule that there is no human-made law that lasts forever; the statement that prevents cancellation isn’t valid from the start.
Perpetuitatibus lex obsistit.
The law prevents perpetuities.
The law opposes perpetuities.
The law opposes perpetuities.
Persona conjuncta æquiparatur interesse proprio.
Persona conjuncta æquiparatur interesse proprio.
A conjunct person has an equal share in his own right.
A connected person has an equal stake in their own right.
Perspicua vera non sunt probanda.
Clear truths do not need proving.
Self-evident truths are not to be proved.
Self-evident truths don’t need to be proven.
Pirata communis omnium hostis.
Common pirate, enemy of all.
A pirate is the common enemy of all men.
A pirate is the shared enemy of everyone.
Placita debent apte concludere.
The pleas must conclude appropriately.
The wills of superiors ought to conclude fitly.
The wishes of those in charge should come to a proper end.
Placita ex directo esse debent, et nil per inductionem supponere.
Placita should come directly, and nothing should be assumed by induction.
The writs of superiors ought to be directly expressed, and to suppose nothing by way of induction or inference.
The orders from superiors should be clearly stated and not assumed through any form of induction or inference.
Placita negativa duo exitum non faciunt.
Placita negativa dos no llevan a un resultado.
Two negative wills produce no effect.
Two opposing wills have no effect.
Placitorum alia dilatoria, alia peremptoria.
Interlocutory and final pleas.
Some edicts admit of delay, others are peremptory.
Some orders can be postponed, while others are final.
Placitum affirmativum sine negativo exitum non facit.
Placitum affirmativum senza un esito negativo non conta.
An affirmative will produces no effect without a negative.
An affirmation has no impact without a negation.
Placitum debet esse verum, sufficiens, certum, simplex, et brevi congruens, et præcedentibus constans, et ordinem spectans.
Placitum must be true, sufficient, certain, simple, and short, consistent with what came before it, and considering the order.
A will ought to be true, sufficient, clear, simple, and agreeing with the brief, and consisting with preceding ones, and having regard to order.
A will should be accurate, adequate, clear, straightforward, and consistent with the summary, as well as in line with previous ones, and should consider the proper order.
Placitum mendax non est placitum.
False plea is not a plea.
A lying will, is not a will.
A lying will isn't a true will.
Placitum nemo cassabit nisi melius dando.
Placitum nobody will overturn unless giving a better reason.
Nobody can make void a will, unless by giving what is better.
Nobody can invalidate a will unless they provide something better.
Plus cautionis in re est, quam in persona.
Plus cautionis in re est, quam in persona.
There is more security in property, than in a person.
There is more security in property than in a person.
Plus enim valet quod agitur quam quod similate concipitur.
Plus enim valet quod agitur quam quod similate concipitur.
The matter in question is of greater weight than the induction which can be taken from similar ones.
The issue at hand is more significant than the conclusions that can be drawn from similar cases.
Plus exempla quam peccata nocent.
More examples than sins hurt.
Examples do more harm than transgressions.
Examples do more harm than wrongdoings.
Plus peccat auctor quam per quem agitur.
Plus peccat auctor quam per quem agitur.
The adviser is worse than the agent.
The advisor is worse than the agent.
Plus peccat author quam actor.
The author sins more than the actor.
The adviser transgresses more than the agent.
The advisor breaks the rules more than the agent.
Plus valet oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem.
Plus valet oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem.
One eye witness is more valid, than ten ear witnesses.
One eyewitness is more reliable than ten people who just heard about it.
Plus valet vulgaris consuetudo, quam regalis concessio.
Plus valet the common practice than the royal permission.
Common custom is more valid, than a royal grant.
Common custom is more valid than a royal grant.
Plus vident oculi quam oculus.
Seeing is believing.
Two eyes see more than one.
Two eyes see more than one.
Pœna ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat.
Punishment reaches only a few, but fear affects everyone.
Let punishment come to a few, fear to all.
Let punishment come to some, but fear to everyone.
Pœna non debet ante ire crimen.
Pena shouldn't go before the crime.
Punishment ought not to precede a crime.
Punishment shouldn't come before a crime.
Pœna et delicti defuncti hæres teneri non debet.
Pœna et delicti defuncti hæres teneri non debet.
An heir cannot be bound by the punishment and transgression of the deceased.
An heir can't be held responsible for the wrongs and penalties of the person who has passed away.
Pœnæ potius molliendæ, quam exasperandæ sunt.
Pœnæ should be eased rather than intensified.
Punishments are rather to be mitigated, than made more severe.
Punishments should be softened rather than made harsher.
Pœna vel remedium ex incrementio quod prius erat non tollit.
Pœna or remedy from an increase does not remove what was there before.
Neither punishment nor remedy, takes away from the increase which was before.
Neither punishment nor remedy takes away from the increase that was there before.
Politiæ legibus non leges politiis adaptandæ.
Politiæ legibus non leges politiis adaptandæ.
Policies ought to be adapted to the laws, not laws to the policies.
Policies should be adjusted to fit the laws, not the other way around.
Pondere, numero, et mensura.
Weight, number, and measure.
By weight, by number, and by measure.
By weight, by number, and by measurement.
Populus Anglicanus nemini servire aut consuevit aut debuit nisi Deo et legibus.
Populus Anglicanus should not serve anyone except God and the laws, nor has it ever been accustomed to do so.
The people of England have been accustomed to be subject to nobody, nor ought they; but to God and the laws.
The people of England are used to being subject to no one, and they shouldn't be; only to God and the laws.
Populus Anglicanus non nisi suis legibus quas ipse elegerit tenetur obtemperare.
Populus Anglicanus is only bound to follow the laws it chooses for itself.
The people of England are bound to obey only their own laws, which they themselves have chosen.
The people of England are obligated to follow only the laws they have chosen for themselves.
Possessio contra omnes valet, præter eum cui jus sit possessionis.
Possession is valid against everyone except for the person who has the right to that possession.
Possession is valid against all, except him who has the right of possession.
Possession is legitimate against everyone, except for the person who has the right to possess it.
Possessio fratris de fœdo simplici facit sororem esse hæredem.
Possession by a simple fief makes the sister an heir.
The possession of a brother of a simple feu, makes his sister to be his heiress.
The ownership of a simple feu by a brother makes his sister his heir.
Possessio terminum tenentis, possessio reversionarii est habenda.
Possession of the term holder is to be regarded as the possession of the reversioner.
The possession of the tenant of a fund, is to be reckoned the possession of a reversionary.
The possession of a tenant of a fund is considered the possession of a reversionary.
Posteriora derogant prioribus.
Later laws override earlier ones.
Latter things derogate from the former.
Later things diminish the earlier ones.
Potestas regia est facere justitiam.
Royal power is to deliver justice.
To do justice is royal power.
To do justice is to have royal power.
Potior est conditio possidentis.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
The condition of a possessor is preferable.
The owner's situation has improved.
Potius est privatum incommodum quam publicum malum.
Potius est privatum incommodum quam publicum malum.
A private inconvenience, is better than a public evil.
A personal inconvenience is better than a public harm.
Potentia debet sequi justitiam, non antecedere.
Potentia should follow justice, not precede it.
Power ought to follow justice, not to go before it.
Power should follow justice, not precede it.
Potestas suprema seipsum dissolvere potest, ligare non potest.
Potentia suprema can dissolve itself but cannot bind itself.
The supreme power can dissolve itself; it cannot bind itself.
The highest authority can disband itself; it cannot limit itself.
Præscriptio est titulus ex usu et tempore substantiam capiens ab authoritate legis.
Præscriptio is a title that, through use and time, captures substance from the authority of the law.
Prescription is a title from use and time, deriving substance from the authority of the law.
Prescription is a title based on use and time, deriving its meaning from the authority of the law.
Præscriptio est titulus qui sequitur personam, ex usu et tempore substantiam capiens ex auctoritate legis.
Præscriptio is a title that follows the person, deriving substance from use and time based on legal authority.
Prescription is a title, which follows the person from use and time, deriving substance from the authority of the law.
Prescription is a title that stays with a person over time, gaining legitimacy from the authority of the law.
Præscriptio non datur in bona felonum nisi per recordum.
Præscriptio doesn’t apply to the property of wrongdoers unless there’s a record.
Prescription is not granted against the goods of felons, unless by record.
Prescription is not allowed against the property of felons, unless there's a record.
Præsentia corporis tollit errorem nominis; et veritas nominis tollit errorem demonstrationis.
Præsentia corporis removes the mistake of the name; and the truth of the name removes the mistake of the demonstration.
The presence of the body, takes away mistake of name; and the truth of the name removes the error of demonstration.
The presence of the body eliminates the mistake of naming, and the accuracy of the name clears up the error in demonstration.
Præsenti periculo succurrendum nequa oriri possit injuria.
Præsenti periculo succurrendum nequa oriri possit injuria.
We must bring relief to present danger, lest any injury may arise.
We need to address the current danger to prevent any harm from occurring.
Præstat cautela quam medela.
Better safe than sorry.
Caution is better than a remedy.
Caution is better than a fix.
Præsumitur Rex habere omnia jura in scrinio pectoris sui.
Præsumitur Rex habere omnia jura in scrinio pectoris sui.
The king is presumed to have all the law, in the recess of his heart.
The king is believed to hold all the law within the depths of his heart.
Præsumptio violenta valet in lege.
Violent presumption holds in law.
Strong presumption is valid in law.
Strong presumption is valid in law.
Prætextu liciti non debet admitti illicitum.
Prætextu liciti non debet admitti illicitum.
An unlawful thing ought not to be admitted under a lawful pretext.
An illegal act shouldn't be accepted under a legal excuse.
Prærogativum est, ejus Regis bonum et antiquum, in decus et tutamen regni, secundum bonas et antiquas-130- populi libertates et legis Anglicanæ leges et consuetudines.
Prerogative is the good and ancient right of the King, for the honor and protection of the kingdom, according to the good and ancient rights of the people's freedoms and the laws and customs of English law.
Prerogative is the good and ancient right of the king, for the honour and protection of the kingdom, according to the good and ancient liberties of the people, and the usages and customs of the English laws.
Prerogative is the rightful and long-standing privilege of the king, for the honor and protection of the kingdom, in accordance with the long-established freedoms of the people and the practices and customs of English law.
Pretium succedit in loco rei.
Value replaces the thing.
A price comes in the place of the property.
A price takes the place of the property.
Primus actus judicii est judicis approbatorius.
Primus actus judicii est judicis approbatorius.
The first act of a trial, is the approbatory act of the judge.
The first part of a trial is the approval given by the judge.
Principalis debet semper excuti antequam perveniatur ad fidei jussores.
Principalis should always be checked before approaching the faith's judges.
The principal ought always to be discussed, before recourse be had to his cautioners.
The principal should always be discussed before turning to his guarantors.
Principia data sequuntur concomitantia.
Principle data follow the consequences.
When principal things are granted, concomitants follow.
When the main things are accepted, accompanying aspects come along.
Principia probant, non probantur.
Principles prove, not are proven.
Principles prove, are not proved.
Principles are proven, not proved.
Principiis obsistendum.
Resist the principles.
We must resist principles.
We must challenge principles.
Principis beneficium debet esse mansurum.
The benefit of the principles should last.
The favour of a prince ought to be permanent.
The favor of a prince should be lasting.
Privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat.
Privat agreements do not override public law.
The agreement of a private person, does not derogate from public law.
The agreement of a private individual does not take away from public law.
Privatum commodum publico cedit.
Private good yields to public good.
Private advantage yields to public.
Private gain benefits the public.
Privilegium non valet contra rempublicam.
Privilege does not stand against the republic.
Privilege is not valid against the state.
Privilege doesn't hold up against the state.
Pro possessore habetur, qui dolo desiit possidere.
Pro possessore habetur, qui dolo desiit possidere.
He is considered as a possessor, who no longer possesses by fraud.
He is seen as someone who owns something but no longer has it through deception.
Pro possessore habetur, qui dolo injuriave desiit possidere.
Pro possessore habetur, qui dolo injuriave desiit possidere.
He is considered as a possessor, who no longer possesses by fraud or injury.
He is seen as someone who has ownership, but no longer gains it through deceit or harm.
Probandi necessitas incumbit illi qui agit.
Probandi necessity falls on the one who acts.
The necessity of proving, lies on him who raises the action.
The burden of proof lies with the person who brings the claim.
Probationes debent esse evidentes, perspicuæ et faciles intelligi.
Probation must be clear, obvious, and easy to understand.
Proofs ought to be evident, perspicuous, and easily understood.
Proofs should be clear, obvious, and easy to understand.
Prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo quod nocere possit alteri.
Prohibited for anyone to do something on their own that could harm another.
It is forbidden that any one should do in his own concern what might hurt another.
No one is allowed to do anything in their own interest that could harm someone else.
Prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo quod nocere possit in alieno.
Prohibited is the act of doing something to your own that could harm another.
It is prohibited that any one should do in his own concern, what may be hurtful to another person.
No one is allowed to do anything in their own interest that could harm another person.
Propinquior excludit propinquium; et propinquus remotum, et remotus remotiorem.
Propinquity excludes proximity; and a nearby person distances the distant, and the distant person distances the far.
A nearer relation excludes propinquity; and a relation a remote person; and a remote person, one more remote.
A closer relative doesn't include those who are nearby; and a relative is someone distant; and a distant person is someone even farther away.
Proprium est Regis gratiam delicti facere.
Proprium est Regis gratiam delicti facere.
It is the prerogative of the king to pardon a transgression.
It’s the king's right to forgive a wrongdoing.
Proprietates verborum servandæ sunt.
Word properties must be preserved.
The proprieties of words are to be observed.
The proper use of words should be respected.
Protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem.
Protecting someone requires them to be submissive, and being submissive brings protection.
Protection draws along with it subjection, and subjection protection.
Protection comes with subjugation, and subjugation comes with protection.
Proximus sum egomet mihi.
I am me.
I myself am nearest to myself.
I’m most in tune with myself.
Prudenter agit qui præcepto legis obtemperat.
Prudently acts the one who follows the law's command.
He acts prudently who obeys the precept of the laws.
He acts wisely who follows the rules of the law.
Quæ ad unum finem loquuta sunt, non debent ad alium detorqueri.
Quæ ad unum finem loquuta sunt, non debent ad alium detorqueri.
What things have been spoken to one purpose ought not to be improperly applied to another.
What has been said for one reason shouldn't be misused for another.
Quæ cohærent personæ a persona separari nequeunt.
Quæ cohærent personæ a persona separari nequeunt.
Things inherent to a person, cannot be separated from a person.
Things inherent to a person can't be separated from that person.
Quæ communi legi derogant stricte interpretantur.
Quae communi legi derogant stricte interpretantur.
The things which derogate from common law, are strictly interpreted.
Things that go against common law are interpreted very strictly.
Quæ contra rationem juris introducta sunt, non debent trahi in consequentiam.
Quae contra rationem juris introducta sunt, non debent trahi in consequentiam.
What things are introduced against the rule of right, ought not to be drawn into consequence.
What things go against the rules of what’s right shouldn’t be taken as serious consequences.
Quæ dubitationis causa tollendæ inseruntur, communem legem non lædunt.
Quæ dubitationis causa tollendæ inseruntur, communem legem non lædunt.
What things are inserted for the sake of removing ambiguity, do not hurt common law.
What things are added to clear up confusion don't harm common law.
Quæ dubitationis tollendæ causa contractibus inseruntur, jus commune non lædunt.
Quæ dubitationis tollendæ causa contractibus inseruntur, jus commune non lædunt.
What things are inserted in contracts for the purpose of taking away ambiguity, do not hurt common law.
What elements are included in contracts to eliminate ambiguity don't violate common law.
Quæ in partes dividi nequeunt solida a singulis præstantur.
Quae in partes dividi nequeunt solida a singulis præstantur.
What cannot be divided into parts, are performed in the lump by individuals.
What cannot be divided into parts is done all at once by individuals.
Quæ in testamento ita sunt scripta, ut intelligi non possint: perinde sunt, ac si scripta non essent.
Quae in testamento sunt scritte in modo che non possono essere comprese: sono come se non fossero scritte.
What things are so written in a testament that they cannot be understood, are just as if they had not been written.
What things are written in a will that can't be understood are basically the same as if they hadn't been written at all.
Quæ incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur.
Quæ incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur.
Those things which are done at once, or certainly, seem to be inherent.
Things that are done immediately or certainly appear to be inherent.
Quæ inter alios acta sunt nemini nocere debent, sed prodesse possunt.
Quid has been done among others shouldn't harm anyone, but can be beneficial.
What things are done among others, ought to hurt nobody, but may do good.
What actions are taken by others should not harm anyone, but can bring about some good.
Quæ legi communi derogant non sunt trahenda in exemplum.
Quæ legi communi derogant non sunt trahenda in exemplum.
What things derogate from common law, are not to be drawn into example.
What things go against common law should not be used as examples.
Quæ non valeant (prosunt) singula, juncta juvant.
Quæ non valeant (prosunt) singula, juncta juvant.
Those things which are of no avail when single, are profitable when joined.
Things that are useless on their own can be valuable when combined.
Quæ non valerent singula, juncta juvant.
Quae non valerent singula, juncta juvant.
What things would not avail single, are profitable when joined.
What might not be useful alone becomes beneficial when combined.
Quæ præter consuetudinem et morem majorem fiunt, neque placent, neque recte videntur.
Quae, besides custom and greater practice, are neither pleasing nor seem right.
What things are done contrary to custom and ancient usage, neither please nor seem to be proper.
Things that go against tradition and long-established practices are neither appealing nor seem appropriate.
Quæ rerum natura prohibentur, nulla lege confirmata sunt.
Quæ rerum natura prohibentur, nulla lege confirmata sunt.
What things are prohibited in the nature of things, are confirmed by no law.
What is inherently prohibited is confirmed by no law.
Quæ singula non prosunt, juncta juvant.
Quæ singula non prosunt, juncta juvant.
Single things which do no good, assist when combined.
Single things that don't do any good can be helpful when combined.
Quæ sunt temporalia ad agendum, sunt perpetua ad excipiendum.
Quae sunt temporalia ad agendum, sunt perpetua ad excipiendum.
What things are temporal with regard to action, are perpetual for receiving.
What is temporary in action is eternal in receiving.
Quæcunque intra rationem legis inveniuntur, intra ipsam legem esse judicantur.
Quotations found within the reasoning of the law are considered to be part of the law itself.
Whatsoever things are found within the meaning of the law, are judged to be within the reach of the law.
Whatever things are included in the meaning of the law are considered to be within the scope of the law.
Quæcunque lex vult fieri non vult frustra fieri.
Quaeva lex wants to be made, it doesn’t want to happen for nothing.
Whatsoever the law wishes to be done, it wishes not to be done in vain.
Whatever the law intends to accomplish, it doesn't want its efforts to be wasted.
Quædam in majus malum vitandum permittet lex quæ tamen nequaquam probet.
Quædam in majus malum vitandum permittet lex quæ tamen nequaquam probet.
The law allows certain things for the avoiding of a greater evil, which, however, it by no means approves.
The law permits certain actions to prevent a greater harm, which it certainly does not endorse.
Quælibet concessio fortissime contra donatorem interpretanda est.
Quae libet concedere must be interpreted very strongly against the giver.
Any grant is most forcibly to be interpreted against the donor.
Any grant should be interpreted most strongly against the donor.
Quælibet pœna corporalis quamvis minima, major est qualibet pœna pecuniaria.
Quælibet pœna corporalis quamvis minima, major est qualibet pœna pecuniaria.
The least corporeal punishment, is greater than any pecuniary punishment.
The least physical punishment is worse than any monetary penalty.
Quæstio fit de legibus, non de personis.
The question is about laws, not about people.
A question is made concerning the laws, not concerning persons.
A question is raised about the laws, not about individuals.
Qualitas quæ inesse debet, facile præsumitur.
Qualities that should be present are easily assumed.
The quality which ought to be inherent, is easily presumed.
The quality that should be natural is often taken for granted.
Quamvis aliquid ex se non sit malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, non est faciendum.
Quamvis aliquid ex se non sit malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, non est faciendum.
Although a thing is not bad of itself, however, if it has a tendency to set a bad example, it is not to be done.
Although something isn't bad in itself, if it tends to set a bad example, it shouldn't be done.
Quamvis lex generaliter loquitur, restringenda tamen est ut cessante ratione et ipsa cessat: cum enim ratio sit anima vigorque ipsius legis, non videtur legislator id sensisse quod ratione careat, etiamsi verborum generalitas prima facie aliter suadeat.
Quamvis lex generaliter loquitur, restringenda tamen est ut cessante ratione et ipsa cessat: cum enim ratio sit anima vigorque ipsius legis, non videtur legislator id sensisse quod ratione careat, etiamsi verborum generalitas prima facie aliter suadeat.
Although the law speaks in the general, it is, however, to be restricted that while the reason, or meaning ceaseth, itself likewise ceaseth; for since reason is the soul and strength of the law itself, the legislator does not seem to have intended that which wants a reason, although the generality of words may at first sight induce us to believe otherwise.
Although the law is often expressed in general terms, it should be limited in scope because once the rationale or meaning disappears, the law should too. Since reason is the essence and power of the law, it appears that the legislator did not intend for something to exist without a rationale, even if the broad wording might initially lead us to think otherwise.
Quamvis aliquid per se non sit malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, non est faciendum.
Quamvis aliquid per se non sit malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, non est faciendum.
Although any thing may not be evil of itself, however, if it be of bad example, it is not to be done.
Although nothing is inherently evil, if it sets a bad example, it shouldn't be done.
Quando aliquid cui conceditur, conceditur et id per quod pervenitur ad illud.
Quando algo é concedido a alguém, também é concedido o meio pelo qual se chega até isso.
When any thing is granted to any one, likewise that is granted by which he comes to it.
When something is given to someone, it also includes what allows them to receive it.
Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum.
Quando algo é proibido diretamente, também é proibido indiretamente.
When any thing is prohibited directly, it is prohibited likewise indirectly.
When something is directly prohibited, it is also prohibited indirectly.
Quando aliquid prohibetur, prohibetur omne id per quod devenitur ad illud.
Quando algo é proibido, tudo o que leva a isso também é proibido.
When any thing is prohibited, that also is prohibited by which we come to that.
When anything is forbidden, so is whatever leads us to it.
Quando charta continet generalem clausulam, posteaque descendit ad verba specialia, quæ clausulæ generali sunt consentanea, interpretanda est charta secundum verba specialia.
Quando a carta contém uma cláusula geral, e depois passa para uma linguagem específica que é consistente com a cláusula geral, a carta deve ser interpretada de acordo com as palavras específicas.
When a charter contains a general clause, and afterwards descends to special expressions, which are agreeable to the general clause, the charter is to be interpreted according to the special words.
When a charter includes a general clause and then goes on to specify particular terms that align with the general clause, the charter should be understood based on those specific terms.
Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit, concedere videtur id sine quo res ipsa esse non potest.
Quando a lei concede algo a alguém, parece conceder aquilo sem o qual a coisa em si não pode existir.
When the law grants any thing to any one, it seems to grant that without which the thing itself cannot exist.
When the law gives something to someone, it seems to give what is necessary for that thing to actually exist.
Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit, omnia incidentia tacite conceduntur.
Quando a lei concede algo a alguém, tudo o que está relacionado a isso também é tacitamente concedido.
When the law grants any thing to any one, all incidental things are tacitly granted.
When the law gives something to someone, all related things are implicitly included.
Quando lex est specialis, ratio autem generalis, generaliter lex est intelligenda.
Quando a lei é específica, mas a razão é geral, a lei deve ser entendida de forma geral.
When the law is special, but the reason general, the law is to be generally understood.
When the law is specific, but the reasoning is broad, the law should be understood in general terms.
Quando plus fit quam fieri debet, videtur etiam illud fieri quod faciendum fuit.
Quando plus fit quam fieri debet, videtur etiam illud fieri quod faciendum fuit.
When more is done than ought to be done, that too seems to be done, which should have been done.
When more is done than what should be done, it also seems like the things that need to be done are getting done.
Quando verba statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem generalis, generaliter statutum est intelligendum.
Quando as palavras da norma são específicas, a lógica, no entanto, é geral; a norma deve ser compreendida de modo geral.
When the words of a statute are special, but the reason general, the statute is to be understood generally.
When the wording of a law is specific, but the reasoning is general, the law should be interpreted broadly.
Quemadmodo non respondent judices, ita, ea quæstionem juris non respondent juratores.
Quemadmodo non respondent judices, ita, ea quæstionem juris non respondent juratores.
As judges do not reply, so, from that the jurors do not answer a question of law. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
As judges don’t respond, the jurors also don’t answer a question of law. [See Transcriber’s Note.]
Qui ab alio derivatum jus habet, non alia lege obtinebit ac is unde derivatum est.
Qui ab alio derivatum jus habet, non alia lege obtinebit ac is unde derivatum est.
He who hath a right derived from another, will not obtain it by any other law than he from whom it is derived.
He who has a right that comes from someone else will not gain it through any other law than the one from whom it originated.
Qui abjurat regnum amittit regnum sed non regem, patriam, sed non patrem patriæ.
Qui abjurat regnum amittit regnum sed non regem, patriam, sed non patrem patriæ.
He who abjures the kingdom, loses the kingdom; but not the king his native country, but not the father of his country.
He who rejects the kingdom loses the kingdom; but not the king his homeland, but not the father of his nation.
Qui accusat integræ famæ sit et non criminosus.
Qui accusat integræ famæ sit et non criminosus.
Let him who accuses, be of unblemished character, and not criminal.
Let anyone who makes an accusation have a spotless character and not be a criminal.
Qui adimit medium dirimit finem.
Who takes the middle divides the end.
He who takes away the middle, will demolish the end.
Whoever removes the middle will destroy the end.
Qui alienas res negligenter perdit, aut vi vel dolo malo aufert, suas amittitio.
Qui alienas res negligenter perdit, aut vi vel dolo malo aufert, suas amittitio.
Whosoever negligently ruins another man’s property, or takes it away by force, or evil fraud, let him lose his own.
Whoever carelessly damages someone else's property, or takes it by force or deceit, should lose their own.
Qui æquitatem petit, æquitatem faciat.
He who seeks fairness must practice fairness.
Whosoever demands justice, let him practise justice.
Whoever seeks justice should practice justice.
Qui aliquid statuerit, parte inaudita altera æquum licet dixerit, haud æquum fecerit.
Qui aliquid statuerit, parte inaudita altera æquum licet dixerit, haud æquum fecerit.
He who shall have determined any thing, the one party being unheard, though he may speak justice, hath not done what is just.
He who decides something without listening to the other side, even if they seem fair, has not done what is right.
Qui altari serviunt ab altari vivant.
Qui altari serviunt ab altari vivant.
They who serve at the altar, should live by the altar.
Those who serve at the altar should make their living from it.
Qui alterum incusat ne in eodem saltem genere sit incusandus.
Qui alterum incusat ne in eodem saltem genere sit incusandus.
Let him who accuses another, not be accused, at least in the same way.
Let anyone who accuses someone else not be accused in the same manner.
Qui animo peccandi aliquid facit, videtur peccasse ab initio.
Qui animo peccandi aliquid facit, videtur peccasse ab initio.
He who does any thing with the intention of transgressing, seems to have transgressed from the beginning.
Anyone who does something with the intention of breaking the rules seems to have broken them from the very start.
Qui beneficium legis extra ordinem quærit, puras manus afferto.
Qui beneficium legis extra ordinem quærit, puras manus afferto.
Whosoever seeks the benefit of the law extraordinarily, let him lift up pure hands.
Whoever seeks the extraordinary benefits of the law should raise their clean hands.
Qui bene distinguit, bene docet.
Who teaches well, teaches clearly.
He who distinguishes well, teaches well.
Those who differentiate clearly, teach effectively.
Qui bene interrogat, bene docet.
Who asks well, teaches well.
He who interrogates well, teaches well.
Whoever asks good questions teaches well.
Qui bonis viris pauperibus dat legibus opitulatur; qui malis et inertibus segetem malorum fovet et legum opprobrium.
Qui bonis viris pauperibus dat legibus opitulatur; qui malis et inertibus segetem malorum fovet et legum opprobrium.
He who assists good men in poverty, gives to the laws; he who assists the wicked and inactive, fosters a multitude of bad people, and is the disgrace of the laws.
Anyone who helps good people in need supports the law; those who aid the wicked and lazy promote a host of bad individuals and bring shame to the law.
Qui causa decedit causa cadit.
The case falls when the cause is removed.
He who departs from his cause, falleth from his cause.
He who abandons his purpose falls from his purpose.
Qui cum alio contrahit, vel est, vel debet esse, non ignarus ejus conditionis; hæredi autem hoc imputari non potest, cum non sponte cum legatariis contrahit.
Qui cum alio contrahens, vel est, vel debet esse, non ignarus ejus conditionis; hæredi autem hoc imputari non potest, cum non sponte cum legatariis contrahens.
He who contracts with another, either is not, or ought not to be ignorant of his condition; but this cannot be imputed to his heir, since he contracts not of his own accord with the legatees.
He who makes a contract with someone else should either know their situation or not be ignorant of it; however, this shouldn’t be held against their heir since the heir doesn’t enter into the contract willingly with the beneficiaries.
Qui dat pauperibus Deo dat.
Who gives to the poor, gives to God.
He gives to God, who gives to the poor.
He gives to God, who gives to those in need.
Qui destruit medium, destruit finem.
Who destroys the middle, destroys the end.
He who destroys the middle, destroys the end.
Whoever ruins the middle also ruins the end.
Qui dolo desierit possidere, pro possidente pro possessione dolus est.
Qui dolo desierit possidere, pro possidente pro possessione dolus est.
He who shall cease to possess by craft, instead of a possessor, is crafty for the possessor.
He who stops being a skilled owner, instead of just being someone who owns, is clever for the one who does own.
Qui inertibus dat industrios nudat.
Who gives the lazy work to the industrious?
He who gives to the sluggish, defrauds the industrious.
The person who gives to the lazy cheats those who work hard.
Qui ex parte testamenti aliquid donatum accipit, universo testamento stabit.
Qui ex parte testamenti aliquid donatum accipit, universo testamento stabit.
He who receives any thing by a part of a will, shall stand by the whole will.
Anyone who receives something as part of a will must abide by the entire will.
Qui extra causam divagatur calumniando, punitor.
Qui extra causam divagatur calumniando, punitor.
Whosoever wanders out of his cause by uttering calumny, let him be punished.
Anyone who strays from their purpose by spreading falsehoods should be punished.
Qui facit per alium, facit per se.
Qui facit per alium, facit per se.
He who acts by means of another, acts by himself.
Anyone who acts through someone else is still acting for themselves.
Qui habet jurisdictionem absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligandi.
Qui habet jurisdictionem absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligandi.
He who has the right of acquitting, has the right of binding.
Whoever has the power to acquit also has the power to bind.
Qui hæret in litera hæret in cortice.
Qui hæret in litera hæret in cortice.
He who sticks to the letter, sticks merely to the bark.
He who clings to the letter only holds onto the surface.
Qui in alterius locum succedunt justam habent ignorantiæ causam, an id quod petitur deberetur: fide jussores, non minus quam hæredes, justam ignorantiam possunt allegare.
Qui in alterius locum succedunt justam habent ignorantiæ causam, an id quod petitur deberetur: fide jussores, non minus quam hæredes, justam ignorantiam possunt allegare.
They who succeed in the room of another, have just cause of ignorance; whether that which is sought for be due, the sureties, no less than the heirs, can allege just ignorance.
Those who succeed in someone else's place have a valid reason for their ignorance; whether what they're seeking is owed or not, both the sureties and the heirs can claim legitimate ignorance.
Qui in utero est pro jam nato habetur, quoties de ejus commodo quæritur.
Qui in utero est pro jam nato habetur, quoties de ejus commodo quæritur.
He who is in the womb, is reckoned as already born, as often as the question is concerning his advantage.
He who is in the womb is considered already born whenever the question is about his benefit.
Qui inscienter læsit scienter emendit.
Who harms unintentionally corrects intentionally.
He who ignorantly hath hurt, knowingly amends.
He who has hurt someone without realizing it makes amends knowingly.
Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam.
Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam.
He who enjoys his own right, does injury to none.
He who claims his own rights does no harm to anyone.
Qui libenter, et sæpe, et parvula de re juramento se obstringit, perjurio proximus est.
Qui libenter, et sæpe, et parvula de re juramento se obstringit, perjurio proximus est.
He who willingly, and often, and concerning a small matter, binds himself by an oath, is nearest to perjury.
The person who willingly, frequently, and for a trivial reason, commits to an oath is closest to committing perjury.
Qui non cadunt in constantem virum, vani timores sunt æstimandi.
Qui non cadunt in constantem virum, vani timores sunt æstimandi.
Those fears are to be considered as vain, which do not fall upon a steady man.
Those fears are seen as pointless if they don't affect a steady person.
Qui non habet in ære, luat in corpore: (ne quis peccetur impune).
Qui non habet in ære, luat in corpore: (ne quis peccetur impune).
Whosoever has no money, let him satisfy, in his person; that no transgression should pass with impunity.
Whoever has no money should make up for it with their actions; no wrongdoing should go unpunished.
Qui non habet potestatem alienandi, habet necessitatem retinendi.
Qui non habet potestatem alienandi, habet necessitatem retinendi.
He who has not the power of alienating, has the necessity of retaining.
He who cannot let go must hold on.
Qui non improbat, approbat.
Who doesn’t disapprove, approves.
He who does not disapprove, approves.
He who doesn't reject agrees.
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est veritatis.
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est veritatis.
He who does not freely declare the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.
Anyone who doesn't openly declare the truth is betraying it.
Qui non luat in crumina luat in corpore.
Qui non luat in crumina luat in corpore.
Whosoever cannot suffer in the purse, let him suffer in the body.
Whoever can’t take the hit in their wallet will have to take it in their body.
Qui non negat fatetur.
Whoever doesn't deny, admits.
He who does not deny, confesses.
He who doesn’t deny admits.
Qui non obstat quod obstare potest, facere videtur.
Qui non obstat quod obstare potest, facere videtur.
He seems to do, who does not oppose what he can oppose.
He appears to act, who doesn't challenge what he can challenge.
Qui non peccavit pœnam non feret.
Qui non peccavit pœnam non feret.
He who hath not transgressed, shall not suffer punishment.
Whoever hasn’t broken the rules won’t face any punishment.
Qui non propulsat, injuriam quando potest, infert.
Qui non propulsat, injuriam quando potest, infert.
He causes an injury, who does not oppose it, when he can.
He causes harm if he doesn't stand against it when he has the chance.
Qui non prohibet, quod prohibere potest, consentire videtur.
Qui non prohibet, quod prohibere potest, consentire videtur.
He seems to consent, who does not prohibit, what he can hinder.
He seems to agree if he doesn’t stop what he can prevent.
Qui non prohibet, quod prohibere potest, assentire videtur.
Qui non prohibet, quod prohibere potest, assentire videtur.
He seems to assent, who does not prohibit, what he can prohibit.
He appears to agree when he doesn't stop something he has the power to stop.
Qui non vetat cum debeat et possit, jubet.
Qui non vetat cum debeat et possit, jubet.
He orders who does not forbid, when he ought and can do it.
He gives orders to those he should not stop when he should and is able to do it.
Qui non vult intelligi, debet negligi.
Qui non vult intelligi, debet negligi.
He who does not wish to be understood, ought to be neglected.
Anyone who doesn't want to be understood should be ignored.
Qui obstruit aditum, destruit commodum.
Who blocks the way loses an advantage.
He who blocks up an access, destroys convenience.
Blocking access removes convenience.
Qui omne dicit, nihil excludit.
Whoever speaks everything excludes nothing.
He who says all, excludes nothing.
The person who says everything excludes nothing.
Qui ordine ulteriora admittit, præcedentia affirmat.
Qui ordine ulteriora admittit, præcedentia affirmat.
He who admits posterior things in order, affirms preceding things.
He who acknowledges later things in order confirms earlier things.
Qui parcit nocentibus, innocentibus minatur.
He who spares the guilty threatens the innocent.
He who spares the guilty, threatens the innocent.
Whoever lets the guilty go free puts the innocent at risk.
Qui parcit nocentibus, innocentibus punit.
Who spares the guilty punishes the innocent.
He who spares the guilty, punishes the innocent.
Whoever lets the guilty go unpunished is harming the innocent.
Qui peccat ebrius, luat sobrius.
Who sins when drunk, pays sober.
Whosoever offends when intoxicated, let him give satisfaction when sober.
Whoever acts out while drunk should make amends when sober.
Qui per alium facit, per seipsum facere videtur.
Qui per alium facit, per seipsum facere videtur.
He who transacts through the agency of another, seems to act by himself.
The person who does business through someone else seems to be acting on their own.
Qui periculum amat, in eo peribit.
Qui periculum amat, in eo peribit.
He who courts danger, shall perish in it.
Whoever seeks danger will end up facing its consequences.
Qui potest et debet vetare, jubet.
Qui potest et debet vetare, jubet.
He orders who can, and ought to forbid, and does not do it.
He commands those who can and should stop it, but they don’t.
Qui prior in tempore, potior in jure.
Qui prior in tempore, potior in jure.
He who is first in time, is preferable in law.
The person who comes first in time is preferred in law.
Qui semel actionem renunciaverit, amplius repetere non potest.
Qui semel actionem renunciaverit, amplius repetere non potest.
He who has once renounced his action, cannot resume it any more.
Once someone has given up their action, they can't take it back.
Qui semel malus, semper præsumitur esse malus in eodem genere.
Qui semel malus, semper præsumitur esse malus in eodem genere.
He who has once been wicked, is always presumed to be wicked in the same way.
Once someone has been wicked, they are always assumed to be wicked in the same way.
Qui sentit commodum—sentire debet et onus.
Qui sentit commodum—sentire debet et onus.
He who reaps the advantage, ought also to bear the burden.
The one who benefits should also bear the responsibility.
Qui serviunt Christo, faciunt leges pro Christo.
Qui serviunt Christo, faciunt leges pro Christo.
They who serve Christ, make laws for Christ.
Those who serve Christ create laws for Christ.
Qui sine dolo malo ad judicium provocat, non videtur moram facere.
Qui sine dolo malo ad judicium provocat, non videtur moram facere.
He who provokes to trial without wicked fraud, does not seem to cause delay.
Someone who stirs up a challenge without malicious deceit doesn't seem to cause any delay.
Qui sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria, legis est definare.
Qui sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria, legis est definire.
It belongs to the law to define what justice may be, and in what injustice consists.
It’s up to the law to determine what justice is and what constitutes injustice.
Qui statuat aliquid parte inaudita altera æquum licet statuerit haud æquus olet.
Qui statuat aliquid parte inaudita altera æquum licet statuerit haud æquus olet.
He who determines any thing while one party is unheard, though he may determine what is just, will not savour of the just man.
He who makes a decision while one side is not heard, even if his choice is fair, will not be seen as a just person.
Qui suspicionem peccati inducit, peccat.
He who raises suspicion of sin, sins.
He offends, who occasions suspicion of an offence.
He offends when he causes someone to suspect that an offense has occurred.
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Qui tacet, consentire videtur.
Silence implies consent.
He who is silent, seems to agree.
Those who stay silent often seem to agree.
Qui tacet, consentire videtur, ubi tractatur de ejus commodo.
Qui tacet, consentire videtur, ubi tractatur de ejus commodo.
He seems to consent, who is silent concerning his own advantage.
He seems to agree when he stays silent about his own benefit.
Qui tardius solvit, minus solvit.
The later you pay, the less you pay.
He who pays rather slowly, pays rather less.
He who pays slowly, pays less.
Qui tempus prætermittit, causam perdit.
Who neglects time loses reason.
He who is too dilatory, loses his cause.
He who is too slow loses his case.
Quid fiere debet, facile præsumitur.
What should happen is obvious.
What ought to be done, is easily presumed.
What should be done is easily assumed.
Quid sit jus, et in quo consistat injuria, legis est definire.
Quid sit jus, et in quo consistat injuria, legis est definire.
It belongs to the law to define what the law is, and in what injustice consists.
It’s up to the law to determine what the law is and what injustice means.
Quicquid contra bonos mores facit, jure communi vetitum.
Qu whatever goes against good morals is prohibited by common law.
Whatever is done against good morals, is forbidden by common law.
Anything that goes against good morals is prohibited by common law.
Quicquid in excessu actum est, lege prohibetur.
Quicquid in excessu actum est, lege prohibetur.
Whatever is done to excess, is prohibited by law.
Whatever is done in excess is against the law.
Quicquid judicis auctoritati subjicitur, novitati non subjicitur.
Qu whatever is subject to the authority of a judge is not subject to novelty.
Whatever is subjected to the authority of a judge, is not subjected to innovation.
Whatever is under a judge's authority is not open to change.
Quicquid per se malum est, id leges omnibus vetant.
Quicquid per se malum est, id leges omnibus vetant.
Whatever is bad in itself, the laws forbid that to all.
Whatever is inherently bad is prohibited by the laws for everyone.
Quicquid solvitur, solvitur secundum modum solventis, et secundum modum recipientis recipitur.
Quicquid solvitur, solvitur secundum modum solventis, et secundum modum recipientis recipitur.
Whatever is paid, is paid according to the manner of the payer, and is received according to the manner of the receiver.
Whatever is paid is done so in the way the payer chooses, and it's received in the way the receiver prefers.
Quicunque habet jurisdictionem ordinariam, est illius loci ordinarius.
Quicunque habet jurisdictionem ordinariam, est illius loci ordinarius.
Whoever has ordinary jurisdiction, is the ordinary of that place.
Whoever has regular authority is the local official in that area.
Quicunque jussu judicis aliquid fecerit, non videtur dolo malo fecisse, quia parere necesse est.
Quicunque jussu judicis aliquid fecerit, non videtur dolo malo fecisse, quia parere necesse est.
Whoever has done any thing by order of the judge, does not seem to have acted by guile, because it is necessary to obey.
Whoever has done anything at the judge's order doesn't seem to have acted deceitfully, because they have to obey.
Quilibet enim jure pro se introducto renunciare potest.
Quilibet can renounce on their own based on the law introduced.
For any one can renounce by the law introduced for himself.
For anyone can give up rights under the law created for themselves.
Quilibet ex virtute sua non imbecillitate adversarii debet vincere.
Quilibet should win by virtue of their own strength, not because of the weakness of their opponent.
Any one ought to overcome by his own strength, and not by the weakness of his opponent.
Anyone should win by their own strength, not by taking advantage of their opponent's weaknesses.
Quisquis præsumitur bonus; et semper in dubiis pro reo respondendum.
Quisquis præsumitur bonus; et semper in dubiis pro reo respondendum.
Every one is presumed good; and always in doubtful cases we must answer for the accused.
Everyone is presumed innocent; and in unclear situations, we must defend the accused.
Quilibet renunciare potest juri pro se introducto.
Quilibet can waive a right that was introduced for themselves.
Any one can renounce by the law introduced for himself.
Anyone can renounce according to the law created for themselves.
Quilibet titulus excusat a spolio.
Any title excuses from theft.
Any title excuses from spoliation.
Any title protects from spoliation.
Quisque præsumitur optime in sua causa dicere.
Quisque is presumed to speak best on his own behalf.
Every one is presumed to speak best in his own cause.
Everyone is assumed to express themselves best when it involves their own interests.
Quisquis sua facta scire et præsumitur et debet.
Quisquis sua facta scire et præsumitur et debet.
Every one is both presumed, and ought to know his own actions.
Everyone is expected to be aware of their own actions.
Quo ligatur, eo dissolvitur.
Where it is tied, it is untied.
A thing is dissolved in the same way, in which it is bound.
A thing is broken down in the same way it was put together.
Quo tutela redit, eo hæreditas pervenit, nisi cum fœminæ hæredes intercedunt.
Quo tutela redit, eo hæreditas pervenit, nisi cum fœminæ hæredes intercedunt.
An inheritance comes in the way, in which guardianship goes, unless when female heirs intervene.
An inheritance is handled in the same way as guardianship, except when female heirs are involved.
Quod ab initio non valet, in tractu temporis non convalescet.
What is invalid from the beginning will not become valid over time.
What at the beginning is not valid, will not become valid in the process of time.
What isn't valid at the beginning won't become valid over time.
Quod ab initio non valet, tractu temporis non potest convalescere.
What is invalid from the beginning cannot gain strength over time.
What at the beginning is not valid, cannot become valid in process of time.
What isn't valid at the start can't become valid over time.
Quod ab initio vitiosum est, non post contractu temporis convalescere.
What is flawed from the beginning cannot become valid after a period of time.
What at the beginning is faulty, cannot become valid afterwards in the process of time.
What starts out wrong can't become right over time.
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines æquales sunt.
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines æquales sunt.
With respect to natural law, all men are equal.
With regard to natural law, everyone is equal.
Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vel fraudem petatur, malum et injustum efficitur.
Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vel fraudem petatur, malum et injustum efficitur.
What otherwise is good and just, if it be sought by force or fraud, is rendered wicked and unjust.
What would otherwise be good and fair, if pursued through force or deception, becomes evil and unfair.
Quod civile jus non idem continuo gentium: quod autem gentium idem civile esse debet.
Quod civile jus non idem continuo gentium: quod autem gentium idem civile esse debet.
What is civil law, the same is not of course that of nations: but what is the law of nations, the same ought to be civil law.
What is civil law is not necessarily the same as the law of nations; however, the law of nations should be regarded as civil law.
Quod contra legem fit pro infecto habetur.
What is done against the law is considered invalid.
What is done against law, is reckoned as undone.
What is done against the law is considered as if it was never done.
Quod constat clare non debet verificare.
Quod constat clare non debet verificare.
What is evidently certain, ought not to be verified.
What is clearly certain doesn't need to be confirmed.
Quod constat curiæ opere testium non indiget.
Quod constat curiæ opere testium non indiget.
What is clear to the court, does not need the aid of witnesses.
What is clear to the court doesn't need witnesses.
Quod conscientia vult ubi lex deficit, æquitas cogit.
Quod conscientia vult ubi lex deficit, æquitas cogit.
What conscience wishes, where the law is deficient, equity prescribes.
What conscience desires, where the law is lacking, fairness recommends.
Quod contra rationem juris receptum est, non est producendum ad consequentias.
Quod contra rationem juris receptum est, non est producendum ad consequentias.
What is received against the meaning of the law, must not be drawn into consequences.
What is received against the meaning of the law should not lead to consequences.
Quod demonstrandi causa, additur rei satis demonstratæ frustra fit.
Quod demonstrandi causa, additur rei satis demonstratæ frustra fit.
What is valid for the sake of demonstrating a thing, sufficiently demonstrated, is done in vain.
What is valid for showing something, when it's already enough demonstrated, is a waste of effort.
Quod dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.
Quod dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.
What is a doubtful interpretation of liberty, ought to be answered according to liberty.
A questionable interpretation of liberty should be addressed based on the principles of liberty.
Quod dubitas ne feceris.
Don't do what you doubt.
What you doubt, do not do.
If you doubt it, don't do it.
Quod est ex necessitate nunquam introducitur, nisi quando necessarium.
Quod est ex necessitate nunquam introducitur, nisi quando necessarium.
What proceeds from necessity, is never introduced, unless it is introduced from necessity.
What comes from necessity is never brought in unless it’s brought in out of necessity.
Quod est inconveniens, aut contra rationem, non permissum est in lege.
What is inappropriate or against reason is not permitted under the law.
What is unsuitable, or against reason, is not permitted in law.
What is inappropriate or unreasonable is not allowed by law.
Quod est necessarium est licitum.
What is necessary is permitted.
What is necessary, is lawful.
What is necessary is lawful.
Quod fieri debet facile præsumitur.
What should happen is assumed.
What ought to be done, is easily presumed.
What should be done is easily assumed.
Quod fieri debuit pro facto censetur.
Quod fieri debuit pro facto censetur.
What ought to have been done, is reckoned as done.
What should have been done is considered as done.
Quod fieri non debet factum valet.
Quod fieri non debet factum valet.
What should not be done, is not valid, when done.
What shouldn't be done, is not valid, when done.
Quod fieri vetatur ex directo, vetatur etiam ab obliquo.
Quod fieri vetatur ex directo, vetatur etiam ab obliquo.
What is forbidden to be done directly, is forbidden also indirectly.
What’s not allowed to be done directly is also not allowed to be done indirectly.
Quod fraude factum est in alios infectum esto, contra fraudatorem valet.
Quod fraude factum est in alios infectum esto, contra fraudatorem valet.
Let what is done in fraud, be inefficient towards others; it is valid against the defrauder.
Let the actions taken in fraud be ineffective against others; they are valid against the person committing the fraud.
Quod in se malum ubicunque factum fuerit, nulla juris positivi ratione valebit.
Quod in se malum ubicunque factum fuerit, nulla juris positivi ratione valebit.
What shall have been done, bad in itself, will be valid by no kind of positive law.
What has been done, wrong in itself, will not be valid under any kind of positive law.
Quod initio vitiosum est, non potest tractu temporis convalescere.
What is flawed from the beginning cannot improve over time.
What at first is faulty, cannot, in process of time, become valid.
What starts out as faulty can't, over time, become valid.
Quod lege tuum est, amplius esse tuum non potest.
Quod lege tuum est, amplius esse tuum non potest.
What is yours by law, cannot be more yours.
What you legally own cannot belong to you any more than it already does.
Quod nullius est, fit domini regis.
Quod nullius est, fit domini regis.
What belongs to none, becomes the property of the king.
What belongs to no one becomes the king's property.
Quod nullius est, fit occupantis.
To each his own.
What belongs to none, becomes the property of the occupier.
What belongs to no one becomes the property of whoever takes it.
Quod naturaliter inesse debet.
What should naturally be present.
Which naturally ought to be inherent.
Which should naturally be inherent.
Quod nullo interno vitio laborat at objecto impedimento cessat, remoto impedimento per se emergit.
Quod nullo interno vitio laborat at objecto impedimento cessat, remoto impedimento per se emergit.
What labours under no internal fault, but yields to an opposing obstacle, the obstacle being removed, it emerges of itself.
What doesn't have any internal issues, but faces an opposing obstacle, will pull through on its own once that obstacle is removed.
Quod per recordum probatum, non debet esse negatum.
Quod per recordum probatum, non debet esse negatum.
What is proved by record, ought not to be denied.
What’s proven by the record shouldn’t be denied.
Quod remedio destituitur ipsa re valet si culpa absit.
Quod remedio destituitur ipsa re valet si culpa absit.
What is destitute of remedy, in fact, is valid, if it be not faulty.
What cannot be fixed is valid, as long as it isn't flawed.
Quod Rex contra leges jubet, pro injussu reputabitur.
Quod Rex contra leges jubet, pro injussu reputabitur.
What the king orders against law, shall be considered as not commanded.
What the king orders that's against the law will be seen as if it wasn't ordered at all.
Quod semel meum est, amplius meum esse non potest.
Quod semel meum est, amplius meum esse non potest.
What is once mine, cannot be more mine.
What was once mine, can't be mine anymore.
Quod semel placuit in electionibus amplius displicere non potest.
What has once been decided in elections cannot be disapproved again.
What hath once been approved of, in elections, cannot any longer displease.
What has been approved in elections can no longer be disapproved.
Quod statim liquidare potest pro jam liquido habetur.
Quod statim liquidare potest pro jam liquido habetur.
What can be immediately liquidated, is held as already liquidated.
What can be quickly turned into cash is considered as already turned into cash.
Quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri non feceris.
What you don't want done to you, don't do to others.
Do not do to another, what you would not wish to be done to yourself.
Don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you.
Quod vero naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit, id apud omnes peræque custoditur quod semper æquum ac bonum est.
Quod vero naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit, id apud omnes peræque custoditur quod semper æquum ac bonum est.
What, indeed, natural reason hath constituted among all men, is observed among all in the same degree, which is always just and good.
What, indeed, natural reason has established among all people is seen among everyone to the same extent, which is always fair and good.
Quodcunque aliquis ob tutelam corporis sui fecerit, jure id fecisse videtur.
Quodcunque aliquis ob tutelam corporis sui fecerit, jure id fecisse videtur.
Whatever any one hath done for the protection of his own person, he seems to have done that according to law.
Whatever anyone has done to protect themselves, it seems they've acted in accordance with the law.
Quodlibet in lege eodem modo dissolvitur quo ligatum est.
Quodlibet in law is dissolved in the same way it was bound.
Any thing in law is dissolved, in the same way in which it was bound.
Anything in law is dissolved in the same way it was created.
Quomodo quid constituitur eodem modo dissolvitur.
Quomodo quid constituitur eodem modo dissolvitur.
In whatever way any thing is constituted, in the same way it is dissolved.
How something is made is how it is broken down.
Quoties aliquid dubitatur vel male est, ad principia recurrendum.
Quoties something is doubted or isn't right, we need to go back to the basics.
As often as any thing is doubted, or is bad, we must have recourse to principles.
Whenever something is questioned or seems negative, we need to rely on principles.
Quoties duplici jure defertur alicui successio, repudiato novo jure, quod ante defertur supererit vetus.
Quoties duplici jure defertur alicui successio, repudiato novo jure, quod ante defertur supererit vetus.
Whenever a succession is conferred upon any one, by a double right, the new right being set aside, the old right, formerly conferred, will remain in force.
Whenever someone is given a succession through two different rights, if the new right is ignored, the old right that was granted before will still be valid.
Quoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla expositio contra verba fienda est.
Quotations without ambiguity in the words should not be interpreted in a way that goes against those words.
As often as there is no ambiguity in words, no explanation ought to be made against words.
As long as the words are clear, there shouldn’t be any need to explain them.
Quoties lege aliquid, unum vel alterum introductum est, bona occasio est, cætera quæ tendunt ad eandem utilitatem, vel interpretatione, vel certe jurisdictione suppleri.
Quoties you read something, if one or another has been introduced, it’s a good opportunity for the other things that aim for the same benefit to be supplemented either by interpretation or certainly by jurisdiction.
As often as any one thing, or another, is introduced in law, there is a good opportunity that other things, which tend to the same advantage, be supplied, either by interpretation, or, at least, by jurisdiction.
As frequently as one thing or another is introduced in law, there's a good chance that other things that serve the same purpose will be provided, either through interpretation or, at the very least, by jurisdiction.
Quotiens æquitate desiderii naturalis ratio aut dubitatio juris moratur, justis decretis res temporanda est.
Quotiens æquitate desiderii naturalis ratio aut dubitatio juris moratur, justis decretis res temporanda est.
As oft as by the equity of desire, a natural reason, or doubt of law, may retard the matter, is to be regulated by just decrees.
As often as the fairness of desire, a natural reason, or uncertainty in the law might delay the issue, it should be governed by fair decisions.
Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.
Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.
As often as the interpretation of liberty is doubtful, we should answer according to liberty.
As often as the meaning of freedom is unclear, we should respond in favor of freedom.
Quotiens idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum excipiatur, quæ rei gerendæ aptior est.
Quotiens idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum excipiatur, quæ rei gerendæ aptior est.
As often as the same speech expresses two meanings, that chiefly may be received, which is most fit for carrying on the business.
As often as the same speech has two meanings, the one that is most suitable for achieving the goal is usually the one that gets chosen.
Ratio est anima legis.
Reason is the soul of the law.
Reason is the soul of the law.
Reason is the essence of the law.
Ratio est legis anima, mutata legis ratione mutatur et lex.
Ratio is the spirit of the law; when the reasoning of the law changes, the law itself changes.
Reason is the soul of the law, the meaning of the law being changed, the law also is changed.
Reason is the essence of the law; when the meaning of the law changes, the law itself also changes.
Ratio et authoritas, duo clarissima mundi lumina.
Ratio and authority, two of the brightest lights in the world.
Reason and authority, are the two brightest lights of the world.
Reason and authority are the two brightest lights in the world.
Radix et vertex imperii in obedientium consensus.
Radix et vertex imperii in obedientium consensus.
The consent of subjects is the root and top of empire.
The consent of the people is the foundation and pinnacle of power.
Ratio potest allegari deficiente lege.
The ratio can be claimed if the law is lacking.
Reason may be alleged when the law is insufficient.
Reason can be invoked when the law falls short.
Receditur a placitis, juris potius quam injuriæ et delicta maneant impunita.
Receding from the legal matters, it is better that justice prevails rather than allowing injuries and offenses to go unpunished.
We depart from the enactments of the law, rather than that injuries and transgressions should remain unpunished.
We take action based on the law, rather than letting injuries and wrongdoings go unpunished.
Recorda sunt vestigia vetustatis et veritatis.
Recorda are the traces of antiquity and truth.
Records are the vestiges of antiquity and truth.
Records are remnants of the past and reality.
Recurrendum est ad extraordinarium quando non valet ordinarium.
Recourse to the extraordinary is necessary when the ordinary fails.
We must have recourse to an extraordinary thing, when an ordinary one does not avail us.
We need to rely on something extraordinary when something ordinary isn't working for us.
Reddere, nihil aliud est quam acceptum restituere: seu, reddere est quasi retro dare; et redditur dicitur a redeundo, quia retro it.
Reddere is simply about giving back what you received; in other words, to render is like giving something back. It's called "redditur" because it involves going back.
To render is nothing else than to restore what is received; or to render is, as it were, to give back; and it is called render from returning, because it goes back.
To render is simply to restore what has been received; or to render is, in a way, to give back; and it’s called render from returning because it goes back.
Regis curia et curia populi Anglicani sive parliamentum non ex scripto sed ex communi lege sunt.
Regis court and the court of the English people, or parliament, are not based on written law but on common law.
The court of the king, and the court house of the people of England, or the Parliament, are not according to written, but according to common law.
The king's court and the people's court in England, or Parliament, are based not on written laws, but on common law.
Regula est quæ rem quæ est breviter enarrat, non ut ex regula jus sumatur, sed ex jure, quod est, regula fiat. Per regulam igitur brevis rerum narratio traditur, et quasi causæ conjectio est, quæ, simul cum in aliquo vitiata est, perdit officium suum.
Regulation is a principle that briefly explains a matter, not to derive law from the principle, but for the law to become a principle. Therefore, the rule provides a concise account of things and serves as a kind of conjecture for a case, which, if it is flawed in any way, loses its function.
The rule is that which briefly relates the matter, not that law may be taken from a rule, but that which is of the law may be made a rule. By a rule, therefore, a short relation of things is delivered and there is, as it were, a summary account of the cause, which at the same time, when it is corrupted, loses its office.
The rule gives a brief description of the matter; it’s not that law comes from a rule, but rather that what is law can become a rule. Therefore, a rule provides a concise account of things, essentially offering a summary of the situation, which, if it becomes corrupted, loses its purpose.
Regulariter non valet pactum de re mea non alienanda.
Regularly, an agreement not to transfer my property is not valid.
A bargain is not regularly valid concerning the non-alienation of my property.
A deal is not usually valid regarding the non-sale of my property.
Relatio est fictio juris et intenta ad unum.
Relatio is a legal fiction and is focused on one thing.
Reference is the supposition of the law, and made to one case.
Reference is the assumption of the law, and it pertains to one specific case.
Remoto impedimento emergit actio.
Remote hindrance arises action.
An impediment being removed, an action emerges.
Once an obstacle is cleared, action takes place.
Repellitur a sacramento infamis.
Repelled by the disgraceful sacrament.
An infamous person is repelled from the sacrament and oath of allegiance.
An infamous person is rejected from the sacrament and oath of allegiance.
Reputatio est vulgaris opinio ubi non est veritas. Et vulgaris opinio est duplex, scil. opinio vulgaris orta inter graves et discretos homines, et quæ vultum veritatis habet; et opinio tantum orta inter leves et vulgares homines, absque specie veritatis.
Reputation is the common opinion where there is no truth. And the common opinion is twofold, namely: the common opinion formed among serious and discerning individuals, which has the appearance of truth; and the opinion formed only among frivolous and ordinary people, without any semblance of truth.
A report is common opinion, where there is not truth; and opinion is twofold, viz. a common opinion arises between prudent and discreet men, which has the appearance of truth, and opinion only arises between giddy and vulgar men, without the appearance of truth.
A report is a shared belief where there is no truth; and belief can be two kinds: a shared belief comes from wise and careful people, which seems true, while belief only comes from foolish and common people, without any appearance of truth.
Rerum ordo confunditur, si unicuique jurisdictio non conservatur.
Rerum ordo confunditur, si unicuique jurisdictio non conservatur.
The order of things is confounded, if jurisdiction is not preserved to every one.
The natural order gets messed up if everyone doesn't have their own rights.
Rerum suarum quilibet est moderator et arbiter.
Rerum suarum quilibet est moderator et arbiter.
Every one is the ruler and umpire of his own affairs.
Everyone is the leader and judge of their own affairs.
Res est misera ubi jus est vagum et incertum.
Res est misera ubi jus est vega et incertum.
It is a wretched circumstance, when the law is vague and uncertain.
It’s a miserable situation when the law is unclear and confusing.
Res, generalem habet significationem, quia tam corporea quam incorporea, cujuscunque sunt generis, naturæ sive speciei, comprehendit.
Res has a general meaning because it encompasses both physical and non-physical things, regardless of their type, nature, or kind.
A thing has a general signification, because it comprehends corporeal, as well as incorporeal circumstances, of whatever kind, nature and species it may be.
A thing has a general meaning because it includes both physical and non-physical aspects, regardless of their kind, nature, or type.
Res inter alios acta, aliis non nocet.
Res inter alios acta, aliis non nocet.
A matter performed among some persons, does not hurt others.
What some people do doesn’t harm others.
Res inter alios acta, alteri nocere non debet.
Res inter alios acta, alteri nocere non debet.
A matter performed among some persons, ought not to hurt another.
A situation involving some people shouldn't harm someone else.
Res inter alios acta, aliis neque nocet neque prodest.
Res inter alios acta, aliis neither harms nor benefits.
A thing done among some persons, does neither harm nor good to others.
Something that some people do doesn't affect others, whether for better or worse.
Res judicata pro veritate accipitur.
The matter is settled as true.
A matter judged, is taken for truth.
A decision made is accepted as truth.
Res judicata pro veritate habetur.
Res judicata is treated as truth.
A thing decided is received for truth.
A decided thing is accepted as truth.
Res judicata inter alios, aliis neque nocet neque prodest.
Res judicata inter alios, aliis neither harms nor benefits.
A thing decided between some, neither hurts nor does good to others.
A decision made by a few doesn’t harm or benefit others.
Res stulta est nequitiæ modus.
The foolish thing is folly.
Moderation in wickedness is a foolish thing.
Moderation in wrongdoing is a silly idea.
Rescriptum Principis contra jus non valet.
Rescript from the prince doesn't hold legal weight.
The rescript of the prince, is not valid against the law.
The prince's decree is not valid against the law.
Reservatio ut et protestatio non facit jus, sed tuetur.
Reservatio and protestatio don’t create rights, but they do protect them.
Neither reservation, nor protestation, makes law, but maintains it.
Neither reservation nor protest makes law, but upholds it.
Resoluto enim jure dantis, resolvitur jus accipientis.
Resolutely, by the law of the giver, the right of the receiver is resolved.
For the right of the giver being dissolved, the right of the receiver is dissolved.
For the giver's rights to be canceled, the receiver's rights are also canceled.
Respiciendum est judicanti, ne quid aut durius aut remissius constituatur quam causa deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis aut clementiæ gloria affectanda est.
Respiciendum est judicanti, ne quid aut durius aut remissius constituatur quam causa deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis aut clementiæ gloria affectanda est.
It is necessary for a judge to consider that nothing be determined either more severely or more easily, than the cause demands, for neither the glory of severity, or clemency is to be affected.
A judge must ensure that nothing is decided more harshly or leniently than what the case requires, as neither the reputation for being strict nor for being merciful should be prioritized.
Respondeat raptor, qui ignorare non potuit quod pupillum alienum abduxit.
Respondeat raptor, qui ignorare non potuit quod pupillum alienum abduxit.
Let a seducer, or violator, answer for it, who could not have been ignorant that he hath carried off a minor, or orphan.
Let a seducer or violator take responsibility, who must have known that he had taken away a minor or an orphan.
Respondeat superior.
Let the master answer.
Let a superior answer.
Let a manager respond.
Religio Christiana pars est legis Angliæ communis.
Religious Christianity is part of the common law of England.
The Christian religion is part of the common law of England.
The Christian religion is a part of England's common law.
Rex ad justitiam faciendam non cogitur.
Rex is not compelled to do justice.
The king is not forced to do justice.
The king isn't required to act justly.
Rex est lex vivens. Rex est pater patriæ.
Rex is the living law. Rex is the father of the country.
The king is a living law; the king is the father of his country.
The king is the law in action; the king is the father of his nation.
Rex est mista persona.
Rex is a mixed person.
The king is a mixed character.
The king is a complex character.
Rex est pater patriæ.
Rex is the father of the nation.
The king is the father of his country.
The king is the dad of his nation.
Rex ipse non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege, quia lex facit regem: attribuat igitur rex, lege quod lex attribuit ei, viz. dominationem et imperium. Non est enim Rex ubi dominatur voluntas et non lex.
Rex ipse non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege, quia lex facit regem: attribuat igitur rex, lege quod lex attribuit ei, viz. dominationem et imperium. Non est enim Rex ubi dominatur voluntas et non lex.
The king himself ought not to be under man, but under God and the law; because the law makes the king, therefore let the king give lawfully what the law hath given to him, viz. dominion and authority; for it is not the will of the king that rules, but the law.
The king should not be subject to any man, but to God and the law; because the law creates the king, so the king should lawfully exercise what the law has granted him, namely dominion and authority; because it is not the king's will that governs, but the law.
Rex lege cadere non potest.
The king cannot fall under the law.
The king cannot fall in law.
The king cannot be subject to the law.
Rex neque solvit damna in lege neque recipit.
Rex neither pays for damages in law nor accepts them.
The king neither pays losses, nor receives them in the law.
The king doesn't pay for losses, nor does he accept them under the law.
Rex nihil aliud est quam lex agens.
Rex is nothing other than a governing law.
The king is nothing else than the acting law.
The king is simply the law in action.
Rex nil dat nisi per recordum.
Rex gives nothing unless it’s by record.
The king gives nothing, unless by record.
The king doesn’t give anything unless it’s officially documented.
Rex nil potest jubere nisi per curiam legitime constitutam.
Rex can't give orders except through a duly established court.
The king can order nothing, unless by parliament lawfully constituted.
The king can't issue any orders unless it's through laws established by Parliament.
Rex non est ubi voluntas dominatur.
Rex is not where will dominates.
He is not a king, when his will domineers.
He isn't a king when his will rules everything.
Rex non potest invitum civem regno depellere.
Rex can't remove a citizen from the kingdom against their will.
The king may not expel from the kingdom, a subject against his will.
The king cannot force a subject to leave the kingdom against their will.
Rex non potest malum vel injuriam facere.
Rex cannot do evil or harm.
The king may do no evil or injustice.
The king can't do any wrong or act unfairly.
Rex non potest subditum onerare impositionibus.
Rex cannot burden a subject with taxes.
The king may not burden a subject with taxes.
The king cannot burden a subject with taxes.
Rex nunquam infra ætatem est.
Rex is never below age.
The king is never below age.
The king is never too young.
Rex præsumitur in scrinio pectoris sui habere omnia jura.
Rex is presumed to have all rights in the chest of his heart.
The king is presumed to have all the laws in the recess of his heart.
The king is believed to have all the laws stored in his heart.
Rogationes, quæstiones, et positiones debent esse simplices.
Rogations, questions, and statements should be straightforward.
Petitions, questions, and positions, ought to be simple.
Petitions, questions, and positions should be straightforward.
Sacramenta pauperum sunt servanda.
The sacraments for the poor are to be kept.
The oaths of the poor are to be kept.
The promises of the poor must be honored.
Salus populi est suprema lex.
The welfare of the people is the highest law.
The safety of the people is the highest law.
The safety of the people is the top priority.
Salus populi suprema lex esto.
The welfare of the people is the highest law.
Let the safety of the people be the supreme law.
Let the safety of the people be the highest priority.
Salus ubi multi consiliarii.
Wellness where many advisors gather.
In the multitude of council there is safety.
In a large group, there's safety.
Sapiens omnia agit cum consilio.
Humans do everything with intention.
A wise man does all things with deliberation.
A wise person thinks through everything carefully.
Sapientia legis nummario pretio non est æstimanda.
Sapientia of the law shouldn't be valued at a monetary price.
The wisdom of the law is not to be valued by a pecuniary consideration.
The value of the law shouldn't be measured by money.
Sapientis judicis est cogitare tantum sibi esse permissum, quantum commissum et creditum.
Sapient judges believe that they can only allow themselves what has been committed and entrusted to them.
It is the property of a wise judge to think that so much is permitted to him, as has been committed and intrusted to him.
A wise judge believes that he is allowed to do as much as has been assigned and entrusted to him.
Satisfactio non fit de minori.
Satisfaction cannot come from less.
Satisfaction is not exacted of a minor.
Satisfaction isn’t demanded from someone who’s underage.
Satius est petere fontes quam sectari rivulos.
Sinking springs is better than chasing streams.
It is better to repair to the source, than to follow streamlets.
It is better to go to the source than to follow the streams.
Scriptæ obligationes scriptis tolluntur, et nudi consensus obligatio, contrario consensu dissolvitur.
Script obligations are canceled by writing, and a bare agreement is dissolved by contrary consent.
Written obligations are taken away by writs; and the obligation of a mere consent is dissolved by a contrary consent.
Written obligations are removed by legal orders; and the obligation of simple agreement is canceled by a contradictory agreement.
Scire leges non hoc est, verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem.
Scire leges isn’t just about knowing the words; it’s about understanding their force and power.
To know the laws, is not to understand their words, but their force and power.
To know the laws doesn't just mean to understand their wording, but to grasp their force and impact.
Scire proprie est rem ratione et per causam cognoscere.
Scire properly means to understand something through reason and its cause.
To know, is properly to comprehend a matter, by reason, or by its cause.
To know is to truly understand something, either through logic or by its cause.
Secundum naturam est, commoda cujusque rei eum sequi quem sequentur incommoda.
Secundum naturam est, commoda cujusque rei eum sequi quem sequentur incommoda.
It is according to nature that the advantages of any thing follow him, whom its disadvantages will follow.
The benefits of something naturally go to the person who also faces its drawbacks.
Semel malus semper præsumitur esse malus in eodem genere.
Semel malus always presumed to be bad in the same category.
A man once bad, is always presumed to be bad, in the same way.
A man who was once bad is always seen as bad, just like that.
Semper in dubiis benigniora præferenda sunt.
Semper in dubiis benigniora præferenda sunt.
Always in doubtful cases, more favourable things are to be preferred.
In uncertain situations, it's better to choose the more favorable options.
Semper in stipulationibus et in cæteris contractibus id sequimur, quod actum est; aut si non pareat, quid actum est, erit consequens ut id sequamur, quod in regione in qua actum est frequentatur. Quid ergo, si neque regionis mos appareat quia varius fuit? ad id quod minimum est, religenda summa est.
Semper in stipulationibus et in cæteris contractibus id sequimur, quod actum est; aut si non pareat, quid actum est, erit consequens ut id sequamur, quod in regione in qua actum est frequentatur. Quid ergo, si neque regionis mos appareat quia varius fuit? ad id quod minimum est, religenda summa est.
Always in bargains, and in other contracts, we follow that which has been done, or if that does not appear which hath been done, the consequence will be that we should follow that which is usual in the country, in which it was performed: what therefore is necessary to be done, if the custom of the country does not appear? either, because it has been various; the sum is to be reduced, to that which is the least.
In all deals and contracts, we adhere to what has been agreed upon, or if that isn't clear, we rely on what is typical in the region where it took place. But what should we do if there's no apparent local custom? Since customs can vary, the outcome should be adjusted to the lowest possible amount.
Semper in obscuris, quod minimum est, sequimur.
Semper in obscuris, quod minimum est, sequimur.
In obscure cases we always follow that which is least.
In unclear situations, we always go with what seems the least.
Semper qui non prohibet pro se intervenire, mandare creditur, sed et si quis ratum habuerit, quod gestum est, obstringitur mandati actione.
Semper qui non prohibet pro se intervenire, mandare creditur, sed et si quis ratum habuerit, quod gestum est, obstringitur mandati actione.
He who does not prohibit one to interfere for himself, is always believed to order him; but if any one shall confirm what hath been done, he is bound by the action of his mandate.
He who doesn’t stop someone from intervening on their behalf is always thought to be directing them; but if someone confirms what has been done, they are bound by the actions of their mandate.
Semper pro legitimatione præsumitur.
Always presumed for legitimacy.
There is a presumption in favour of legitimation.
There is a strong assumption in favor of legitimation.
Semper specialia generalibus insunt.
Always something special in general.
Special things are always included in general things.
Special things are always part of general things.
Sensus verborum est anima legis.
The meaning of words is the soul of the law.
The sense of words is the soul of the law.
The meaning of words is the essence of the law.
Sensus verborum ex causa dicendi accipiendus est; et sermones semper accipiendi sunt secundum subjectam materiam.
Sensus verborum should be understood based on the purpose of speaking; and conversations should always be interpreted according to the subject matter.
The sense of words is to be taken from the cause of pleading, and words are always to be taken according to the subject matter.
The meaning of words should be understood based on the reason for the argument, and words should always be interpreted based on the context.
Sensus verborum est duplex, mitis et asper, et verba semper accipienda sunt in mitiore sensu.
Sensus verborum is twofold, gentle and harsh, and words should always be understood in their gentler sense.
The sense of words is twofold, mild and rough, and words are always to be taken in the milder sense.
The meaning of words is twofold, gentle and harsh, and words should always be understood in their gentler sense.
Sententia contra matrimonium nunquam transit in rem judicatam.
Sentences against marriage never become final judgments.
An opinion against marriage, never passes into a matter decided.
An opinion against marriage never becomes a settled issue.
Sententia contra minorem indefensum lata nulla est.
Sentences passed against someone who is defenseless are invalid.
An opinion given against a minor undefended, is void.
An opinion given against an unrepresented minor is invalid.
Sententia facit jus; et legis interpretatio legis vim obtinet.
Sententia makes the law; and the interpretation of the law holds the power of the law.
A sentence makes law, and the interpretation of the law obtains the force of the law.
A sentence creates law, and the interpretation of the law carries the weight of the law.
Sententia facit jus, et res pro veritate accipitur.
Sentences make the law, and things are accepted as truth.
A sentence makes law, and the matter is received for truth.
A sentence creates the law, and the matter is accepted as the truth.
Sententia interlocutoria revocari potest, definitiva non potest.
Sentences can be appealed, but final ones cannot.
An interlocutory sentence can be recalled, but a definitive one cannot.
An interim ruling can be reversed, but a final one cannot.
Sequi debet potentia justitiam, non præcedere.
Sequi should follow justice, not precede it.
Power ought to follow justice, not to precede it.
Power should come after justice, not before it.
Sermo index animi.
Speech is the index of the mind.
Speech is the index of the mind.
Words reveal the thoughts.
Sermones semper accipiendi sunt secundum subjectam materiam, et conditionem personarum.
Sermons should always be received according to the subject matter and the condition of the people.
Speeches are always to be taken according to the subject matter, and the condition of persons.
Speeches should always be considered based on the topic and the circumstances of the people involved.
Servile est expilationis crimen.
Servile is the crime of plunder.
The crime of pilfering is base.
The crime of stealing is low.
Si duo in testamento pugnantia reperientur, ultimum est ratum.
Si duo in testamento pugnantia reperientur, ultimum est ratum.
If two points repugnant are found in a testament, the last is established.
If two conflicting points are found in a will, the last one will be upheld.
Si librarius in transcribendis stipulationis verbi errasset, nihil nocere quo minus et reus et fidejussor teneatur.
Si librarius in transcribendis stipulationis verbi errasset, nihil nocere quo minus et reus et fidejussor teneatur.
If the transcriber hath erred in transcribing the words of a contract, it is proper that it should have no bad effect, so that both the accused person, and his security, may not be bound.
If the transcriber has made a mistake in writing down the words of a contract, it should not have any negative consequences, so that neither the accused person nor their guarantor will be held accountable.
Si mulier, per matrimonium nobilis, nupserit ignobili, desinit esse nobilis.
Si mulier, per matrimonium nobilis, nupserit ignobili, desinit esse nobilis.
If a woman, enobled by matrimony, marries an ignoble person, she ceases to be noble.
If a woman, elevated by marriage, marries someone of low status, she loses her nobility.
Si quid universitati debetur singulis non debetur, neque quod debet universitas singuli debent.
Si algo se debe a la universidad, no se debe a cada individuo, ni lo que debe la universidad lo deben los individuos.
If any thing be owing to an entire body, it is not due to individuals, nor do individuals owe what is owed by an entire body.
If anything is owed by a whole group, it's not the responsibility of individuals, nor do individuals owe what the whole group owes.
Si suggestio non sit vera, literæ patentes vacuæ sunt.
Si suggestio non sit vera, literæ patentes vacuæ sunt.
If a suggestion be not true, letters patent are void.
If a suggestion isn't true, the patent is invalid.
Sic utere tuo ut alienum non lædas.
Sic utere tuo ut alienum non lædas.
So use your own property, that you may not hurt another’s.
So use your property in a way that doesn’t harm someone else’s.
Sicut pœna ex delicto defuncti hæres teneri non debet, ita nec lucrum facere, si quid ad eum pervenisset.
Sicut pœna ex delicto defuncti hæres teneri non debet, ita nec lucrum facere, si quid ad eum pervenisset.
As the heir ought not to be punished in consequence of the transgression of the deceased, so neither ought he to make gain, if any advantage had come to him.
As the heir shouldn't be punished for the wrongdoing of the deceased, they also shouldn't benefit if any advantage came to them.
Simplicitas est legibus amica; vis et fraus invisissima; nimia subtilitas suspecta.
Simplicity is friendly to the laws; force and deception are the most invisible; excessive subtlety is suspicious.
Simplicity is a friend to the laws, violence and fraud are most odious: too much subtility is suspected.
Simplicity is helpful to the laws; violence and fraud are very detestable: too much cleverness raises suspicion.
Simplicitas est legibus amica; et nimia subtilitas in jure reprobatur.
Simplicity is friendly to the laws; excessive intricacy in law is frowned upon.
Simplicity is a friend to the laws, and too much subtility is reprobated in law.
Simplicity aligns with the law, while excessive complexity is condemned in legal matters.
Similitudo legalis est, casuum diversorum inter se collatorum, similis ratio; quod in uno similium valet, valebit in altero. Dissimilium, dissimilis est ratio.
Similitudo legalis is the comparison of different cases that share a similar principle; what applies in one similar case will apply in another. In the case of dissimilar things, the reasoning is different.
Legal similitude is the similar relation of cases, so different between themselves, what is valid in one of the similar cases, will be valid in the other. If dissimilar, the relation is likewise dissimilar.
Legal similarity refers to the relationship between cases that, while different from each other, have comparable aspects; what is valid in one of the similar cases will also be valid in the others. If they are not similar, then the relationship is also not similar.
Socii mei socius, meus socius non est.
Socii mei socius, meus socius non est.
The companion of my companion is not my companion.
The friend of my friend is not my friend.
Sodales legem quam volent, dum ne quid ex publica lege corrumpant sibi ferunto.
Sodales can choose the law they want, as long as they don't violate any public law.
Let companions make to themselves what law they please, provided they do not abuse any thing of the public law.
Let friends create whatever rules they want, as long as they don’t misuse anything related to public law.
Sola innocentia libera.
Only innocence is free.
Innocence alone is free.
Innocence is enough to be free.
Solemnitates juris sunt observandæ.
Laws must be observed.
The solemnities of the law are to be observed.
The formalities of the law must be followed.
Solus Deus hæredes facit, non homo.
Solus Deus makes heirs, not man.
God alone makes heirs, not man.
God alone appoints heirs, not people.
Solutio pretii, emptionis loco habetur.
Price solution is considered a purchase.
The payment of the price is held as a purchase.
The payment of the price is considered a purchase.
Spoliatus debet ante omnia restitui.
The damaged must be restored first.
Spoliation of all things ought to be restored.
Restitution of everything should be made.
Stabit præsumptio donec probetur in contrarium.
Presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Presumption shall stand until the contrary is proved.
Presumption will remain until proven otherwise.
Stabitur præsumptioni donec probetur in contrarium.
Stabitur præsumptioni donec probetur in contrarium.
We must abide by presumption, until the contrary is proved.
We have to assume this is true until proven otherwise.
Statuta ita interpretanda ut innoxiis ne obsint.
Statutes should be interpreted in a way that they don't harm the innocent.
Statutes are so to be interpreted, that they may not hurt the innocent.
Statutes should be interpreted in a way that doesn't harm the innocent.
Statutum affirmativum non derogat communi legi.
Statutory law does not override common law.
An affirmative statute does not derogate from the common law.
An affirmative law does not undermine the common law.
Statutum, generaliter est intelligendum, quando verba statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem generalis.
Statutes, in general, should be understood when the words of the statute are specific, but the reasoning is general.
A statute is to be understood generally, when the words of the statute are special, but the purpose general.
A statute should be generally understood when its words are specific, but its purpose is broad.
Statutum speciale statuto speciali non derogat.
Statute special does not override special statute.
A special statute does not derogate from a special statute.
A specific law does not take away from another specific law.
Sua cuique domus arx esto.
Home is each person's fortress.
Let every man’s house be his castle.
Let every man’s home be his fortress.
Sublata veneratione magistratuum, respublica ruit.
Without the respect for officials, the republic falls.
When respect due to magistrates is taken away, the state falls.
When respect for authority is lost, the government collapses.
Sub clypeo legis nemo decipitur.
Under the shield of the law, no one is deceived.
No body is deceived under the protection of the law.
Nobody is misled under the protection of the law.
Subsequens matrimonium tollit peccatum præcedens.
Subsequent marriage removes previous sin.
Subsequent marriage takes away the preceding sin.
Subsequent marriage eliminates the previous sin.
Substantia prior et dignior est accidente.
Substance is more fundamental and significant than accident.
The substance is prior, and more worthy than what is eventual.
The substance is more important and valuable than what is temporary.
Summa charitas est facere justitiam singulis et omnibus omni tempore.
Summa charity is to do justice for everyone, at all times.
The greatest charity is to do justice to each, and all, at all times.
The greatest act of kindness is to treat everyone fairly and justly, always.
Summa charitas est facere justitiam singulis et omni tempore quando est necesse.
Summa charity is to do justice to everyone at all times when it is necessary.
It is the greatest charity to do justice to each, and at all times, when it is necessary.
It is the greatest kindness to give everyone their due, and to do so at all times when needed.
Summa ratio est quæ cum religione facit.
Summa ratio is what aligns with religion.
It is the highest reason that makes with religion, (i.e. supports religion.)
It is the greatest reason that strengthens religion.
Summi cujusque bonitas commune perfugium omnibus.
Summi cujusque bonitas commune perfugium omnibus.
The goodness of every highest person is a common refuge to all.
The goodness of every great person is a shared refuge for everyone.
Summum jus summa injuria.
The law can be unjust.
Law carried to extremes, is the height of injustice.
Law taken to extremes is the pinnacle of injustice.
Superflua obstant; defectiva perimunt.
Unnecessary things get in the way; defects kill.
Superfluous things oppose, defective things destroy.
Superfluous things create conflict, while flawed things bring about destruction.
Suppressio facti tollit æquitatem.
Concealment of facts nullifies fairness.
The suppression of a fact, takes away equity.
Hiding a fact isn't fair.
Talis interpretatio semper fienda est, ut evitetur absurdum et inconveniens, et ne judicium sit illusorium.
Talis interpretatio semper fienda est, ut evitetur absurdum et inconveniens, et ne judicium sit illusorium.
Such an interpretation is always to be made, that an absurdity and inconvenience may be avoided, and that judgment may not be illusory.
Such an interpretation should always be made to avoid absurdity and inconvenience, and to ensure that judgment is not misleading.
Tantum bona valent, quantum vendi possunt.
Tantum bona valent, quantum vendi possunt.
Goods are worth as much, as they can be sold for.
Goods are worth whatever they can be sold for.
Tenens domino fidem præstare, et debita servitia tenetur, et dominus invicem tenenti protectionem et jura sua omnia.
Tenants are required to provide faith to the landlord and fulfill their obligations, and in return, the landlord must offer protection and all their rights to the tenant.
A tenant is bound to make good his faith and due services to his master, and the master in his turn, is to give to the tenant, protection and all his rights.
A tenant is required to fulfill his obligations and duties to his landlord, and the landlord, in return, is to provide the tenant with protection and all their rights.
Terra transit cum onere.
Earth travel with a load.
Land is transferred with burdens.
Land comes with obligations.
Terminus et feodum non possunt constare simul in una eademque persona eodem jure.
Terminus and feodum cannot coexist simultaneously in one and the same person under the same law.
Lease and feu are inconsistent in the same person with the same right.
Lease and feu can't exist together in the same person with the same right.
Testamenta, cum duo inter se pugnantia reperiuntur, ultimum ratum est. Sic est, cum duo inter se pugnantia reperiuntur in eodem testamento.
Testaments, when two conflicting ones are found, the last one is valid. This is the case when two conflicting ones are found in the same will.
When two testaments are found contradictory to one another, the last is valid; so it is when two clauses are found contradictory to one another in the same deed.
When two wills are found to contradict each other, the most recent one is valid; the same applies when two clauses contradict each other in the same document.
Testium numerus si non adjicitur, duo sufficiunt.
Testium number, if not added, two are enough.
If more witnesses cannot be found, two are sufficient.
If more witnesses can't be found, two are enough.
Testamenta latissimam interpretationem habere debent.
Wills must have broad interpretation.
Testaments ought to have the broadest interpretation.
Testaments should be understood in the widest possible way.
Testamenta propter inopiam consilii ad mentem testatoris interpretanda etsi verba solemnia desint.
Testaments can be interpreted according to the testator's intent even if the formal words are missing due to a lack of guidance.
Testaments, on account of the want of counsel, are to be interpreted according to the mind of the testator, although the usual words are wanting.
Testaments, due to the lack of legal advice, should be interpreted based on the intent of the person making the will, even if the usual words are missing.
Testimonia ponderanda sunt, non numeranda.
Testimonies should be weighed, not counted.
Testimonies are to be weighed, not to be numbered.
Testimonies should be evaluated, not just counted.
Testamentum nisi post mortem testatoris vim non habet.
Testament only takes effect after the death of the person who made it.
A testament has no force, till after the death of the testator.
A will has no effect until after the death of the person who made it.
Testatoris ultima voluntas est perimplenda secundum verum intentionem suam.
The testator's final wishes should be fulfilled according to their true intent.
The last will of a testator is to be fulfilled, according to its true intention.
The final wishes of a person making a will should be honored according to what they really intended.
Testes qui postulat, debet dare eis sumptus competentes.
Testes who are making a request must provide them with appropriate expenses.
He who demands witnesses, ought to give competent expenses to them.
He who asks for witnesses should provide them with reasonable compensation.
Testis nemo in sua causa esse potest.
Testis nemo in sua causa esse potest.
No body can be a witness in his own cause.
No one can be a witness in their own case.
Testis oculatus unus plus valet quam auriti decem.
Testis oculatus uno es más valioso que diez que solo escuchan.
One eye witness is worth more than ten ear witnesses.
One eyewitness is worth more than ten people who heard about it.
Testis should be able to say from his heart, non sum doctus nec instructus, nec curo de victoria, modo ministretur justitia.
Testis should be able to say from his heart, I am not learned or trained, nor do I care about victory, as long as justice is served.
A witness should be able to say from his heart, I am not informed, nor instructed, nor do I care which of the parties be successful, provided justice be done.
A witness should be able to honestly say, I am not influenced, nor trained, and I don’t care which party wins, as long as justice is served.
Testibus deponentibus in pari numero, dignioribus est credendum.
Testimony from equally qualified witnesses should be given more credibility to those who are more reputable.
When witnesses give their depositions in equal number, we must believe the more worthy.
When witnesses give their statements in equal numbers, we must trust the more credible one.
Traditio loqui facit chartam.
Talking makes the paper.
Delivery makes a paper to speak.
Delivery makes a paper come to life.
Traditione pacta firmantur.
Agreements are strengthened by tradition.
Agreements are confirmed by delivery.
Agreements are confirmed upon delivery.
Traditionibus et usucapionibus non nudis transferuntur rerum domina.
Traditions and claims do not transfer ownership of things on their own.
The rights of superiority are not transferred by bare deliveries and enjoyments.
The rights of superiority aren't transferred just by simple deliveries and enjoyments.
Transferuntur dominiæ sine titulo et traditione, per usucaptionem, viz. per longam continuam et pacificam possessionem.
Transfer of property occurs without title and delivery, through adverse possession, namely through long, continuous, and peaceful possession.
The rights of superiority are transferred without title and delivery by long possession, viz. by long continued and peaceful possession.
The rights of superiority are transferred without a title and delivery through long possession, specifically through prolonged and peaceful possession.
Tria sequuntur defamatorem famosum: pravitatis incrementum: bursæ decrementum: conscientiæ detrimentum.
Tria sequuntur defamatorem famosum: pravitatis incrementum: bursæ decrementum: conscientiæ detrimentum.
Three things follow the infamous defamer, increase of avoiding, decrease of purse, loss of conscience.
Three things follow the notorious slanderer: an increase in avoidance, a decrease in wealth, and a loss of integrity.
Triatio ibi semper debet fieri, ubi juratores meliorem possunt habere notitiam.
Triatio should always take place where jurors can have a better understanding of the situation.
The union of three witnesses always ought to happen, when the jurors can have better information.
The agreement of three witnesses should always occur when the jurors can have more accurate information.
Turpe est viro, id in quo quotidie versatur ignorare.
Turpe for a man to be unaware of the things he deals with every day.
It is a shameful thing for a man to be ignorant of that in which he is daily engaged.
It’s embarrassing for someone to be unaware of what they do every day.
Turpe impossibile.
Unacceptable impossible.
An impossibility is shameful.
An impossibility is embarrassing.
Turpes tribunalibus arcentur.
They are excluded from courts.
Base people are driven away from the tribunals.
Base people are excluded from the courts.
Ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, ibi decurritur ad extraordinarium.
Ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, ibi decurritur ad extraordinarium.
When an ordinary remedy ceases, then we have recourse to an extraordinary.
When a regular solution fails, we then turn to an extraordinary one.
Ubi concurrunt commune jus et jus scriptum communi jure standum.
Ubi concurrunt commune jus et jus scriptum communi jure standum.
Where common law and written law disagree, we must stand by the common law.
Where common law and written law conflict, we must adhere to common law.
Ubi culpa est, ibi pœna subesse debet.
Ubi culpa est, ibi pœna subesse debet.
Where fault is, there punishment ought to be.
Where there is wrongdoing, there should be consequences.
Ubi damna dantur, victus victori in expensis condemnari debet.
Ubi damna dantur, victus victori in expensis condemnari debet.
Where damages are given, the loser ought to be condemned to pay the expense of the gainer.
Where damages are awarded, the losing party should be required to cover the costs for the winning party.
Ubi duo jura concurrunt in eadem persona, idem est ac si esset in diversis.
Ubi duae leges concurrunt in eadem persona, idem est ac si essent in diversis.
When two rights concur in the same person, it is the same as if it were in different persons.
When two rights exist in the same person, it's as if they are in different people.
Ubi duo pugnantia in charta concurrunt, prius ratum esto.
Ubi duo pugnantia in charta concurrunt, prius ratum esto.
Where two repugnant things meet in a charter, let the first be established.
Where two unpleasant things come together in a charter, let the first one be accepted.
Ubi duo sensus occurrunt, mitiori standum.
Ubi duo sensus occurrunt, mitiori standum.
Where two meanings occur, we must abide by the milder.
Where there are two meanings, we should go with the softer one.
Ubi dies cessit, licet nondum venerit.
Ubi day has passed, even though it hasn’t arrived yet.
Where the day hath ceased, though the night hath not yet come.
Where the day has ended, even though night hasn't arrived yet.
Ubi diverso jure in eandem rem venire quis potuit, eo jure venisse præsumitur quod fortius ac melius sit.
Ubi diverso jure in eandem rem venire quis potuit, eo jure venisse præsumitur quod fortius ac melius sit.
Where any one could have come to the same thing by a different right, he is presumed to have come to it by that right which may be stronger and better.
Wherever someone could have arrived at the same conclusion through a different means, it's assumed they reached it through the method that's likely more valid and favorable.
Ubi eadem est ratio idem est jus.
Ubi eadem est ratio idem est jus.
Where the reason is the same, the right is the same.
Where the reasoning is the same, the conclusion is the same.
Ubi eadem ratio ibi idem lex.
Ubi eadem ratio ibi idem lex.
Where the reason is the same, the law is the same.
Where the reasoning is the same, the law is the same.
Ubi ex jure positivo alicujus gentis reo conceditur, vel prohibetur leges Angliæ, jus ejus gentis in judicio respiciunt ubi actio accrevit.
Ubi ex jure positivo alicujus gentis reo conceditur, vel prohibetur leges Angliæ, jus ejus gentis in judicio respiciunt ubi actio accrevit.
Where a grant is given, or a prohibition made to an accused person of any nation, by a positive law, the laws of England regard the law of that nation in the trial where the action rose.
Where a grant is given, or a prohibition placed on an accused person from any country, by a law, the laws of England consider the law of that country in the trial where the action originated.
Ubi factum nullum, ibi fortia nulla.
Ubi factum nullum, ibi fortia nulla.
Where there is no fact, there is no strong argument.
Where there are no facts, there are no strong arguments.
Ubi lex cogit aliquem ostendere causam, necesse est quod causa sit justa et legitima.
Ubi lex cogit aliquem ostendere causam, necesse est quod causa sit justa et legitima.
Where the law compels any one to shew cause, it is necessary that there be a just and lawful cause.
Where the law requires someone to show cause, there must be a valid and lawful reason.
Ubi lex cogit aliquem ostendere causam, necesse est quod causa sit justa atque legitima.
Ubi lex cogit aliquem ostendere causam, necesse est quod causa sit justa atque legitima.
Where the law compels any one to shew cause, it is necessary that there be a just and lawful cause.
Where the law requires someone to provide a reason, it is essential that there is a fair and legal reason.
Ubi lex communis et æquitas in eadem re versantur, æquitas alia via agit sed non aliter sentit.
Ubi lex communis et æquitas in eadem re versantur, æquitas alia via agit sed non aliter sentit.
Where common law and equity are engaged in the same thing, equity acts in another way, but does not mean differently.
Where common law and equity deal with the same issue, equity operates differently, but it doesn't mean something different.
Ubi lex est specialis, et ratio ejus generalis, generaliter accipienda est.
Ubi lex est specialis, et ratio ejus generalis, generaliter accipienda est.
Where the law is special, and the reason of it general, it is to be taken in general.
Where the law is specific, and the reasoning behind it is general, it should be understood in a general way.
Ubi non est annua renovatio, ibi decimæ non debent solvi.
Ubi non est annua renovatio, ibi decimæ non debent solvi.
Where there is no annual renewal, there tithes ought not to be paid.
Where there is no yearly renewal, tithes should not be paid.
Ubi non est condendi authoritas, ibi non est parendi necessitas.
Ubi non est condendi authoritas, ibi non est parendi necessitas.
Where there is no authority to command, there is no obligation to obey.
Where there’s no authority to give orders, there’s no duty to follow them.
Ubi non est lex ibi non est transgressio, quoad mundum.
Ubi non est lex ibi non est trasgressione, quoad mundum.
Where there is no law, there is no transgression, touching the world.
Where there is no law, there is no wrongdoing, affecting the world.
Ubi quid generaliter conceditur, inest hæc exceptio, si non aliquid sit contra jus fasque.
Ubi quid generaliter conceditur, inest hæc exceptio, si non aliquid sit contra jus fasque.
Where any thing is granted in general, there is this exception in it if there be not any thing contrary to justice and religion.
Where anything is granted in general, there is an exception if it goes against justice and religion.
Ubi quis delinquit ibi punietur.
Wherever someone commits a crime, they will be punished.
Where any one transgresses, there shall he be punished.
If someone breaks the rules, they will face consequences.
Ubi remedium in foro seculari ejus rei jurisdictio curiis secularibus tantum datur, nisi servato jure ecclesiæ ipsis verbis.
Ubi remedium in foro seculari ejus rei jurisdictio curiis secularibus tantum datur, nisi servato jure ecclesiæ ipsis verbis.
Where a remedy is in the secular court, the jurisdiction of that matter is granted to the secular courts, only unless the law of the church be preserved in the words themselves.
Where a remedy is in the secular court, the authority over that matter is given to the secular courts, unless the law of the church is explicitly mentioned in the wording itself.
Ubi substitui vicarius potest non est cogendus quis ad substituendum, sed si substituere velit inveniat idoneum.
Ubi substitute vicar can’t be forced to substitute someone, but if they want to, they should find a suitable one.
Where a substitute can be substituted, no one is to be compelled to substitute; but if he wishes to substitute, let him find a fit person.
Where a substitute can be replaced, no one should be forced to take their place; but if they want to make a substitution, they should find a suitable person.
Ubi sustuleris revocationem, renatum est testamentum.
Ubi revocationem sustuleris, testamentum renatum est.
When you have taken away the power of revoking, the will is renewed.
When you remove the ability to revoke, the will is revitalized.
Ubi verba conjuncta non sunt, sufficit alterutrum esse factum.
Ubi verba conjuncta non sunt, sufficit alterutrum esse factum.
When words are not joined, it is sufficient that one or other alternate be complied with.
When words aren’t connected, it’s enough for either one option or the other to be followed.
Ubi vetat quid lex neque pœnam statuit, pœna in discretione judicis est.
Ubi vetat quid lex neque pœnam statuit, pœna in discretione judicis est.
Where the law forbids any thing, and hath not determined a punishment, the punishment is in the discretion of the judge.
Where the law prohibits something but hasn't specified a punishment, the judge has the discretion to decide the punishment.
Ubicunque est injuria ibi damnum sequitur.
Ubicunque est injuria ibi damnum sequitur.
Wherever there is injury, there a loss follows.
Wherever there is harm, there is also a loss.
Ultima voluntas testatoris est perimplenda secundum veram intentionem suam.
The last will of the testator must be fulfilled according to their true intention.
The last will of the testator is to be followed, according to his true intention.
The final wishes of the person making the will should be honored, reflecting their true intentions.
Una persona vix potest supplere vices duarum.
Una persona apenas puede asumir dos roles.
One person can scarcely supply the place of two.
One person can hardly take the place of two.
Ubi diverso jure in eandem rem venire quis potuit eo jure venisse præsumitur quod fortius ac melius sit.
Ubi diverso jure in eandem rem venire quis potuit eo jure venisse præsumitur quod fortius ac melius sit.
Whenever any one has been liable to different laws for the same cause, is presumed to have come under that law which is the most efficient, and the best.
Whenever someone has been subject to different laws for the same reason, it is assumed they have followed the law that is the most effective and the best.
Universus terminus in lege dies unus.
Universus terminus in lege dies unus.
One day is a complete term, in law.
One day is a full term, in law.
Unaquæque gleba servit.
Each plot of land serves.
Each glebe is subject to one person.
Each piece of land belongs to one person.
Unumquodque eodem modo dissolvitur qui colligatur.
Unumquodque eodem modo dissolvitur qui colligatur.
Every thing is dissolved in the same way in which it was bound.
Everything is dissolved in the same way it was connected.
Unusquisque paci et justitiæ publicæ tenetur succurrere.
Unusquisque paci et justitiæ publicæ tenetur succurrere.
Every one is bound to support peace and public justice.
Everyone is obligated to support peace and public justice.
Uno absurdo dato sequuntur.
A ridiculous fact follows.
One absurd thing being granted, others follow.
One ridiculous thing being accepted, others follow.
Ubi concurrunt commune jus et jus scriptum communi juri standum.
Ubi concurrunt commune jus et jus scriptum communi juri standum.
When common and written law disagree, we must stand by the common law.
When common law and written law conflict, we should adhere to common law.
Ut metus ad omnes, pœna ad paucos pervenerit.
Ut metus ad omnes, pœna ad paucos pervenerit.
That fear may have come to all, punishment to a few.
That fear might have affected everyone, but only a few faced punishment.
Ut ne quid nimis cavendum; ut ne quid deficiens duplo cavendum.
Ut ne quid nimis cavendum; ut ne quid deficiens duplo cavendum.
We must take care that nothing be carried to excess; we must take double care that nothing be deficient.
We need to be careful that nothing is overdone; we also need to be especially careful that nothing is lacking.
Utile per inutile non vitiatur.
Useful things are not spoiled by uselessness.
A useful thing is not to be vitiated by a useless thing.
A useful thing shouldn't be spoiled by something useless.
Utlagatus non potest placitare.
Outlaws cannot plead.
An outlawed person cannot make a will.
An outlaw can't create a will.
Uxor et maritus unum in lege.
Uxor et maritus unum in lege.
Wife and husband are one in law.
Wife and husband are one in law.
Uxor in mariti potestate cum sit non obnoxia est in causis reatus minoribus; aliter in majoribus proditione et homicidio.
Uxor, though under her husband’s authority, is not subject to charges in minor cases; however, she is in major cases like treason and murder.
The wife, as she is under the power of her husband, is not liable in the lesser cases of accusation; it is otherwise in the greater cases, such as treason and homicide.
The wife, as she is under her husband's authority, is not responsible in minor accusations; it's different in more serious cases, like treason and murder.
Uxor sub potestate viri.
Wife under husband's authority.
A wife is under the power of her husband.
A wife is under her husband's authority.
Vani timores sunt æstimandi, qui non cadunt in constantem virum.
Vani fears should be considered, as they don't affect a steadfast man.
Fears are to be estimated as vain, which do not fall upon a firm man.
Fears are considered pointless if they don't affect a strong person.
Vassalo faciendo superiori quod de jure facere oportet.
Vassal must do what the superior is legally required to do.
A vassal is bound to perform to his superior, the duty which he lawfully owes to him.
A vassal is obligated to fulfill his lawful duties to his superior.
Venia privatim læsi non sufficit legibus.
Venia privately injured is not enough for the laws.
The pardon privately given by an offended person, does not satisfy the law.
The private forgiveness offered by someone who has been wronged does not satisfy the law.
Venia non potest ante venire delictum.
Venia cannot come before the offense.
Pardon cannot come before the transgression.
Pardon can't happen before the wrongdoing.
Verba accipienda sunt cum effectu,—ut sortiantur effectum.
Verbs should be taken with effect, so they produce an effect.
Words are to be received with effect, that they may have their effect.
Words should be received with intention so that they can have their impact.
Verba æquivoca ac in dubio sensu posita, intelliguntur digniori et potentiori sensu.
Verba ambigui e in dubio sensu posta, intelliguntur digniori et potentiori senso.
Equivocal words, and those placed in a doubtful sense, are understood in a more worthy and powerful sense.
Ambiguous words, and those used in an uncertain way, are understood in a more significant and impactful manner.
Verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem.
Verba chartarum are taken more strongly against the party that presents them.
The words of a charter are taken more strongly against a person expressing them.
The wording of a charter is held more strongly against a person who expresses it.
Verba fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem.
Words are interpreted against the drafter.
Words are understood more strongly against the person uttering them.
Words carry more weight when understood in the context of the person saying them.
Verba currentis monetæ tempus solutionis designant.
Verba of the current currency indicate the time of payment.
The words mark the time of payment of current money.
The words indicate the time for paying current money.
Verba generalia restringuntur ad habilitatem rei vel personæ.
Verba generalia are limited to the capacity of the thing or person.
General words are restricted to the ability of the thing or person.
General words are limited to what the thing or person can do.
Verba homicidium non excusant.
Words don't excuse murder.
Words do not excuse homicide.
Words don’t justify murder.
Verba intelligenda secundum subjectam materiem.
Words understood according to the subject matter.
Words are to be understood according to the subject matter.
Words should be understood based on the topic.
Verba ita sunt intelligenda, ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
Verbs should be understood in a way that the meaning matters more than being lost.
Words are to be so understood, that the matter may rather prosper than perish.
Words should be understood in a way that helps things succeed rather than fail.
Verba legis non ex vulgari sensu sed ex legis sensu, neque laxam et precariam sed certam et legibus præfinitam interpretationem requirunt.
Verba of the law should not be understood in a common way but in the sense of the law, and they require a strict and defined interpretation rather than a loose and uncertain one.
The words of the law, not in a vulgar sense, but in the sense of the law, do not require a lax and precarious interpretation, but one certain and positive by the laws.
The words of the law, not in a casual sense, but in the legal sense, do not require a loose and uncertain interpretation, but one that is clear and definitive according to the laws.
Verba relata id maxime operantur ut inesse videatur.
Verba relata work primarily to seem to be present.
Words related, have that effect, that they seem to exist in reality.
Words that are connected have that effect; they feel like they exist in reality.
Verba semper accipienda sunt in mitiore sensu.
Verbs should always be taken in a more lenient sense.
Words are always to be understood in the milder sense.
Words should always be understood in a gentler way.
Verba temere prolata parum curat lex.
Verbal statements made thoughtlessly are hardly taken seriously by the law.
The law pays little regard to words rashly uttered.
The law doesn't take much notice of words said impulsively.
Veredictum in lege æquitati objicitur.
Verdict in law is challenged.
A verdict in law is opposed to equity.
A legal verdict is different from an equitable decision.
Veritas, a quocunque dicitur, a Deo est.
Veritas, whatever is said, is from God.
Truth spoken by any one, is from God.
Truth spoken by anyone comes from God.
Veritas demonstrationis tollit errorem nominis.
Truth eliminates the error of naming.
The truth of a demonstration, takes away the mistake of a name.
The truth of a demonstration removes the error of a name.
Veritas quæ minime defensatur, opprimitur; et qui non improbat, approbat.
Veritas that's least defended gets suppressed; and those who don't reject it, approve it.
Truth which is by no means defended, is oppressed; and he who does not disapprove, approves it.
Truth that isn't defended is suppressed; and he who doesn't disapprove of it is, in fact, approving it.
Veritas est justitiæ mater.
Truth is the mother of justice.
Truth is the mother of justice.
Truth is the foundation of justice.
Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi.
Truth fears nothing except concealment.
Truth dreads nothing, unless to be hidden.
Truth fears nothing, except being concealed.
Veritatem qui non libere pronunciat, proditor est veritatis.
Veritatem qui non libere pronunciat, proditor est veritatis.
He who does not speak the truth freely, is the betrayer of truth.
Someone who doesn't speak the truth openly is betraying it.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.
The law assists the vigilant.
The laws assist waking, but not sleeping people.
The laws help those who are awake, but not those who are asleep.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus servit lex.
The law serves the vigilant, not the sleeping.
The law serves waking, not sleeping people.
The law is meant for those who are awake, not for those who are asleep.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subvenient.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subvenient.
Laws assist waking, but not sleeping persons.
Laws help those who are awake, but not those who are asleep.
Violenta præsumptio aliquando est plena probatio.
Violent assumption is sometimes complete proof.
A strong presumption, is sometimes a full proof.
A strong assumption is sometimes foolproof.
Vir et uxor censentur in lege una persona.
Vir et uxor are considered one person under the law.
Husband and wife are judged in law to be one person.
Husband and wife are considered one person under the law.
Vis legibus est inimica.
The law is hostile.
Power is inimical to the laws.
Power is hostile to the laws.
Vim vi repellere licet modo cum moderamine inculpatæ.
Vim vi can be repelled, but only with a balanced approach.
A person may, without blame, repel force by force.
A person can, without being at fault, defend themselves with force against force.
Vicinus facta vicini præsumitur scire.
Neighbors are presumed to know.
A neighbour is presumed to know the actions of his neighbour.
A neighbor is assumed to be aware of the actions of their neighbor.
Vita reipublicæ pax et animus libertas et corpus leges.
Vita reipublicæ pax et animus libertas et corpus leges.
Peace is the life of the state, liberty the soul, and the laws, the body.
Peace is the foundation of the state, liberty is its essence, and the laws are its structure.
Voluntas in delictis, non exitus spectatur.
Volition in crimes is what matters, not the result.
The will is regarded in transgressions, not the issue.
The focus is on the intentions behind the actions, not the outcome.
Volenti non fit injuria.
To a willing person, no injury is done.
Injury is not done to a willing person.
Injury isn't inflicted on someone who agrees to it.
Voluntas reputabitur pro facto.
The will will be seen as the deed.
The will shall be considered as the deed.
The will will be treated as the deed.
Voluntas testatoris est ambulatoria usque ad extremum vitæ exitum.
Voluntas testatoris is flexible until the very end of life.
The will of the testator is cancellable, even to the last term of his life.
The testator's will can be revoked at any time, even up until the end of their life.
Voluntas testatoris habet interpretationem latam et benignam.
Voluntas testatoris has a broad and generous interpretation.
The will of the testator has a broad and favourable interpretation.
The wishes of the person making the will are understood in a broad and positive way.
Voluntas ultima testatoris est perimplenda secundum veram intentionem suam.
Voluntas ultima testatoris is to be fulfilled according to their true intention.
The last will of a testator, is to be fulfilled according to its true intention.
The last will of a person is to be carried out according to its true intention.
It will be observed, that this work is alphabetically arranged. At first the author did not intend to refer to the authorities of the Maxims and Rules, and it was not till after the printing was far advanced, that he formed that resolution: but this obliged him, with great labour, to make out the extensive appendix of reference in the end of the work, consisting of ten close pages, and embracing, as will be seen, from 40 to 50 most eminent and distinguished authorities; and that they may be easily found, the appendix refers to the pages of the book, in their order, and the numbers of each page, from the top downwards.
It is worth noting that this work is organized alphabetically. Initially, the author didn't plan to include references to the sources of the Maxims and Rules. It wasn't until the printing process was significantly underway that he decided to do so. This choice led him to painstakingly compile an extensive appendix of references at the end of the work, which spans ten dense pages and includes about 40 to 50 highly regarded and notable authorities. To make them easy to find, the appendix lists the pages of the book in order, along with the corresponding page numbers, starting from the top down.
Page 1. No. 1. Co. Lit. 365—2. Wing. 265—3. McD.—4. Hob. 336—5. Co. Lit. 18.
Page 1. No. 1. Co. Lit. 365—2. Wing. 265—3. McD.—4. Hob. 336—5. Co. Lit. 18.
Page 2. No. 1. Co. Lit. 11—2. 5 Co. 18—3. Jenk. Cent. Lib.—4. 2 Inst. 533, Loft 236—5. 12 Co. 25—6. 11 Co. 6—7. Co. Lit. 152, Loft 278—8. Ersk. b. 2, t. 1, § 30—9. 3 Inst. 139—10. Loft 72—11. Hard. 139.
Page 2. No. 1. Co. Lit. 11—2. 5 Co. 18—3. Jenk. Cent. Lib.—4. 2 Inst. 533, Loft 236—5. 12 Co. 25—6. 11 Co. 6—7. Co. Lit. 152, Loft 278—8. Ersk. b. 2, t. 1, § 30—9. 3 Inst. 139—10. Loft 72—11. Hard. 139.
Page 3. No. 1. Moor 817—2. Co. 146—3. Loft 623—4. Ersk. b. 1, t. 7, § 46—5. 3 Inst. 202—6. Jenk. Cent. 69—7. Loft 37—8. Ibid. 177—9. Vinn. Com. 756—10. Loft 460.
Page 3. No. 1. Moor 817—2. Co. 146—3. Loft 623—4. Ersk. b. 1, t. 7, § 46—5. 3 Inst. 202—6. Jenk. Cent. 69—7. Loft 37—8. Ibid. 177—9. Vinn. Com. 756—10. Loft 460.
Page 4. No. 1. Bacon, Loft 611—2. Hob. 153, Loft 478—3. Homes L. T. 232.—4.... 5. Hob. 103—6. Loft 102—7. Ibid. 458—8. Ibid. 103—9.—10. Loft 227.
Page 4. No. 1. Bacon, Loft 611—2. Hob. 153, Loft 478—3. Homes L. T. 232.—4.... 5. Hob. 103—6. Loft 102—7. Ibid. 458—8. Ibid. 103—9.—10. Loft 227.
Page 5. No. 1. 2 Inst. 137, Wing. 116—2. Loft 641—3. Ibid. 48—4. Ibid.—5. McD.—6. Loft 479—7. Stair of obli. p. 20—8. Loft 179.—9. 3 Inst. 201—10. Loft 499—11 Ibid. 496.
Page 5. No. 1. 2 Inst. 137, Wing. 116—2. Loft 641—3. Ibid. 48—4. Ibid.—5. McD.—6. Loft 479—7. Stair of obli. p. 20—8. Loft 179.—9. 3 Inst. 201—10. Loft 499—11 Ibid. 496.
Page 6. No. 1. Loft 500—2. Ibid. 498—3. Co. Lit. 24.—4. Plow. 375—5. Co. Lit. 24, Loft 378—6. Hob. 224, Loft 626—7. Ibid. 362—8. Ibid. 84—9. Ib. 390—10. Ib. 385—11. Ib. 393.
Page 6. No. 1. Loft 500—2. Ibid. 498—3. Co. Lit. 24.—4. Plow. 375—5. Co. Lit. 24, Loft 378—6. Hob. 224, Loft 626—7. Ibid. 362—8. Ibid. 84—9. Ib. 390—10. Ib. 385—11. Ib. 393.
Page 7. No. 1. Loft 536—2. Ib. 535—3. Ib. 397—4. Ib. 383—5. Ib. 495—6. Loft 379—7. Ib. 369—8. Ib. 387—9. Ib. 388—10. Ib. 391.
Page 7. No. 1. Loft 536—2. Ib. 535—3. Ib. 397—4. Ib. 383—5. Ib. 495—6. Loft 379—7. Ib. 369—8. Ib. 387—9. Ib. 388—10. Ib. 391.
Page 8. No. 1. Loft 392—2. Ib. 375—3. Ib. 376—4. Ib. 368—5. Ib. 501—6. Ib. 503—7. Ib. 497—8. Ib. 386—9. Ib. 373—10. Gilb. 136, Loft 363—11. Ib. 382.
Page 8. No. 1. Loft 392—2. Ib. 375—3. Ib. 376—4. Ib. 368—5. Ib. 501—6. Ib. 503—7. Ib. 497—8. Ib. 386—9. Ib. 373—10. Gilb. 136, Loft 363—11. Ib. 382.
Page 9. No. 1. Loft 372—2. Ib. 637—3. Ib. 502—4. Ib. 380—5. Ib. 374—6. Bac., Loft 609—7. Co. Lit. 177, Loft 39—8. 9 Co. 56—9.... 10....
Page 9. No. 1. Loft 372—2. Ib. 637—3. Ib. 502—4. Ib. 380—5. Ib. 374—6. Bac., Loft 609—7. Co. Lit. 177, Loft 39—8. 9 Co. 56—9.... 10....
Page 10. No. 1. 5 Co. 80—2. Loft 207—3. Hob. 163—4. Inst. Ulp. b. 76 l. 106, b t—5. Co. Lit. 141—6. Jenk. Cent. fol. 16—7. 4 Inst. 279—8. 1 Chan. Cas. 45, Loft 482—9. Inst. Ulp. b. 35—10. 5 Co. 40.
Page 10. No. 1. 5 Co. 80—2. Loft 207—3. Hob. 163—4. Inst. Ulp. b. 76 l. 106, b t—5. Co. Lit. 141—6. Jenk. Cent. fol. 16—7. 4 Inst. 279—8. 1 Chan. Cas. 45, Loft 482—9. Inst. Ulp. b. 35—10. 5 Co. 40.
Page 11. No. 1. Inst. 172, Paul. b. 5—2. 10 Co. 59—3.... 4. Loft 248—5. Bacon—6. Loft 249—7. McD.—8. Co. Lit. 303.
Page 11. No. 1. Inst. 172, Paul. b. 5—2. 10 Co. 59—3.... 4. Loft 248—5. Bacon—6. Loft 249—7. McD.—8. Co. Lit. 303.
Page 12. No. 1. Fortese c. 42—2. 7 Co. 16—3. L. 19, d. off. Præs.—4. 3 Buls. 67—5. Loft 422—6. Co. Lit. 304, Loft 451—7. 2 Buls. 79—8. 4 Inst. 274.
Page 12. No. 1. Fortese c. 42—2. 7 Co. 16—3. L. 19, d. off. Præs.—4. 3 Buls. 67—5. Loft 422—6. Co. Lit. 304, Loft 451—7. 2 Buls. 79—8. 4 Inst. 274.
Page 13. No. 1. Co. Lit. 395—2. 6 Co. 60, Wing. 250—3. Jenk. Cent. 281—4. Co. Lit. 191—5. Co. Lit. 254—6. Co. Lit. 92—7. Co. Lit. 258—8. 2 Inst. 574.
Page 13. No. 1. Co. Lit. 395—2. 6 Co. 60, Wing. 250—3. Jenk. Cent. 281—4. Co. Lit. 191—5. Co. Lit. 254—6. Co. Lit. 92—7. Co. Lit. 258—8. 2 Inst. 574.
Page 14. No. 1.... 2. Hob. 343—3. Co. Lit. 264—4. Ersk. b. 4, t. 4 § 30—5. 4 Co. 26, Loft 488—6. Hob. 148—7. Loft 489.
Page 14. No. 1.... 2. Hob. 343—3. Co. Lit. 264—4. Ersk. b. 4, t. 4 § 30—5. 4 Co. 26, Loft 488—6. Hob. 148—7. Loft 489.
Page 15. No. 1. Loft 436—2. Jenk. Cent. 168—3. Loft 243—4. Ib. 490—5. Co. Lit. 36—6. 4 Co. 15.
Page 15. No. 1. Loft 436—2. Jenk. Cent. 168—3. Loft 243—4. Ib. 490—5. Co. Lit. 36—6. 4 Co. 15.
Page 16. No. 1. Domat l. 18—2. 9 Co. 53—3. Gal. b. 18, l. 57, b t—4. 2 Inst. 285—5. Chan. Prie. 329—6. Loft 49—7. 2 Inst. 304.
Page 16. No. 1. Domat l. 18—2. 9 Co. 53—3. Gal. b. 18, l. 57, b t—4. 2 Inst. 285—5. Chan. Prie. 329—6. Loft 49—7. 2 Inst. 304.
Page 17. No. 1. Co. Lit. 289—2. 4 Co. 15, Loft 49—3. Co. Lit. 34—4. 11 Co. 68—5. Hob. 144, 491—6. Co. Lit. 260.
Page 17. No. 1. Co. Lit. 289—2. 4 Co. 15, Loft 49—3. Co. Lit. 34—4. 11 Co. 68—5. Hob. 144, 491—6. Co. Lit. 260.
Page 18. No. 1. Loft 119—2. 4 Co. 66—3. Ersk. b. 1, t. 1, § 57—4. 5 Co. 37—5. Jenk. Cent. 28—6. Jenk. Cent. 52—7. 1 Co. 99—8. Loft 326—9. 5 Co. 57.
Page 18. No. 1. Loft 119—2. 4 Co. 66—3. Ersk. b. 1, t. 1, § 57—4. 5 Co. 37—5. Jenk. Cent. 28—6. Jenk. Cent. 52—7. 1 Co. 99—8. Loft 326—9. 5 Co. 57.
Page 19. No. 1.... 2. Loft 328—3. Hob. 99—4. Co. Lit. 303—5. 9 Co. 47, Loft 277—6. Hob. 155, Loft 492—7. 11 Co. 49, Wing. 29, Loft 443—8. Co. Lit. 70, Loft 62—9. Loft 220.
Page 19. No. 1.... 2. Loft 328—3. Hob. 99—4. Co. Lit. 303—5. 9 Co. 47, Loft 277—6. Hob. 155, Loft 492—7. 11 Co. 49, Wing. 29, Loft 443—8. Co. Lit. 70, Loft 62—9. Loft 220.
Page 20. No. 1. St. Tit. 11, Libera. p. 157, Ersk. b. 3, t. 4, § 5—2. Loft 35—3. 8 Co. 127—4. Loft 419—5. Ib.—6. Bac., Loft 612—7. 3 Co. 81—8. Loft 508.
Page 20. No. 1. St. Tit. 11, Libera. p. 157, Ersk. b. 3, t. 4, § 5—2. Loft 35—3. 8 Co. 127—4. Loft 419—5. Ib.—6. Bac., Loft 612—7. 3 Co. 81—8. Loft 508.
Page 21. No. 1. Loft 297—2. 3 Inst. 181—3. Jenk. Cent. 161—4. 4 Inst. 240, Loft 509—5. Loft 448—6. Jenk. Cent. 279—7. Co. Lit. 201.
Page 21. No. 1. Loft 297—2. 3 Inst. 181—3. Jenk. Cent. 161—4. 4 Inst. 240, Loft 509—5. Loft 448—6. Jenk. Cent. 279—7. Co. Lit. 201.
Page 22. No. 1. L. 7, § 2, H de-cond furt—2. Co. Lit. 201—3. Loft 511—4. 8 Co. 90—5. Loft 510.
Page 22. No. 1. L. 7, § 2, H de-cond furt—2. Co. Lit. 201—3. Loft 511—4. 8 Co. 90—5. Loft 510.
Page 23. No. 1. Loft 511—2. Loft 630—3. Loft 510—4. Ib. 632—5. Ib. 512—6. Ib. 645.
Page 23. No. 1. Loft 511—2. Loft 630—3. Loft 510—4. Ib. 632—5. Ib. 512—6. Ib. 645.
Page 24. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 102—2. H. Co. 30—3. 10 Co. 48—4. Co. Lit. 295—5. Moor 764—6. Co. Lit. 295—7. Loft 234.
Page 24. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 102—2. H. Co. 30—3. 10 Co. 48—4. Co. Lit. 295—5. Moor 764—6. Co. Lit. 295—7. Loft 234.
Page 25. No. 1. Co. Lit. 295—2.... 3. Loft 513—4. Ib. 483—5. Ib. 633—6. Loft 514.
Page 25. No. 1. Co. Lit. 295—2.... 3. Loft 513—4. Ib. 483—5. Ib. 633—6. Loft 514.
Page 26. No. 1. Loft 73—2.... 3. 6 Co. 22—4. Stair t. 4 Conj. ob. p. 31—5. Co. Lit. 126, Wing. 481, Loft 69—6. 5 Co. 80—7. Loft 515—8. L. 47 ff. t.—9. Loft 517.
Page 26. No. 1. Loft 73—2.... 3. 6 Co. 22—4. Stair t. 4 Conj. ob. p. 31—5. Co. Lit. 126, Wing. 481, Loft 69—6. 5 Co. 80—7. Loft 515—8. L. 47 ff. t.—9. Loft 517.
Page 27. No. 1. Loft 516—2. Ib. 519—3. Co. Lit. 183—4. Loft 518—5. Ib. 338—6. Co. Lit. 113—7. Dav. 33.
Page 27. No. 1. Loft 516—2. Ib. 519—3. Co. Lit. 183—4. Loft 518—5. Ib. 338—6. Co. Lit. 113—7. Dav. 33.
Page 28. No. 1. Loft 335—2. 2 Inst. 18—3. Jenk. Cent. 273—4. Lit. Sect. 169—5. 4 Co. 18—6. 6 Co. 67—7. Loft 339.
Page 28. No. 1. Loft 335—2. 2 Inst. 18—3. Jenk. Cent. 273—4. Lit. Sect. 169—5. 4 Co. 18—6. 6 Co. 67—7. Loft 339.
Page 29. No. 1. Loft 340—2. Ib. 337—3. Ib. 341—4. Co. Lit. 113—5.... 6. Jenk. Cent. 119—7. Loft 336—8. Jenk. Cent. 274—9. 2 Inst. 11.
Page 29. No. 1. Loft 340—2. Ib. 337—3. Ib. 341—4. Co. Lit. 113—5.... 6. Jenk. Cent. 119—7. Loft 336—8. Jenk. Cent. 274—9. 2 Inst. 11.
Page 30. No. 1. Ersk. b. 2, t. 8, § 14—2. Dom. l. 23—3. Ib. l. 29—4. Ersk. b. 3, t. 7, § 37—5. 2 Inst. 252—6. Loft 522—7. Hob. 167.
Page 30. No. 1. Ersk. b. 2, t. 8, § 14—2. Dom. l. 23—3. Ib. l. 29—4. Ersk. b. 3, t. 7, § 37—5. 2 Inst. 252—6. Loft 522—7. Hob. 167.
Page 31. No. 1. Loft 308—2. Jenk. Cent. 132—3. Co. Lit., Wing. 746—4. Bacon—5. Loft 302—6. Ib. 305—7. Ib. 299.
Page 31. No. 1. Loft 308—2. Jenk. Cent. 132—3. Co. Lit., Wing. 746—4. Bacon—5. Loft 302—6. Ib. 305—7. Ib. 299.
Page 32. No. 1. Hob. 59, Loft 523—2. Just. Gajus b. 26—3. 2 Inst. 479—4. Loft 432—5. Ib. 428—6. Ersk. b. 4, t. S, § 103—7. Loft 434—8. Ib. 524—9. 11 Co. 52.
Page 32. No. 1. Hob. 59, Loft 523—2. Just. Gajus b. 26—3. 2 Inst. 479—4. Loft 432—5. Ib. 428—6. Ersk. b. 4, t. S, § 103—7. Loft 434—8. Ib. 524—9. 11 Co. 52.
Page 33. No. 1. Loft 110—2. Dom. l. 2—3. Loft 604—4.... 5. 1 Co. 71 et Loft—6. Dom. l. 163—7. Co. Lit. 43, Loft 273—8. 2 Inst. 493.
Page 33. No. 1. Loft 110—2. Home l. 2—3. Loft 604—4.... 5. 1 Co. 71 et Loft—6. Home l. 163—7. Co. Lit. 43, Loft 273—8. 2 Inst. 493.
Page 34. No. 1. L. 50 b t—2. 2 Inst. 208 l. 36 b t—3. Loft 370—4. Ib. 603—5. Dom. l. 126 § 2 v. inf. b. 98—6. L. 178 b t—7. Loft 494—8. Ibid. 493.
Page 34. No. 1. L. 50 b t—2. 2 Inst. 208 l. 36 b t—3. Loft 370—4. Ib. 603—5. Dom. l. 126 § 2 v. inf. b. 98—6. L. 178 b t—7. Loft 494—8. Ibid. 493.
Page 35. No. 1. Loft 480—2. 4 Inst. 50—3. 1 Buls. 6—4. Loft 354—5. Ib. 112—6. Ib. 423—7. Ersk. b. 3 t. 3 § 93.
Page 35. No. 1. Loft 480—2. 4 Inst. 50—3. 1 Buls. 6—4. Loft 354—5. Ib. 112—6. Ib. 423—7. Ersk. b. 3 t. 3 § 93.
Page 36. No. 1. Loft 271—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 36—3. Loft 306—4. Ib. 529—5. Ib. 91—6. Ib. 67—7. Ib. 63—8.... 9. 2 Inst. 597.
Page 36. No. 1. Loft 271—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 36—3. Loft 306—4. Ib. 529—5. Ib. 91—6. Ib. 67—7. Ib. 63—8.... 9. 2 Inst. 597.
Page 37. No. 1. 3 Inst. 55—2. Noye, Wing. 66—3.... 4. Loft 525—5. Co. Lit. 210—6. Loft 526—7. Ib. 2—8. Ib. 199—9. Ib. 334.
Page 37. No. 1. 3 Inst. 55—2. Noye, Wing. 66—3.... 4. Loft 525—5. Co. Lit. 210—6. Loft 526—7. Ib. 2—8. Ib. 199—9. Ib. 334.
Page 38. No. 1. Loft 333—2. Ib. 262—3. Ib.—4.... 5. Loft—6. 10 Co. 140—7. Dav. 69—8. Loft 530—9. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 108.
Page 38. No. 1. Loft 333—2. Ib. 262—3. Ib.—4.... 5. Loft—6. 10 Co. 140—7. Dav. 69—8. Loft 530—9. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 108.
Page 39. No. 1. Leon. 243, Loft 531—2. Ib. 531—3. Ib. 33—4. Inst. 173, Paul. lib. 6—5. Loft 90—6. Ib. 532—7. Stair Tit. 13 Repara p. 95—8. Loft 532—9.... 10. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 4.
Page 39. No. 1. Leon. 243, Loft 531—2. Ib. 531—3. Ib. 33—4. Inst. 173, Paul. lib. 6—5. Loft 90—6. Ib. 532—7. Stair Tit. 13 Repara p. 95—8. Loft 532—9.... 10. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 4.
Page 40. No. 1. Loft 24—2. Ib. 226—3. L 61, b t—4. 3 Co. 81, Loft 533—5. L. 82—6.... 7. Jenk. Cent. 109—8. Davis 75 b, Loft 134.
Page 40. No. 1. Loft 24—2. Ib. 226—3. L 61, b t—4. 3 Co. 81, Loft 533—5. L. 82—6.... 7. Jenk. Cent. 109—8. Davis 75 b, Loft 134.
Page 41. No. 1. Loft 257—2. 2 Inst. 161, Loft 122—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 1—4. Co. Lit. 368—5. Loft 404—6. Ib. 559—7. Bacon—8. Inst. Ulp. b. 23.
Page 41. No. 1. Loft 257—2. 2 Inst. 161, Loft 122—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 1—4. Co. Lit. 368—5. Loft 404—6. Ib. 559—7. Bacon—8. Inst. Ulp. b. 23.
Page 42. No. 1. Dom. L. 64—2. Inst. Hermos b. 3—3. Loft 635—4. Ib. 204—5. Loft 309—6. Wing. 226—7. Inst. Ulp. b. 3—8....
Page 42. No. 1. Dom. L. 64—2. Inst. Hermos b. 3—3. Loft 635—4. Ib. 204—5. Loft 309—6. Wing. 226—7. Inst. Ulp. b. 3—8....
Page 43. No. 1. 6 Co. 53—2. Loft 485—3. Ib. 535—4. Ib. 577—5. Doct. et stud. c. 40—6. Reg. Jur. Civ. Gilb. 14—7. Dom. l. 1 § 2—8. Loft 469.
Page 43. No. 1. 6 Co. 53—2. Loft 485—3. Ib. 535—4. Ib. 577—5. Doct. et stud. c. 40—6. Reg. Jur. Civ. Gilb. 14—7. Dom. l. 1 § 2—8. Loft 469.
Page 44. No. 1. 11 Co. 41, Loft 321—2. 2 Buls. 189—3. Loft 462—4. Ib. 230—5. 2 Inst. 49—6.... 7. L. 20 de accus.—8. Loft 181.
Page 44. No. 1. 11 Co. 41, Loft 321—2. 2 Buls. 189—3. Loft 462—4. Ib. 230—5. 2 Inst. 49—6.... 7. L. 20 de accus.—8. Loft 181.
Page 45. No. 1. Loft 96—2. Ib.—3. Pl. Com. 305, Loft 185—4. 3 Inst. 212, Loft 135—5. L. 195 b t—6. Co. Lit. 810—7. Co. Lit. 210, Loft 537—8. Dom. L. 67, Ersk. b. 1 t. vi § 16.
Page 45. No. 1. Loft 96—2. Ib.—3. Pl. Com. 305, Loft 185—4. 3 Inst. 212, Loft 135—5. L. 195 b t—6. Co. Lit. 810—7. Co. Lit. 210, Loft 537—8. Dom. L. 67, Ersk. b. 1 t. vi § 16.
Page 46. No. 1. Bacon’s law tracts 93, Loft 527—2. Loft 153—3. L. 140 § 2 ff. de verb. oblig.—4. Dom. l. 19—5. Loft 213—6. Just. Paul b. 3.
Page 46. No. 1. Bacon’s law tracts 93, Loft 527—2. Loft 153—3. L. 140 § 2 ff. de verb. oblig.—4. Dom. l. 19—5. Loft 213—6. Just. Paul b. 3.
Page 47. No. 1. 4 Inst. 279—2. 9 Co. 48—3. Loft 441—4. 3 Inst. 14, Loft 83—5. L. 125 b t—6. Loft 538—7. L. 108 iii b t—8. Loft 473.
Page 47. No. 1. 4 Inst. 279—2. 9 Co. 48—3. Loft 441—4. 3 Inst. 14, Loft 83—5. L. 125 b t—6. Loft 538—7. L. 108 iii b t—8. Loft 473.
Page 48. No. 1. Loft 540—2.... 3. Loft 541—4. Ib. 542—5. Dom. l. 4 § 1—6. L. 2 b t—7. Loft 456—8....
Page 48. No. 1. Loft 540—2.... 3. Loft 541—4. Ib. 542—5. Dom. l. 4 § 1—6. L. 2 b t—7. Loft 456—8....
Page 49. No. 1. Loft 572—2. Ib. 624—3. Ib. 364—4. 1 Vern. 240, Loft 544—5. Cro. Car. 550—6. 3 Co. 78, Loft 116—7. Loft 89—8. Just. Papin. 132—9. Loft 545.
Page 49. No. 1. Loft 572—2. Ib. 624—3. Ib. 364—4. 1 Vern. 240, Loft 544—5. Cro. Car. 550—6. 3 Co. 78, Loft 116—7. Loft 89—8. Just. Papin. 132—9. Loft 545.
Page 50. No. 1. Vide merito Loft 143—2. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 69—3. Loft 563—4. Just. Pomb. b. 34—5. Loft 138—6. 3 Inst. 76, Loft—7. 3 Inst. 76.
Page 50. No. 1. See merit Loft 143—2. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 69—3. Loft 563—4. Just. Pomb. b. 34—5. Loft 138—6. 3 Inst. 76, Loft—7. 3 Inst. 76.
Page 51. No. 1. Reg. Br.—2. Jenk. Cent. 120—3.... 4.... 5. Loft 351—6. Just. Papin. b. 31, 2 ulst.—7. L. 22 § 1 b t.
Page 51. No. 1. Reg. Br.—2. Jenk. Cent. 120—3.... 4.... 5. Loft 351—6. Just. Papin. b. 31, 2 ulst.—7. L. 22 § 1 b t.
Page 52. No. 1. 9 Co. 48—2. 11 Co. 29, Loft 605—3. Ib. 418—4. Ib. 549—5. Co. Lit. 9—6. Jur. Civ. Co. Lit. 237.
Page 52. No. 1. 9 Co. 48—2. 11 Co. 29, Loft 605—3. Ib. 418—4. Ib. 549—5. Co. Lit. 9—6. Jur. Civ. Co. Lit. 237.
Page 53. No. 1. Loft 353—2. Dom. L. 62—3. Loft 174—4. 3 Co. 40—5. Co. Lit. 22, Loft 547—6. Co. Lit. 7 b—7. Bacon.
Page 53. No. 1. Loft 353—2. Dom. L. 62—3. Loft 174—4. 3 Co. 40—5. Co. Lit. 22, Loft 547—6. Co. Lit. 7 b—7. Bacon.
Page 54. No. 1. Co. Lit. 386—2. Just. Ulp. 59 B. 3 Desput.—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 2 § 12—4. McD.—5. 7 Co. 1—6. 9 Co. 47.
Page 54. No. 1. Co. Lit. 386—2. Just. Ulp. 59 B. 3 Desput.—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 2 § 12—4. McD.—5. 7 Co. 1—6. 9 Co. 47.
Page 55. No. 1. 9 Co. 9—2. Co. Lit. 164—3. l. 11 b t—4. Jenk. Cent. 40—5. 3 Inst. 158—6. 2 Inst. 178, Loft 76—7. Jenk. Cent. 207.
Page 55. No. 1. 9 Co. 9—2. Co. Lit. 164—3. l. 11 b t—4. Jenk. Cent. 40—5. 3 Inst. 158—6. 2 Inst. 178, Loft 76—7. Jenk. Cent. 207.
Page 56. No. 1. Co. Lit. 385—2. 1 Co. 177—3. 2 Inst. 591, Loft 77—4. Stair Tit. 12 Real Rights p. 201, 1 Co. 177—5. Loft 552—6. Ib. 10—7. 1 Co. 177—8. 10 Co. 61.
Page 56. No. 1. Co. Lit. 385—2. 1 Co. 177—3. 2 Inst. 591, Loft 77—4. Stair Tit. 12 Real Rights p. 201, 1 Co. 177—5. Loft 552—6. Ib. 10—7. 1 Co. 177—8. 10 Co. 61.
Page 57. No. 1.... 2. Dom. l. 38—3. Inst. Gaj. b. 7—4. Co. Lit. 352—5. Co. Lit. 124, Loft 144—6. Loft 97—7. Co. Lit. 29.
Page 57. No. 1.... 2. Dom. l. 38—3. Inst. Gaj. b. 7—4. Co. Lit. 352—5. Co. Lit. 124, Loft 144—6. Loft 97—7. Co. Lit. 29.
Page 58. No. 1. 5 Co. 109—2. L. 185 b t—3. Loft 631—4. Plow. 296—5.... 6. Loft 638—7....
Page 58. No. 1. 5 Co. 109—2. L. 185 b t—3. Loft 631—4. Plow. 296—5.... 6. Loft 638—7....
Page 59. No. 1. Just. Meiscian b. 12—2. Just. Paul. b t—3. 2 Rol. Rep. 89—4. Loft 433—5. Ib. 399—6. Ib. 40.
Page 59. No. 1. Just. Meiscian b. 12—2. Just. Paul. b t—3. 2 Rol. Rep. 89—4. Loft 433—5. Ib. 399—6. Ib. 40.
Page 60. No. 1. H.H.P.C. 54—2. Loft 228—3. Ib. 429—4. Ib. 132—5. Wing. 13—6. Hard. 65—7. Co. Lit. 141.
Page 60. No. 1. H.H.P.C. 54—2. Loft 228—3. Ib. 429—4. Ib. 132—5. Wing. 13—6. Hard. 65—7. Co. Lit. 141.
Page 61. No. 1. Co. Lit. 112—2 Dom. l. 172—3. 3 Inst. 210, Loft 133—4. 3 Inst. 106—5. Wing. 15—6.... 7. Jur. Civ. Cro. Car. 51.
Page 61. No. 1. Co. Lit. 112—2 Dom. l. 172—3. 3 Inst. 210, Loft 133—4. 3 Inst. 106—5. Wing. 15—6.... 7. Jur. Civ. Cro. Car. 51.
Page 62. No. 1. Just. Paul. b. 6—2. Just. Pomp. b. 22—3. Bacon—4. Loft 125—5. Ib. 315—6. 2 Inst. 442—7. 11 Co. 85.
Page 62. No. 1. Just. Paul. b. 6—2. Just. Pomp. b. 22—3. Bacon—4. Loft 125—5. Ib. 315—6. 2 Inst. 442—7. 11 Co. 85.
Page 63. No. 1. Cro. Car. 64—2. Loft 202—3. Ib. 487—4. Cro. Car. 64, Loft 504—5. L. 5 b t—6. 2 Inst. 3—7. L. 114 b t.
Page 63. No. 1. Cro. Car. 64—2. Loft 202—3. Ib. 487—4. Cro. Car. 64, Loft 504—5. L. 5 b t—6. 2 Inst. 3—7. L. 114 b t.
Page 64. No. 1. 1 Vern. 19—2. Inst. Pomp. b. 32—3.... 4. L. 14 b t—5. L. 90 b t—6. Dom. L. 128 v. inf. L. 54—7. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 24, Loft 436.
Page 64. No. 1. 1 Vern. 19—2. Inst. Pomp. b. 32—3.... 4. L. 14 b t—5. L. 90 b t—6. Dom. L. 128 v. inf. L. 54—7. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 24, Loft 436.
Page 65. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 214, Loft 355—2. Dom. l. t. 155 § 2—3. Goob. 37—4. Dom. L. 41 § 1—5. 5 Co. 67—6. Dom. l. 2—7. 10 Co. 101—8. Loft 150.
Page 65. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 214, Loft 355—2. Dom. l. t. 155 § 2—3. Goob. 37—4. Dom. L. 41 § 1—5. 5 Co. 67—6. Dom. l. 2—7. 10 Co. 101—8. Loft 150.
Page 66. No. 1. Loft 194—2. Ib. 304—3. 9 Co. 53—4. L. 12 b t—5. Loft 558—6. Dom. L. 80—7. Jenk. Cent. 132—8. Dav. 33, Loft 555.
Page 66. No. 1. Loft 194—2. Ib. 304—3. 9 Co. 53—4. L. 12 b t—5. Loft 558—6. Dom. L. 80—7. Jenk. Cent. 132—8. Dav. 33, Loft 555.
Page 67. No. 1. Loft 521—2. Loft 643—3. Ib. 556—4. Ib. 557—5. Dom. l. 24—6. Vide Designatio—7. Loft 307—8. Loft 274.
Page 67. No. 1. Loft 521—2. Loft 643—3. Ib. 556—4. Ib. 557—5. Dom. l. 24—6. See Designation—7. Loft 307—8. Loft 274.
Page 68. No. 1. Loft 461—2. 3 Inst. 181—3. 12 Co. 13—4. Co. Lit. 252—5. Vide Nemo ex Dolo, &c.—6. Loft 229—7. Ib. 520—8. Ib. 256.
Page 68. No. 1. Loft 461—2. 3 Inst. 181—3. 12 Co. 13—4. Co. Lit. 252—5. Vide Nemo ex Dolo, &c.—6. Loft 229—7. Ib. 520—8. Ib. 256.
Page 69. No. 1. Hob. 123—2. Loft 150—3. Ib. 134—4. Jenk. Cent. 31, Wing. 501—5. 3 Inst. 359, Loft 41—6. Co. Lit. 303, Loft 74—7. 2 Inst. 589—8. 6 Co. 37, Loft 183.
Page 69. No. 1. Hob. 123—2. Loft 150—3. Ib. 134—4. Jenk. Cent. 31, Wing. 501—5. 3 Inst. 359, Loft 41—6. Co. Lit. 303, Loft 74—7. 2 Inst. 589—8. 6 Co. 37, Loft 183.
Page 70. No. 1. Loft 162—2. 8 Co. 169—3. Jenk. Cent. 198—4. L. 69 b t—5.... 6. Just. Paul. b. 70—7. Loft 484.
Page 70. No. 1. Loft 162—2. 8 Co. 169—3. Jenk. Cent. 198—4. L. 69 b t—5.... 6. Just. Paul. b. 70—7. Loft 484.
Page 71. No. 1. L. 169 b t—2. Just. Paul. b. 4—3. Loft 180—4. Jenk. Cent. 58—5. Ib. 45—6. 7 Co. 87.
Page 71. No. 1. L. 169 b t—2. Just. Paul. b. 4—3. Loft 180—4. Jenk. Cent. 58—5. Ib. 45—6. 7 Co. 87.
Page 72. No. 1.... 2. 3 Inst. 147—3. 4 Ib. 279—4. 12 Co. 113—5. 2 Inst. 286—6. 4 Co. 38, Loft 57—7. Jenk. Cent. 75—8. Loft 561. p 73.
Page 72. No. 1.... 2. 3 Inst. 147—3. 4 Ib. 279—4. 12 Co. 113—5. 2 Inst. 286—6. 4 Co. 38, Loft 57—7. Jenk. Cent. 75—8. Loft 561. p 73.
Page 73. No. 1. 8 Co. 97—2. Loft 51—3. 2 Inst. 573—4. Loft 42—5. 5 Dyer 12—6. Loft 82—7. 13 Co. 14—8. Loft 47.
Page 73. No. 1. 8 Co. 97—2. Loft 51—3. 2 Inst. 573—4. Loft 42—5. 5 Dyer 12—6. Loft 82—7. 13 Co. 14—8. Loft 47.
Page 74. No. 1. Loft 560—2. 2 Inst. 341—3. Loft 131—4. 2 Inst. 380—5. Loft 317—6. Ib. 562—7.... 8. Loft 563—9. Dom. l. 8.
Page 74. No. 1. Loft 560—2. 2 Inst. 341—3. Loft 131—4. 2 Inst. 380—5. Loft 317—6. Ib. 562—7.... 8. Loft 563—9. Dom. l. 8.
Page 75. No. 1. Co. Lit. 130 ... 2. Ib. 181 b—3. L. 8 b t, Loft 315—4. Jenk. Cent. 68—5. 4 Inst. 279—6. Dom. l. 206—7. Loft 147—8. Ib. 331.
Page 75. No. 1. Co. Lit. 130 ... 2. Ib. 181 b—3. L. 8 b t, Loft 315—4. Jenk. Cent. 68—5. 4 Inst. 279—6. Dom. l. 206—7. Loft 147—8. Ib. 331.
Page 76. No. 1. Loft 332—2. Dom. l. 1—3. 7 Co. 12—4. Dom. l. 38—5. Co. Lit. 24—6.... 7. Stair t. 14 Superior p. 301, Ersk. B. 2 f. 7 sect. 3.
Page 76. No. 1. Loft 332—2. House 1. 1—3. 7 Company 12—4. House 1. 38—5. Company. Law. 24—6.... 7. Stair t. 14 Upper p. 301, Ersk. B. 2 f. 7 sect. 3.
Page 77. No. 1. 4 Inst. 279—2. 2 Inst. 56, Loft 88—3. Loft 565—4. Dom. l. 10—5. Buls. 199—6....
Page 77. No. 1. 4 Inst. 279—2. 2 Inst. 56, Loft 88—3. Loft 565—4. Dom. l. 10—5. Buls. 199—6....
Page 78. No. 1.... 2. 4 Co. ad Lect.—3. 2 Rol. Rep. 410, 11 Co. 62 B. 63 a—4. Co. Lit. 183—5. Dom. l. 7—6. Jenk. Cent. 7—7. 9 Co. 22—8. 2 Inst. 618—9. Jenk. Cent. 36—10. 2 Inst. 689, Loft 232.
Page 78. No. 1.... 2. 4 Co. ad Lect.—3. 2 Rol. Rep. 410, 11 Co. 62 B. 63 a—4. Co. Lit. 183—5. Dom. l. 7—6. Jenk. Cent. 7—7. 9 Co. 22—8. 2 Inst. 618—9. Jenk. Cent. 36—10. 2 Inst. 689, Loft 232.
Page 79. No. 1. Loft 117—2. Ib. 12—3. Ib. 573—4. Ib. 85—5.... 6. 2 Inst. 526.
Page 79. No. 1. Loft 117—2. Ib. 12—3. Ib. 573—4. Ib. 85—5.... 6. 2 Inst. 526.
Page 80. No. 1. Co. Lit. 319 b—2. 2 Inst. 587, Loft 101—3. Loft 65—4. Ib. 8—5. 11 Co. 90—6. Loft 642—7. Ib. 98—8. 5 Co. 21, Wing. 600—9. Loft 569—10. Jenk. Cent. 22.—11. Ib. 17.
Page 80. No. 1. Co. Lit. 319 b—2. 2 Inst. 587, Loft 101—3. Loft 65—4. Ib. 8—5. 11 Co. 90—6. Loft 642—7. Ib. 98—8. 5 Co. 21, Wing. 600—9. Loft 569—10. Jenk. Cent. 22.—11. Ib. 17.
Page 81. No. 1. Hob. 96—2. Loft 123—3. 1 Co. 87—4. 9 Co. 54—5. Loft 247—6. Ib. 352.
Page 81. No. 1. Hob. 96—2. Loft 123—3. 1 Co. 87—4. 9 Co. 54—5. Loft 247—6. Ib. 352.
Page 82. No. 1. Lit. Epilogue—2. Jenk. Cent. 284—3. Ib. 35—4. Co. Lit. 78—5. Loft 269—6. Ib. 61—7. Ib. 574—8. Ib. 224.
Page 82. No. 1. Lit. Epilogue—2. Jenk. Cent. 284—3. Ib. 35—4. Co. Lit. 78—5. Loft 269—6. Ib. 61—7. Ib. 574—8. Ib. 224.
Page 83. No. 1. Loft 342—2. Co. Lit. 116—3. Just. Paul. b. 2—4 Loft 345—5. Inst. 122, Gaj. Lib. 5 Prov.—6. Loft 546.
Page 83. No. 1. Loft 342—2. Co. Lit. 116—3. Just. Paul. b. 2—4 Loft 345—5. Inst. 122, Gaj. Lib. 5 Prov.—6. Loft 546.
Page 84. No. 1. Loft 610—2. Jur. Civ.—3. Co. Lit. 115—4. Cro. Car. 117—5. Loft 334—6. Ib. 276.
Page 84. No. 1. Loft 610—2. Jur. Civ.—3. Co. Lit. 115—4. Cro. Car. 117—5. Loft 334—6. Ib. 276.
Page 85. No. 1. 9 Co. 48—2. Loft 617—3. Loft 231—4. Ib. 136—5. 4 Co. 72—6. Loft 576—7. Lit. Sect. 212—8. Loft 629.
Page 85. No. 1. 9 Co. 48—2. Loft 617—3. Loft 231—4. Ib. 136—5. 4 Co. 72—6. Loft 576—7. Lit. Sect. 212—8. Loft 629.
Page 86. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 53—2. 7 Co. 40—3. Ib. 67, Co. 13—4. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 3—5. Jur. Civ.—6. Loft 51—7. 4 Inst. 180—8.... 9. 3 Inst. Epil.
Page 86. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 53—2. 7 Co. 40—3. Ib. 67, Co. 13—4. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 3—5. Jur. Civ.—6. Loft 51—7. 4 Inst. 180—8.... 9. 3 Inst. Epil.
Page 87. No. 1. Co. Lit. 337, Loft 313—2. Ib. 318—3. Ib. 395—4. Ib. 129—5. 2 Inst. 53—6. Ersk. b. 2 tit. 1 § 26—7. Loft 440.
Page 87. No. 1. Co. Lit. 337, Loft 313—2. Ib. 318—3. Ib. 395—4. Ib. 129—5. 2 Inst. 53—6. Ersk. b. 2 tit. 1 § 26—7. Loft 440.
Page 88. No. 1. 4 Co. 45—2. Loft 346 ... 3. Co. Lit. 365, Wing. 748—4. Loft 457—5. Lit. Co. 337—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 43—7. 3 Buls. 143.
Page 88. No. 1. 4 Co. 45—2. Loft 346 ... 3. Co. Lit. 365, Wing. 748—4. Loft 457—5. Lit. Co. 337—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 43—7. 3 Buls. 143.
Page 89. No. 1. Inst. Pomp. b. 28—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 2 § 40—3. Loft 18—4. 3 Inst. 24, Loft 146—5. Loft 427—6. Ib. 426—7. Co. 78, Loft 296—8. Ib. 578—9. 11 Co. 86.
Page 89. No. 1. Inst. Pomp. b. 28—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 2 § 40—3. Loft 18—4. 3 Inst. 24, Loft 146—5. Loft 427—6. Ib. 426—7. Co. 78, Loft 296—8. Ib. 578—9. 11 Co. 86.
Page 90. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 51—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 32—3.... 4. Loft 281—5. Ib. 280—6. 4 Inst. 384—7. Co. Lit. 15, Loft 579.
Page 90. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 51—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 32—3.... 4. Loft 281—5. Ib. 280—6. 4 Inst. 384—7. Co. Lit. 15, Loft 579.
Page 91. No. 1. 2 Inst. 479—2. 2 Inst. 219, Loft 71—3.... 4. Hob. 144—5. Co. Lit. 79—6. Jenk. Cent. 66—7. Loft 621.
Page 91. No. 1. 2 Inst. 479—2. 2 Inst. 219, Loft 71—3.... 4. Hob. 144—5. Co. Lit. 79—6. Jenk. Cent. 66—7. Loft 621.
Page 92. No. 1. Loft 620—2. Bacon—3. 10 Co. 61—4. Ib.—5. Plow. 18—6. Bacon, Loft 259—7. H.H.P.C. 54—8. 2 Inst. 326.
Page 92. No. 1. Loft 620—2. Bacon—3. 10 Co. 61—4. Ib.—5. Plow. 18—6. Bacon, Loft 259—7. H.H.P.C. 54—8. 2 Inst. 326.
Page 93. No. 1. Hob. 144, Loft 113—2. Ib. 87—3. Ib. 580—4. Ib. 581—5. Ib. 155—6. Ib. 173—7. 3 Co. 59—8. Loft 430.
Page 93. No. 1. Hob. 144, Loft 113—2. Ib. 87—3. Ib. 580—4. Ib. 581—5. Ib. 155—6. Ib. 173—7. 3 Co. 59—8. Loft 430.
Page 94. No. 1. Loft 431—2. 4 Inst. 275—3. 2 Inst. 66, Loft 322—4. Dom. l. 151—5. Jenk. Cent. 250—6. 4 Co. 45—7. 5 Co. 61.
Page 94. No. 1. Loft 431—2. 4 Inst. 275—3. 2 Inst. 66, Loft 322—4. Dom. l. 151—5. Jenk. Cent. 250—6. 4 Co. 45—7. 5 Co. 61.
Page 95. No. 1. 12 Co. 113—2. Jenk. Cent. 4—3. Co. Lit. 263, Wing. 592—4. Just. Ulp. b. 6—5. Loft 582—6. Ib. 142—7. Jur. Civ.—8. L. 43 b t.
Page 95. No. 1. 12 Co. 113—2. Jenk. Cent. 4—3. Co. Lit. 263, Wing. 592—4. Just. Ulp. b. 6—5. Loft 582—6. Ib. 142—7. Jur. Civ.—8. L. 43 b t.
Page 96. No. 1. Dom. l. 134 § 1—2. Loft 53—3. Ib. 287—4. L. 1 71 b t—5. Loft 454—6. Dom. l. 4—7. Jenk. Cent. 8—8. Dom. L. 37.
Page 96. No. 1. Dom. l. 134 § 1—2. Loft 53—3. Ib. 287—4. L. 1 71 b t—5. Loft 454—6. Dom. l. 4—7. Jenk. Cent. 8—8. Dom. L. 37.
Page 97. No. 1. Loft 197—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 33—3. Loft 201—4. Just. Paul. b. 12—5. L. 54 b t—6. Loft 29—7. Ib. 311—8. Gilb. Ten. 142—9. Jenk. Cent. 237.
Page 97. No. 1. Loft 197—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 33—3. Loft 201—4. Just. Paul. b. 12—5. L. 54 b t—6. Loft 29—7. Ib. 311—8. Gilb. Ten. 142—9. Jenk. Cent. 237.
Page 98. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 1—2. Ersk. b. 2 t. 8 § 9—3. Dom. l. 75 b t—4. L. 575 b t—5. Loft 5—6. Co. Lit. 309, Wing. 56—7. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 30.
Page 98. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 1—2. Ersk. b. 2 t. 8 § 9—3. Dom. l. 75 b t—4. L. 575 b t—5. Loft 5—6. Co. Lit. 309, Wing. 56—7. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 30.
Page 99. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 15—2.... 3. Loft 437—4. Co. Lit. 304, Wing. 479—5. Loft 182—6. 3 Buls. 173—7. Wing. 336.
Page 99. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 15—2.... 3. Loft 437—4. Co. Lit. 304, Wing. 479—5. Loft 182—6. 3 Buls. 173—7. Wing. 336.
Page 100. No. 1. Loft 439—2. Ib. 30—3. Wing. 665—4. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 52—5. Ib. b. 4 t. 4 § 94—6. Wing. 486, Loft 361—7. Dom. l. 145—8. Dom. l. 10.
Page 100. No. 1. Loft 439—2. Ib. 30—3. Wing. 665—4. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 52—5. Ib. b. 4 t. 4 § 94—6. Wing. 486, Loft 361—7. Dom. l. 145—8. Dom. l. 10.
Page 101. No. 1. Loft 55—2. Jur. Civ.—3. 11 Co. 21—4. 4 Co. 93—5. Inst. Paul. b. 8—6....
Page 101. No. 1. Loft 55—2. Jur. Civ.—3. 11 Co. 21—4. 4 Co. 93—5. Inst. Paul. b. 8—6....
Page 102. No. 1. 9 Co. 9—2. McD.—3. Co. Lit. 97—4. Ib.—5. L. 35 b t.
Page 102. No. 1. 9 Co. 9—2. McD.—3. Co. Lit. 97—4. Ib.—5. L. 35 b t.
Page 103. No. 1. 2 Inst. 359—2. 1 Co. 100—3. 2 Inst. 63—4. Ersk. b. 2 t. 9 § 37, L. 35 b t—5. Loft 93—6. Ib. 394—7. Ib. 465—8. Ib. 95.
Page 103. No. 1. 2 Inst. 359—2. 1 Co. 100—3. 2 Inst. 63—4. Ersk. b. 2 t. 9 § 37, L. 35 b t—5. Loft 93—6. Ib. 394—7. Ib. 465—8. Ib. 95.
Page 104. No. 1. Loft 244—2. Ib. 614—3. Ib. 343—4. Ib. 92—5. Inst. Ulp. b. 13—6. 3 Inst. 217—7. Lit. 116 § 1 b t.
Page 104. No. 1. Loft 244—2. Ib. 614—3. Ib. 343—4. Ib. 92—5. Inst. Ulp. b. 13—6. 3 Inst. 217—7. Lit. 116 § 1 b t.
Page 105. No. 1. Loft 467—2. Ib. 258—3. Inst. 175, Paul. b. 11—4. L. 74 b t—5. L. 21 b t—6. Dom. l. 41—7. 5 Co. 60.
Page 105. No. 1. Loft 467—2. Ib. 258—3. Inst. 175, Paul. b. 11—4. L. 74 b t—5. L. 21 b t—6. Dom. l. 41—7. 5 Co. 60.
Page 106. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 44—2. 1 Rol. Rep. 226—3. Co. Lit. 243—4. Loft 11—5. Ib. 329—6. Ib. 472—7. L. 85 b t.
Page 106. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 44—2. 1 Rol. Rep. 226—3. Co. Lit. 243—4. Loft 11—5. Ib. 329—6. Ib. 472—7. L. 85 b t.
Page 107. No. 1. L. 176 b t—2. Loft 608—3. Ib. 275—4. Ib. 26—5. Ib. 16—6. Ib. 225—7. L. 81 b t.
Page 107. No. 1. L. 176 b t—2. Loft 608—3. Ib. 275—4. Ib. 26—5. Ib. 16—6. Ib. 225—7. L. 81 b t.
Page 108. No. 1. Loft 584—2. Inst. Ulp. b. 19—3. Loft 613—4. Just. Gaj. b. 15—5. Just. Papin. b. 2—6. Inst. 116 Ulp. l. 11—7. 10 Co. 42.
Page 108. No. 1. Loft 584—2. Inst. Ulp. b. 19—3. Loft 613—4. Just. Gaj. b. 15—5. Just. Papin. b. 2—6. Inst. 116 Ulp. l. 11—7. 10 Co. 42.
Page 109. No. 1. Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 93—2. Loft 223—3. Plow. 309—4. Co. Lit. 78—5. Loft 466.
Page 109. No. 1. Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 93—2. Loft 223—3. Plow. 309—4. Co. Lit. 78—5. Loft 466.
Page 110. No. 1. Loft 618—2. Co. Lit. 394—3. Loft 130—4. Ib. 245—5. Ib. 64—6. Inst. Paul. b. 5—7. Loft 36—8. Co. Lit. 222.
Page 110. No. 1. Loft 618—2. Co. Lit. 394—3. Loft 130—4. Ib. 245—5. Ib. 64—6. Inst. Paul. b. 5—7. Loft 36—8. Co. Lit. 222.
Page 111. No. 1. 4 Co. 71—2.... 3. Co. Lit. 317—4. Loft 597—5. Ib. 11—6. 2 Inst. 273, Jenk. Cent. 83—7. Co. Lit. 148—8. 3 Inst. 138.
Page 111. No. 1. 4 Co. 71—2.... 3. Co. Lit. 317—4. Loft 597—5. Ib. 11—6. 2 Inst. 273, Jenk. Cent. 83—7. Co. Lit. 148—8. 3 Inst. 138.
Page 112. No. 1. 4 h 7 4—2. L. 55 b t—3. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 85—4. L. 138 § t b t—5. 4 Inst. 84—6. Co. Lit. 375—7. Ersk. b. 3 t. 7 § 12—8. 4 Inst. 84, Loft 268.
Page 112. No. 1. 4 h 7 4—2. L. 55 b t—3. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 85—4. L. 138 § t b t—5. 4 Inst. 84—6. Co. Lit. 375—7. Ersk. b. 3 t. 7 § 12—8. 4 Inst. 84, Loft 268.
Page 113. No. 1. L. 30 b t, Jur. Civ., Co. Lit. 53—2. Ersk. b. 4 t. 2 § 24—3. 11 Co. 100—4.... 5. Co. Lit. 392—6. Loft 59—7. Co. Lit. 78.
Page 113. No. 1. L. 30 b t, Jur. Civ., Co. Lit. 53—2. Ersk. b. 4 t. 2 § 24—3. 11 Co. 100—4.... 5. Co. Lit. 392—6. Loft 59—7. Co. Lit. 78.
Page 114. No. 1. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 32—2. Jur. Civ.—3. Co. Lit. 247, Loft 205—4. Loft 356—5. 3 Co. 29—6. Loft 172—7. Ib. 282.
Page 114. No. 1. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 32—2. Jur. Civ.—3. Co. Lit. 247, Loft 205—4. Loft 356—5. 3 Co. 29—6. Loft 172—7. Ib. 282.
Page 115. No. 1. 8 Co. 127—2. Loft 128—3. Co. Lit. 6—4. Loft 389—5. Ib. 107—6. Co. Lit. 232—7.... 8. Inst. Ulp. b. 1.
Page 115. No. 1. 8 Co. 127—2. Loft 128—3. Co. Lit. 6—4. Loft 389—5. Ib. 107—6. Co. Lit. 232—7.... 8. Inst. Ulp. b. 1.
Page 116. No. 1. Inst. Gaj. b. 1—2. Co. Lit. 112—3. Loft 215—4. Co. Lit. 226—5. 2 Inst. 123—6. Loft 190—7. L. 202 b t.
Page 116. No. 1. Inst. Gaj. b. 1—2. Co. Lit. 112—3. Loft 215—4. Co. Lit. 226—5. 2 Inst. 123—6. Loft 190—7. L. 202 b t.
Page 117. No. 1. Loft 121—2. 2 Buls. 338—3. Loft 206—4. Ib. 118—5. L. 138 b t—6. Loft 152—7. Loft 237.
Page 117. No. 1. Loft 121—2. 2 Buls. 338—3. Loft 206—4. Ib. 118—5. L. 138 b t—6. Loft 152—7. Loft 237.
Page 118. No. 1. 8 Co. 169—2. 2 Inst. 282—3. 4 Inst. 75—4. Ersk. b. 2 t. 3 § 27—5. 7 Co. 23, Loft 585—6. Dom. L. 6 § 7.
Page 118. No. 1. 8 Co. 169—2. 2 Inst. 282—3. 4 Inst. 75—4. Ersk. b. 2 t. 3 § 27—5. 7 Co. 23, Loft 585—6. Dom. L. 6 § 7.
Page 119. No. 1. Loft 193—2. Ib. 192—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 6 § 50—4. Co. Lit. 166—5. Loft 267—6. Ib. 113—7. Ib. 449.
Page 119. No. 1. Loft 193—2. Ib. 192—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 6 § 50—4. Co. Lit. 166—5. Loft 267—6. Ib. 113—7. Ib. 449.
Page 120. No. 1. 4 Inst. 64—2. Loft 222—3. 3 Co. 59—4. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 90—5. Loft 319—6. Ib. 435—7. 4 Inst. 64.
Page 120. No. 1. 4 Inst. 64—2. Loft 222—3. 3 Co. 59—4. Ersk. b. 4 t. 4 § 90—5. Loft 319—6. Ib. 435—7. 4 Inst. 64.
Page 121. No. 1. Loft 528—2. Fortescue cap. 42—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 14—4. Co. Lit. 123, Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 49—5. Ersk. b. 3 t. 8 § 10—6. 3 Inst. 20—7. Co. Lit. 207.
Page 121. No. 1. Loft 528—2. Fortescue cap. 42—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 14—4. Co. Lit. 123, Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 49—5. Ersk. b. 3 t. 8 § 10—6. 3 Inst. 20—7. Co. Lit. 207.
Page 122. No. 1. Loft 126—2. Co. Lit. 344—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 11 § 65, Loft 75—4. Lit. § 386—5. 4 Inst. 50—6. Loft 105—7. Ib. 56—8. Co. Lit. 379, Loft 56.
Page 122. No. 1. Loft 126—2. Co. Lit. 344—3. Ersk. b. 2 t. 11 § 65, Loft 75—4. Lit. § 386—5. 4 Inst. 50—6. Loft 105—7. Ib. 56—8. Co. Lit. 379, Loft 56.
Page 123. No. 1. Loft 46—2. 3 Inst. 166—3. Bacon—4. Loft 570—5. Ib. 290—6. Co. Lit. 16—7. Loft 348.
Page 123. No. 1. Loft 46—2. 3 Inst. 166—3. Bacon—4. Loft 570—5. Ib. 290—6. Co. Lit. 16—7. Loft 348.
Page 124. No. 1. Loft 416—2. Ib. 417—3. Ib. 415—4. Ib. 398—5. Ib. 414—6. Ib. 413—7. Ib. 410.
Page 124. No. 1. Loft 416—2. Ib. 417—3. Ib. 415—4. Ib. 398—5. Ib. 414—6. Ib. 413—7. Ib. 410.
Page 125. No. 1. Loft 401—2. Just. Pomp. b. 11—3. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 29—4.... 5. Loft 264—6. 5 Co. 99—7. 4 Inst. 279, Loft 111—8. Co. § 31.
Page 125. No. 1. Loft 401—2. Just. Pomp. b. 11—3. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 29—4.... 5. Loft 264—6. 5 Co. 99—7. 4 Inst. 279, Loft 111—8. Co. § 31.
Page 126. No. 1. 4 Inst. 160—2. Loft 139—3. Ib. 120—4. 2 Inst. 198—5. 3 Inst. 220—6. Loft 198—7. Hob. 154—8. Ersk. b. 3 t. 1 § 18.
Page 126. No. 1. 4 Inst. 160—2. Loft 139—3. Ib. 120—4. 2 Inst. 198—5. 3 Inst. 220—6. Loft 198—7. Hob. 154—8. Ersk. b. 3 t. 1 § 18.
Page 127. No. 1. Loft 4—2. Ib. 17—3. Ib. 265—4. Ib. 175—5. Ib. 588—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 1 § 19.
Page 127. No. 1. Loft 4—2. Ib. 17—3. Ib. 265—4. Ib. 175—5. Ib. 588—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 1 § 19.
Page 128. No. 1. Loft 19—2. Stair—3. Loft 293—4. 3 Buls. 199—5. Bac. 6, Co. Lit. 113, Loft 425—7. Ib.
Page 128. No. 1. Loft 19—2. Stair—3. Loft 293—4. 3 Buls. 199—5. Bac. 6, Co. Lit. 113, Loft 425—7. Ib.
Page 129. No. 1. Loft 288—2. Bacon—3. Loft 366—4. Ib. 104—5. Co. Lit. 99—6. Jenk. Cent. 56—7. 10 Co. 88, Wing. 728—8. Loft 7.
Page 129. No. 1. Loft 288—2. Bacon—3. Loft 366—4. Ib. 104—5. Co. Lit. 99—6. Jenk. Cent. 56—7. 10 Co. 88, Wing. 728—8. Loft 7.
Page 130. No. 1. 2 Buls. 312—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 2 § 27—3. 2 Inst. 19—4.... 5. 3 Co. 40—6. Loft 209.
Page 130. No. 1. 2 Buls. 312—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 2 § 27—3. 2 Inst. 19—4.... 5. 3 Co. 40—6. Loft 209.
Page 131. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 138—2. L. 45 § 1 b t—3. Jenk. Cent. 85—4. Bac.—5. Stair t. 7 Rest. p. 79, Office of exec. 166—6.... 7. Inst. lib. 2 t. 20 text—8. Co. Lit. 283, Loft 140.
Page 131. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 138—2. L. 45 § 1 b t—3. Jenk. Cent. 85—4. Bac.—5. Stair t. 7 Rest. p. 79, Office of exec. 166—6.... 7. Inst. lib. 2 t. 20 text—8. Co. Lit. 283, Loft 140.
Page 132. No. 1. Loft 266—2. 9 Co. Lit.—3. Loft 590—4. Ib. 15—5. Jenk. Cent. 136—6. Co. Lit. 65, Loft 156—7....
Page 132. No. 1. Loft 266—2. 9 Co. Lit.—3. Loft 590—4. Ib. 15—5. Jenk. Cent. 136—6. Co. Lit. 65, Loft 156—7....
Page 133. No. 1. 5 Co. 49—2. 4 Co. 14—3. Jenk. Cent. 221—4. Ib. 29—5. 12 Co. 75—6. L. 81 b t.
Page 133. No. 1. 5 Co. 49—2. 4 Co. 14—3. Jenk. Cent. 221—4. Ib. 29—5. 12 Co. 75—6. L. 81 b t.
Page 134. No. 1. Co. Lit. 205—2. Loft 475—3. Dom. L. 73 § 3—4. Loft 591—5. 6 Co. Lit—6. Jenk. Cent. 29.
Page 134. No. 1. Co. Lit. 205—2. Loft 475—3. Dom. L. 73 § 3—4. Loft 591—5. 6 Co. Lit—6. Jenk. Cent. 29.
Page 135. No. 1. 3 Buls. 132—2. Loft 592—3. 4 Co. 78—4. Finch 74—5. Ersk. b. 3 t. 1 § 25—6. Ib. b. 1 t. 7 § 32—7. 2 Inst. 689.
Page 135. No. 1. 3 Bulls. 132—2. Loft 592—3. 4 Company 78—4. Finch 74—5. Ersk. b. 3 t. 1 § 25—6. Ib. b. 1 t. 7 § 32—7. 2 Inst. 689.
Page 136. No. 1. Loft 459—2. Ib. 279—3. Co. Lit. 183—4. 3 Inst. 220—5.... 6 Jur. Civ.—7. 2 Inst. 564.
Page 136. No. 1. Loft 459—2. Ib. 279—3. Co. Lit. 183—4. 3 Inst. 220—5.... 6 Jur. Civ.—7. 2 Inst. 564.
Page 137. No. 1. 4 Inst. 330—2. Loft 445—3. Ib. 79—4. Co. Lit. 223 b, Wing. 618—5. 2 Inst. 48.
Page 137. No. 1. 4 Inst. 330—2. Loft 445—3. Ib. 79—4. Co. Lit. 223 b, Wing. 618—5. 2 Inst. 48.
Page 138. No. 1. 8 Co. 154—2. 5 Co. 47—3. 2 Inst. 326, Hob. 234—4. 2 Inst. 83—5. Loft 283.
Page 138. No. 1. 8 Co. 154—2. 5 Co. 47—3. 2 Inst. 326, Hob. 234—4. 2 Inst. 83—5. Loft 283.
Page 139. No. 1. 10 Co. 101—2. Co. Lit. 295—3. Loft 639—4. 7 Co. 9—5. 3 Inst. 26—6. Co. Lit. 161.
Page 139. No. 1. 10 Co. 101—2. Co. Lit. 295—3. Loft 639—4. 7 Co. 9—5. 3 Inst. 26—6. Co. Lit. 161.
Page 140. No. 1. Loft 178—2. Ib. 371—3. 6 Co. 52—4. Loft 310—5. Ib. 360—6. Loft 124—7. Ib. 359.
Page 140. No. 1. Loft 178—2. Ib. 371—3. 6 Co. 52—4. Loft 310—5. Ib. 360—6. Loft 124—7. Ib. 359.
Page 141. No. 1. 2 Inst. 470—2. 3 Buls. 227—3. Loft 210—4. Ib. 408—5. L. 18 b t—6. Loft 202—7. 10 Co. 51.
Page 141. No. 1. 2 Inst. 470—2. 3 Buls. 227—3. Loft 210—4. Ib. 408—5. L. 18 b t—6. Loft 202—7. 10 Co. 51.
Page 142. No. 1. Inst. Paul. b. 22—2. Loft 211—3. Ib. 640—4. Ib. 447—5. Co. Lit. 258, Loft 163—6. 12 Co. 59—7. Co. Lit. 283, Loft 44.
Page 142. No. 1. Inst. Paul. b. 22—2. Loft 211—3. Ib. 640—4. Ib. 447—5. Co. Lit. 258, Loft 163—6. 12 Co. 59—7. Co. Lit. 283, Loft 44.
Page 143. No. 1. L. 42 b t—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 8 § 26—3. Loft 161—4. Reg. Jur. Civ.—5. Loft 644—6. 7 Co. 27.
Page 143. No. 1. L. 42 b t—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 8 § 26—3. Loft 161—4. Reg. Jur. Civ.—5. Loft 644—6. 7 Co. 27.
Page 144. No. 1. 2 Inst. 173—2. Hob. 336—3. 3 Inst. 27—4. 4 Inst. Epil.—5. Loft 141—6. Ib. 84—7. 2 Inst. 146, Loft 170—8. Loft 550.
Page 144. No. 1. 2 Inst. 173—2. Hob. 336—3. 3 Inst. 27—4. 4 Inst. Epil.—5. Loft 141—6. Ib. 84—7. 2 Inst. 146, Loft 170—8. Loft 550.
Page 145. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 271—2. 2 Inst. 303, Loft 168—3. 2 Inst. 305—4. Loft 171-r-5, Ib. 407—6. Co. Lit. 161—7. 2 Inst. 81, Loft 320—8. Loft 402.
Page 145. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 271—2. 2 Inst. 303, Loft 168—3. 2 Inst. 305—4. Loft 171-r-5, Ib. 407—6. Co. Lit. 161—7. 2 Inst. 81, Loft 320—8. Loft 402.
Page 146. No. 1. Loft 27—2. Jenk. Cent. 126—3. Cary’s Rep. 133—4. Co. 258—5.... 6. Gilb. 85—7. Co. Lit. 14, Loft 58—8. 8 Co. 59.
Page 146. No. 1. Loft 27—2. Jenk. Cent. 126—3. Cary’s Rep. 133—4. Co. 258—5.... 6. Gilb. 85—7. Co. Lit. 14, Loft 58—8. 8 Co. 59.
Page 147. No. 1. Cro. Car. 317—2. Loft 196—3. Ib. 200—4. L. 63, b t—5. Co. Lit. 158 b—6. Loft 625—7. Ib. 137.
Page 147. No. 1. Cro. Car. 317—2. Loft 196—3. Ib. 200—4. L. 63, b t—5. Co. Lit. 158 b—6. Loft 625—7. Ib. 137.
Page 148. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 32—2. 20 H c. 13 b. 9, Mod. 38—3. Jenk. Cent. 58—4. Loft 409—5. Stair t. 13 Infeft. p. 242—6. Co. Lit. 158 b, Loft 159—7. Loft 463—8. 2 Inst. 107.
Page 148. No. 1. Jenk. Cent. 32—2. 20 H c. 13 b. 9, Mod. 38—3. Jenk. Cent. 58—4. Loft 409—5. Stair t. 13 Infeft. p. 242—6. Co. Lit. 158 b, Loft 159—7. Loft 463—8. 2 Inst. 107.
Page 149. No. 1. 4 Inst. 66—2. Loft 99—3. Ib. 593—4. Co. Lit. 344—5. 10 Co. 70—6. Ersk. b. 3 t. 3 § 47—7. Loft 305.
Page 149. No. 1. 4 Inst. 66—2. Loft 99—3. Ib. 593—4. Co. Lit. 344—5. 10 Co. 70—6. Ersk. b. 3 t. 3 § 47—7. Loft 305.
Page 150. No. 1. Jur. Civ.—2. 2 Inst. 183, Wing. 483, Loft 294—3. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 15—4. Loft 34—5. Ib. 54—6. 2 Rol. Rep. 21—7. L. 73 per b t.
Page 150. No. 1. Jur. Civ.—2. 2 Inst. 183, Wing. 483, Loft 294—3. Ersk. b. 4 t. 1 § 15—4. Loft 34—5. Ib. 54—6. 2 Rol. Rep. 21—7. L. 73 per b t.
Page 151. No. 1. 4 Co. 2—2. Loft 166—3. L. 29 b t—4. Dom. l. 32—5. 3 Co. 78—6. Loft 622.
Page 151. No. 1. 4 Co. 2—2. Loft 166—3. L. 29 b t—4. Dom. l. 32—5. 3 Co. 78—6. Loft 622.
Page 152. No. 1. 4 Co. 31—2.... 3. 2 Inst. 662—4. Loft 387—5. Dom. l. 24—6. 10 Co. 113—7....
Page 152. No. 1. 4 Co. 31—2.... 3. 2 Inst. 662—4. Loft 387—5. Dom. l. 24—6. 10 Co. 113—7....
Page 153. No. 1. Loft 525—2. 2 Rol. Rep. 502—3. Co. Lit. 178—4. Jenk. Cent. 76—5.... 6. Loft 365—7. 5 Co. 38, Loft 191—8. Loft 324.
Page 153. No. 1. Loft 525—2. 2 Rol. Rep. 502—3. Co. Lit. 178—4. Jenk. Cent. 76—5.... 6. Loft 365—7. 5 Co. 38, Loft 191—8. Loft 324.
Page 154. No. 1. Loft 169—2. Ib. 165—3. Dom. l. 29—4. Loft 66—5. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 12—6. Ib. b. 2 t. 1 § 9, Stair t. 7 Restit. p. 76—7.... 8. Loft 647.
Page 154. No. 1. Loft 169—2. Ib. 165—3. Dom. l. 29—4. Loft 66—5. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 12—6. Ib. b. 2 t. 1 § 9, Stair t. 7 Restit. p. 76—7.... 8. Loft 647.
Page 155. No. 1.... 2. Loft 270—3. Ib. 149—4. Co. Lit. 49, Loft 284—5. Loft 282—6. Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 16—7. Stair t. 1 com. prin. p. 2—8. Dom. l. 11.
Page 155. No. 1.... 2. Loft 270—3. Ib. 149—4. Co. Lit. 49, Loft 284—5. Loft 282—6. Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 16—7. Stair t. 1 com. prin. p. 2—8. Dom. l. 11.
Page 156. No. 1. 2 Inst. 590—2. Loft 94—3. Jenk. Cent. 14—4. Loft 358—5. Reg. Jur. Civ.—6. Co. Lit. 147, Wing. 24.
Page 156. No. 1. 2 Inst. 590—2. Loft 94—3. Jenk. Cent. 14—4. Loft 358—5. Reg. Jur. Civ.—6. Co. Lit. 147, Wing. 24.
Page 157. No. 1. Dom. l. 13 v. l. 27—2. L. 85 § 1—3. Inst. Pomp. b. 11—4. Inst. Ulp. b. 87—5. Loft 43.
Page 157. No. 1. Dom. l. 13 v. l. 27—2. L. 85 § 1—3. Inst. Pomp. b. 11—4. Inst. Ulp. b. 87—5. Loft 43.
Page 158. No. 1. 7 Co. 7—2. 4 Inst. 320—3. Loft 357—4. Co. Lit. 191—5. Bacon, Loft 127—6. 2 Hol. Rep. 296—7. 4 Inst. 84—8. Co. Lit. 142.
Page 158. No. 1. 7 Co. 7—2. 4 Inst. 320—3. Loft 357—4. Co. Lit. 191—5. Bacon, Loft 127—6. 2 Hol. Rep. 296—7. 4 Inst. 84—8. Co. Lit. 142.
Page 159. No. 1. Loft 22—2. L. 1 ff. de regulis, juris antiqui—3. Co. Lit. 223—4. 3 Co. 28—5. Loft 477—6. Ib. 141.
Page 159. No. 1. Loft 22—2. L. 1 ff. de regulis, juris antiqui—3. Co. Lit. 223—4. 3 Co. 28—5. Loft 477—6. Ib. 141.
Page 160. No. 1. 4 Co. 107—2. 4 Inst., Loft 106—3. Loft 167—4. 2 Salk. 512—5. 3 Inst. 182—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 1 § 29.
Page 160. No. 1. 4 Co. 107—2. 4 Inst., Loft 106—3. Loft 167—4. 2 Salk. 512—5. 3 Inst. 182—6. Ersk. b. 1 t. 1 § 29.
Page 161. No. 1. Co. Lit. 152—2. Ersk. b. 2 t. 11 § 14—3. Co. Lit. 30, Loft 32—4. L. 203 b t—5. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 45—6. Loft 208—7. Reg. Civ. Just.—8. Loft 240—9. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 32.
Page 161. No. 1. Co. Lit. 152—2. Ersk. b. 2 t. 11 § 14—3. Co. Lit. 30, Loft 32—4. L. 203 b t—5. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 45—6. Loft 208—7. Reg. Civ. Just.—8. Loft 240—9. Ersk. b. 1 t. 6 § 32.
Page 162. No. 1. 3 Inst. 220—2. Hob. 99—3. Loft 327—4. Ib. 3—5. Ib. 23—6. Jenk. Cent. 17—7. Loft 567—8. Ib. 616.
Page 162. No. 1. 3 Inst. 220—2. Hob. 99—3. Loft 327—4. Ib. 3—5. Ib. 23—6. Jenk. Cent. 17—7. Loft 567—8. Ib. 616.
Page 163. No. 1. 4 Co. Ad. Sect.—2. Loft 306—3. Ib. 305—4. Ib. 14—5. Ib. 298—6. Ib. 20—7. Ib. 9.
Page 163. No. 1. 4 Co. Ad. Sect.—2. Loft 306—3. Ib. 305—4. Ib. 14—5. Ib. 298—6. Ib. 20—7. Ib. 9.
Page 164. No. 1. Loft 453—2. Ib. 21—3. Ib. 148—4. Ib. 23—5. Co. Lit. 99, Loft 6—6. Hob. 143—7. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 39—8. 13 Co. 139—9. Loft No. 1.
Page 164. No. 1. Loft 453—2. Ib. 21—3. Ib. 148—4. Ib. 23—5. Co. Lit. 99, Loft 6—6. Hob. 143—7. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 39—8. 13 Co. 139—9. Loft No. 1.
Page 165. No. 1. 4 Inst. 1—2. 4 Inst. 4—3. Jenk. Cent. 168—4. 4 Inst. 163—5. Loft 270—6. Ib. 606—7. Jur. Civ.—8. Dom. l. 17, Pand. l. 17 De digit.
Page 165. No. 1. 4 Inst. 1—2. 4 Inst. 4—3. Jenk. Cent. 168—4. 4 Inst. 163—5. Loft 270—6. Ib. 606—7. Jur. Civ.—8. Dom. l. 17, Pand. l. 17 De digit.
Page 166. No. 1. Loft 539—2. Inst. Paul. b. 3—3. Cro. Car. 317—4. L. 56 b t—5. L. 34 b t—6. Just. Ulp. b. 15.
Page 166. No. 1. Loft 539—2. Inst. Paul. b. 3—3. Cro. Car. 317—4. L. 56 b t—5. L. 34 b t—6. Just. Ulp. b. 15.
Page 167. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 10—2. Loft 109—3. Dom. l. 147—4. 5 Co. 2—5. 4 Co. 14—6. 4 Co. 13.
Page 167. No. 1. Just. Ulp. b. 10—2. Loft 109—3. Dom. l. 147—4. 5 Co. 2—5. 4 Co. 14—6. 4 Co. 13.
Page 168. No. 1. 7 Co. 43—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 13—3. Ellesm. Pot. 55—4. Ib.—5. Bacon—6. Inst. 454, Loft 50—7. 5 Co. 118—8. 4 Co. 14—9. Loft 214.
Page 168. No. 1. 7 Co. 43—2. Ersk. b. 1 t. 7 § 13—3. Ellesm. Pot. 55—4. Ib.—5. Bacon—6. Inst. 454, Loft 50—7. 5 Co. 118—8. 4 Co. 14—9. Loft 214.
Page 169. No. 1. Loft 251—2. L. 92 b t—3. Loft 649, L. 22 b t—4. Loft 300—5. 10 Co. 113—6. 9 Co. 59—7. L. 38 b t.
Page 169. No. 1. Loft 251—2. L. 92 b t—3. Loft 649, L. 22 b t—4. Loft 300—5. 10 Co. 113—6. 9 Co. 59—7. L. 38 b t.
Page 170. No. 1. Loft 554—2. 4 Co. 8—3. Co. Lit. 101—4. Dom. l. 47—5. Loft 301—6. Ib. 214—7. Jenk. Cent. 13.
Page 170. No. 1. Loft 554—2. 4 Co. 8—3. Co. Lit. 101—4. Dom. l. 47—5. Loft 301—6. Ib. 214—7. Jenk. Cent. 13.
Page 171. No. 1. Loft 295—2. Jenk. Cent. 56—3. 2 Inst. 714, Loft 449—4. Hob. 297, Wing. 712—5. Loft 108—6. Ib. 569—7. Jenk. Cent. 24—8. 10 Co. 101—9. Jenk. Cent. 119.
Page 171. No. 1. Loft 295—2. Jenk. Cent. 56—3. 2 Inst. 714, Loft 449—4. Hob. 297, Wing. 712—5. Loft 108—6. Ib. 569—7. Jenk. Cent. 24—8. 10 Co. 101—9. Jenk. Cent. 119.
Page 172. No. 1. Loft 81—2. Jenk. Cent. 43—3. Loft 80—4. Reg. Jur.—5. McD.—6. Loft 160—7. Ib. 564—8. Ib. 203—9. Ib. 619.
Page 172. No. 1. Loft 81—2. Jenk. Cent. 43—3. Loft 80—4. Reg. Jur.—5. McD.—6. Loft 160—7. Ib. 564—8. Ib. 203—9. Ib. 619.
Page 173. No. 1. Loft 450—2. Ib. 412—3. Ib. 380—4. 1 Co. 52—5. 3 Inst. 305—6. Loft 25—7. Ib. 286.
Page 173. No. 1. Loft 450—2. Ib. 412—3. Ib. 380—4. 1 Co. 52—5. 3 Inst. 305—6. Loft 25—7. Ib. 286.
Page 174. No. 1. Loft 650—2. Co. Lit. 112—3. 4 Inst. 279—4. Jenk. Cent. 81—5. Loft 250—6. Ersk. b. 4 t. 2 § 26—7. Loft 152.
Page 174. No. 1. Loft 650—2. Co. Lit. 112—3. 4 Inst. 279—4. Jenk. Cent. 81—5. Loft 250—6. Ersk. b. 4 t. 2 § 26—7. Loft 152.
Page 175. No. 1. Co. Lit. 322, Loft 250—2. Reg. Jur. Civ.—3. Ib.—4. 4 Inst. 279—5. Ib.—6. 4 Inst. 279—7. Loft 598—8. Ib. 188.
Page 175. No. 1. Co. Lit. 322, Loft 250—2. Reg. Jur. Civ.—3. Ib.—4. 4 Inst. 279—5. Ib.—6. 4 Inst. 279—7. Loft 598—8. Ib. 188.
Page 176. No. 1. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 18, Dom. l. 20 C. de Pactis—2. Co. Lit. 118—3. 5 Co. 126—4. 7 Co. 1—5.... 6. Loft 115—7. Ib. 31.
Page 176. No. 1. Ersk. b. 2 t. 1 § 18, Dom. l. 20 C. de Pactis—2. Co. Lit. 118—3. 5 Co. 126—4. 7 Co. 1—5.... 6. Loft 115—7. Ib. 31.
Page 177. No. 1. 4 Co. 93—2. Loft 602—3. Jenk. Cent. 325—4. 2 Inst. 289, Loft 100—5. Loft 291—6. Ib. 242.
Page 177. No. 1. 4 Co. 93—2. Loft 602—3. Jenk. Cent. 325—4. 2 Inst. 289, Loft 100—5. Loft 291—6. Ib. 242.
Page 178. No. 1. Loft 421—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 6 § 9—3. Loft 648—4. Ib. 60—5. 7 Co. 18—6. Loft 164—7. Ib. 285.
Page 178. No. 1. Loft 421—2. Ersk. b. 3 t. 6 § 9—3. Loft 648—4. Ib. 60—5. 7 Co. 18—6. Loft 164—7. Ib. 285.
Page 179. No. 1. 2 Inst. 269—2. Loft 405—3. Ib. 377—4. 2 Inst. 43, Loft 238—5. Cro. Jac. 42—6. Dav. 69—7. 4 Co. 16, Loft 314—8. 10 Co. 78.
Page 179. No. 1. 2 Inst. 269—2. Loft 405—3. Ib. 377—4. 2 Inst. 43, Loft 238—5. Cro. Jac. 42—6. Dav. 69—7. 4 Co. 16, Loft 314—8. 10 Co. 78.
Page 180. No. 1. 6 Co. 47—2. Loft 312—3. Ib. 455—4. Ib. 253—5. Just. 110, Paul. b. 6 Edict—6. Loft 464.
Page 180. No. 1. 6 Co. 47—2. Loft 312—3. Ib. 455—4. Ib. 253—5. Just. 110, Paul. b. 6 Edict—6. Loft 464.
Page 181. No. 1. 10 Co. 116—2. Co. Lit. 322—3. 4 Co. 118—4. Loft 648—5. Ib. 486—6. Ersk. b. 2 t. 9 § 34—7. 2 Rol. Rep. 39, Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 9—8....
Page 181. No. 1. 10 Co. 116—2. Co. Lit. 322—3. 4 Co. 118—4. Loft 648—5. Ib. 486—6. Ersk. b. 2 t. 9 § 34—7. 2 Rol. Rep. 39, Ersk. b. 3 t. 4 § 9—8....
Page 182 No. 1. Loft 607—2. Ib. 602—3. McD.—4. Loft 411—5. Ib. 476—6. Ib. 403—7. Ib. 216—8. Ib. 316.
Page 182 No. 1. Loft 607—2. Ib. 602—3. McD.—4. Loft 411—5. Ib. 476—6. Ib. 403—7. Ib. 216—8. Ib. 316.
Page 183. No. 1. Loft 219—2. 7 Co. 27—3. Ersk. b. 3 t. 7 § 79—4. Loft 471—5. Ib. 468—6.... 7. 6 Co. 20.
Page 183. No. 1. Loft 219—2. 7 Co. 27—3. Ersk. b. 3 t. 7 § 79—4. Loft 471—5. Ib. 468—6.... 7. 6 Co. 20.
Page 184. No. 1. Co. Lit. 36—2. Loft 241—3. Loft 599—4. Loft 254—5. Ib. 349—6. Ib. 474—7. Bacon—8. Loft 246.
Page 184. No. 1. Co. Lit. 36—2. Loft 241—3. Loft 599—4. Loft 254—5. Ib. 349—6. Ib. 474—7. Bacon—8. Loft 246.
Page 185. No. 1. Loft 45—2. 4 Co. 17—3. Loft 350—4. Ib. 601—5. Ib. 212—6. 1 Ld. Laym. 303—7. 3 Inst. 27—8. Loft 615—9. Co. 20.
Page 185. No. 1. Loft 45—2. 4 Co. 17—3. Loft 350—4. Ib. 601—5. Ib. 212—6. 1 Ld. Laym. 303—7. 3 Inst. 27—8. Loft 615—9. Co. 20.
Page 186. No. 1. 4 Inst. Epil.—2. Hob. 347, Wing. 672, Stair t. Repara p. 101—3. McD.—4. Hob. 347, Wing. 672—5. Co. Lit. c b—6. Jenk. Cent. 27—7. 3 Inst. 176—8. Loft 158—9. Ib. 58.
Page 186. No. 1. 4 Inst. Epil.—2. Hob. 347, Wing. 672, Stair t. Repara p. 101—3. McD.—4. Hob. 347, Wing. 672—5. Co. Lit. c b—6. Jenk. Cent. 27—7. 3 Inst. 176—8. Loft 158—9. Ib. 58.
Page 187. No. 1. Loft 636—2. Inst. 57—3. Plow. 501, Wing. 482, Ersk. b. 2 t. 5 § 5—4. 3 Inst. 69—5. 4 Co. 61—6. Jenk. Cent. 260—7. Co. Lit. 322.
Page 187. No. 1. Loft 636—2. Inst. 57—3. Plow. 501, Wing. 482, Ersk. b. 2 t. 5 § 5—4. 3 Inst. 69—5. 4 Co. 61—6. Jenk. Cent. 260—7. Co. Lit. 322.
Wm. BAYNE, Printer,
James’s Court, Edinburgh.
Wm. BAYNE, Printer,
James's Court, Edinburgh.
Page | No. | for | read |
3 | 2 | accuse | excuse |
5 | 9 | intuo | in tuo |
7 | 7 | alium | sunt |
15 | 1 | inducitor | inducitur |
18 | 5 | de positioni | depositioni |
31 | 3 | after of | private |
... | 4 | ineodem | in eodem |
32 | 8 | lest | less |
34 | 2 | after that | with |
37 | 9 | devisible | divisible |
44 | 7 | after pass | against heirs |
54 | 5 | trial must take place, | three witnesses may be brought [See Transcriber’s Note.] |
57 | 2 | servus | servis |
62 | 7 | considentur | concedentur |
65 | 3 | repetitione | repetitioni |
... | 4 | qui | quia |
67 | 4 | claim | clause |
69 | 3 | est | ut |
75 | 2 | private rights | a private right |
... | 7 | aliqui | aliquis |
76 | 7 | sanguinus | sanguinis |
... | ... | questium | quæsitum |
78 | 5 | permitere | permittere |
... | 7 | Anglæ | Angliæ |
79 | 1 | Æquita | æquitatæ |
... | 3 | certe | certa |
88 | 6 | pacitare | placitare |
90 | 1 | dictur | dicitur |
95 | 3 | For | or |
97 | 5 | haberit | haberet |
98 | 2 | dele to himself | |
100 | 8 | insiderint | inciderint |
102 | 5 | consersus | consensus |
104 | 3 | Anglæ | Angliæ |
105 | 5 | dele not | |
112 | 8 | ubivalet | ubi valet |
113 | 5 | peccari | peccare |
116 | 4 | judici | judicii |
... | 7 | injure | in jure |
118 | 6 | bono | bonos |
126 | 5 | pœna | pœnæ |
133 | 3 | seqarari | separari |
136 | 2 | que | quæ |
... | 4 | qua libet | qualibet |
137 | 1 | senisse | sensisse |
... | ... | perceived | intended |
147 | 2 | feels—feels | reaps—bear |
151 | 3 | consensus | consensu [See Transcriber’s Note.] |
160 | 3 | empire | umpire |
163 | 1 | dominatur | ubi dominatur |
170 | 6 | solo | sola |
171 | 1 | facet | facit |
176 | 2 | S. | viz. |
... | 3 | pravitatio | pravitatis |
177 | 2 | agree | disagree |
178 | 1 | standunt | standum |
181 | 4 | uni | ubi |
... | 6 | unumquaque | unumquacque |
... | 7 | eadem | eodem |
182 | 2 | urbi | ubi |
Items out of alphabetical order have been left as in the original. Some of the Latin maxims are repeated in the original, but have slightly different translations; these have been left as in the original. Some translations are poor or incorrect but have been retained as in the original, except as noted in the list below.
Items that aren't in alphabetical order have been kept as they were in the original. Some of the Latin maxims are repeated in the original but have slightly different translations; these have been kept as they were in the original. Some translations are poor or incorrect but have been retained as they were in the original, except as noted in the list below.
The corrections listed in the Errata have been made except where the Errata entry is itself incorrect. Other obvious printer or spelling errors have been corrected without note. Archaic English and Scottish spellings have been retained as in the original.
The corrections mentioned in the Errata have been made, except where the Errata entry is incorrect. Other obvious printing or spelling mistakes have been fixed without any notes. Old English and Scottish spellings have been kept as they were in the original.
The following substantive errors have been retained as in the original:
The following significant errors have been kept as they were in the original:
p. 18, maxim 5 - "Catella" should be "Catalla"; "A little whelp, (perhaps cattle)" should be "Chattels."
p. 18, maxim 5 - "Catella" should be "Catalla"; "A little whelp, (perhaps cattle)" should be "Chattels."
p. 21, maxim 7 - "Condictio" should be "Conditio"; "The appointment of an action for a certain day" should be "A condition."
p. 21, maxim 7 - "Condictio" should be "Conditio"; "The appointment of an action for a certain day" should be "A condition."
p. 22, maxim 2 - "Condictio præcedens" should be "Conditio præcedens"; "The appointment of an action preceding" should be "The fulfillment of a condition precedent."
p. 22, maxim 2 - "Conditio præcedens" should be "Conditio præcedens"; "The appointment of an action preceding" should be "The fulfillment of a condition precedent."
p. 29, maxim 8 - "lex volentes" should be "lex nolentes"; "law draws those who are willing" should be "law draws those who are unwilling."
p. 29, maxim 8 - "the law attracts those who want it" should be "the law attracts those who don't want it."
p. 62, maxim 7 - "est alleganda" should be "non est allegenda"; "to be alleged" should be "not to be alleged."
p. 62, maxim 7 - "est alleganda" should be "non est allegenda"; "to be alleged" should be "not to be alleged."
p. 80, maxim 3 - "casis" should be "cassis"; the translation should be "Law is the safest helmet."
p. 80, max 3 - "casis" should be "cassis"; the translation should be "Law is the safest helmet."
p. 139, maxim 2 - The Latin maxim should read, "Quemadmodum ad quæstionem facti non respondent judices, ita ad quæstionem juris non respondent juratores"; the translation should read, "As judges do not answer to questions of fact, jurors do not answer to questions of law."
p. 139, maxim 2 - The Latin maxim should read, "Quemadmodum ad quæstionem facti non respondent judices, ita ad quæstionem juris non respondent juratores"; the translation should read, "Just as judges don’t respond to questions of fact, jurors don’t respond to questions of law."
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